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Persona 3 Fes
Title: Persona 3
Submitter(s): Ace
Characters: Minato Arisato, Yukari Takeba, Akihiko Sanada, Mitsuru Kirijo, Junpei Iori
Medium: Digital
Fan Art Featured Submission
Download: [805x1024 (736.75k)]
Comment: P3 is one of my favorite games, so I drew some fanart of it! I have this problem where I draw too big, so I couldn't fit all the characters on the page the way I originally envisioned...but whatever.
Title: Fan Art
Submitter(s): Melkor88
Characters: Main character, Yukari Takeba
Medium: Pencil
Fan Art  
Download: [701x1300 (479.75k)]
Comment: I tried to clean it a little with photoshop, but i dont kown if i did it ok because my skills are very bad. Anyway hope you like it.
  Title: Halloween Sentinels
Submitter(s): Reiciel
Characters: Main Character, Orpheus
Medium: Acrylic, Tempera paint
Fan Art  
Comment: It's my tradition to paint my front door every Halloween to creep out all the trick-or-treaters who come by my house (usually doesn't work, but they still think it's cool). Since I happened to be obsessed with Persona 3, I decided this year I'd give the main character and his default persona, Orpheus, a shot. They have no legs though cuz it got cold and my hands were too numb to keep painting
Title: Halloween Sentinels
Submitter(s): Reiciel
Characters: Main character, Orpheus
Medium: Acrylics
Fan Art  
Download: [360x700 (89.26k)]
Comment: It's my tradition to paint my front door every Halloween to creep out all the trick-or-treaters who come by my house (usually doesn't work, but they still think it's cool). Since I happened to be obsessed with Persona 3, I decided this year I'd give the main character and his default persona, Orpheus, a shot. They have no legs though cuz it got cold and my hands were too numb to keep painting
  Title: The Tower
Submitter(s): StormofSwords
Characters: The Protagonist
Medium: Digital
Fan Art  
Download: [Download (1801.23k)]
Comment: Evoker in hand, our hero prepares to spend another night storming hell itself.


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