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· Doug Hill
· Henry Olsen
· James Smith

· Michael Bischoff
· Mikel Tidwell
· Shawn Covington

And Now For Something Completely Different

August 3rd, 2002
Updater on Duty:Justin Weiss

So it's about fifteen minutes until the roundtable is scheduled to begin when I get a call. "Hi, we can't get ahold of our ride to the airport and our flight leaves in an hour and a half, can you by any chance help us out?" Now, endlessly faithful in my fellow employees to help out in an emergency (it is one of our application questions, after all...) I decided to leave roundtable moderation to our fellow mediaite James Smith this week while I played the role of the night in shining armor to our stranded travelers. I think he did a fantastic job, especially considering he hadn't ever participated in a roundtable before, let alone directed one, and I hope you'll agree with me after you read it.

The topics this week resulted in a very heated discussion between the various panelists, with some people having very different opinions than the others. From people arguing the merits of remaking games to the optimal nature of sequels to the most anticipated games of each of the participating staffers, the questions this week allowed for a lot of personal opinions to shine through, which resulted in one of the fastest-paced discussions the roundtable has seen. Another reader had the opportunity to join the staff on the roundtable, that being Henry Olson, who provided some insights and opinions that would have otherwise been missed by our staffers. I'd also like to thank Phil Tyran again for helping out with one of the topics. I'll be returning to direct the next roundtable, and we're still looking for readers to help us out, so get those applications and suggestions to me ASAP!

We're still open to applications to sit on our roundtable and talk about games with your favorite staff members of RPGamer; the link is on the sidebar to the right. Suggestions, comments, possible discussion topics, and anything else you feel like throwing my way are always welcome, and should be sent to Have a good week, and keep reading!

Justin Weiss

Topics of Discussion

The opinions expressed in the following topics are the opinions of these four staff members (and one reader) and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of RPGamer as a whole, nor the RPGamer staff members not participating in the roundtable.

How should RPG sequels be designed?
    The Roundtable panel debates the two primary types of sequels RPGs have - An ongoing story or "Same series, different location."
What makes a good RPG remake?
    Though the GBA seems to be the system of choice for remakes so far, the recent announcements of FF1 and FF2 for the PlayStation have shown that the remake can easily hit any platform.
What RPG are you most anticipating in the rest of 2002?
    This Fall and Winter look to be a veritable golden age for RPG releases, but which are our Roundtable participants looking forward to most?

This Week's Panelists

Panelist #1 Vital Signs
Doug Hill

Name: Doug Hill
Location: Arkansas
Why Me? RPGamer "Janitor"

Panelist #2 Vital Signs
Henry Olsen

Name: Henry Olsen
Location: Wisconsin
Why Me? Featured Reader


Panelist #3 Vital Signs
James Smith

Name: James Smith
Location: Ontario, Canada
Why Me? RPGamer Mediaite

Panelist #4 Vital Signs
Michael Bischoff

Name: Michael Bischoff
Location: Illinois
Why Me? RPGamer Mediaite


Panelist #5 Vital Signs
Mikel Tidwell

Name: Mikel Tidwell
Location: Washington

Why Me? RPGamer President

Panelist #6 Vital Signs
Shawn Covington

Name: Shawn "Fox Astron" Covington
Location: ???
Why Me? RPGamer Mediaite


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