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World of Warcraft
  Title: Stone Lion Dawn
Submitter(s): Ariali June
Characters: Male undead rogue
Medium: Ink, Colored Pencil, Corel Painter IX
Fan Art  
Download: [Download (135.02k)]
Comment: /
  Title: Orc Like Candy
Submitter(s): Ariali June
Characters: Male orc warrior
Medium: Ink, Colored Pencil, Corel Painter IX
Fan Art  
Download: [Download (1054.2k)]
Comment: /
Title: Celenas - Night Elf
Submitter(s): Hokuten Knight
Characters: Night Elf
Medium: pencil/paper & PhotoShop CS2
Fan Art  
Download: [602x600 (133.41k)]
Comment: This is a profile drawing I made in my spare time. It's going to be a part of a series of drawings that is dedicated to my character in World of Warcraft.
Title: Bag Space
Submitter(s): Noreen Rana
Characters: Night elves!
Medium: Photoshop CS
Fan Art  
Download: [624x739 (74.11k)]
Comment: A little commentary on the logic behind WoW's bag space.


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