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· Brent Fisher
· Googleshng
· Justin Weiss
· Michael Bischoff
· Matt Fairchild

Welcome to the Machine

July 23rd, 2002
Updater on Duty: Justin Weiss

Our first roundtable to include reader opinions is presented for you today, and although I can't necessarily say it went without a hitch (*cough* bad scheduling *cough*), I think adding a reader into the mix really allowed for some intense discussion, and we'll definitely be doing it next time and for many other roundtables in the near future. So, if you'd like to be a part of one of RPGamer's news roundtables, get those applications in to me as soon as possible! I'd also like to give a special thank you to former newsie Rebecca Phoa and reader Phil Tyran for the topic suggestions modified and used this week.

We had an interesting roundtable this time around, with three questions that I thought would be very focused, but ended up producing some really open discussion. The recent release of the real-time strategy game Warcraft III prompted a discussion on the addition of RPG elements into other genres, and how RPGs would stand to lose or profit from these additions. We also talked about dungeon crawls, and how developers were returning to the RPG genre's roots with games like Lufia: The Legend Returns, Dungeon Siege, and Neverwinter Nights. Finally, we discussed customization of player characters and how that served to draw players into PC RPGs. A lot of points were made, some heated arguments ensued, and one of RPGamer's best roundtables was eventually produced. You don't need to believe me, however, check it out for yourself by clicking on the links below!

We're still open to applications to sit on our roundtable and talk about games with your favorite staff members of RPGamer; the link is on the sidebar to the right. Suggestions, comments, possible discussion topics, and anything else you feel like throwing my way are always welcome, and should be sent to Have a good week, and keep reading!

Justin Weiss

Topics of Discussion

The opinions expressed in the following topics are the opinions of these four staff members (and one reader) and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of RPGamer as a whole, nor the RPGamer staff members not participating in the roundtable.

Do games with RPG elements have an effect on 'pure' RPGs?
    The Roundtable panel discusses the vast number of games released with "RPG Elements" and how those games will affect standard RPGs in the future.
Where do dungeon crawls fit into the picture?
    Quite a few RPGs have been released which feature a structure similar to the dungeon crawls of old. Are these just single-player MMORPGs, or something more?
How does character customization help an RPG?
    Many PC RPGs allow one to customize his or her character, while many console RPGs do not. How does character customization bring a player into an RPG?

This Week's Panelists

Panelist #1 Vital Signs

Name: Brent Fisher
Location: Ohio
Why Me? RPGamer Newsie

Panelist #2 Vital Signs

Name: Googleshng
Location: Connecticut
Why Me? Q&A Master


Panelist #3 Vital Signs

Name: Justin Weiss
Location: Illinois
Why Me? Roundtable Director

Panelist #4 Vital Signs

Name: Michael Bischoff
Location: Illinois
Why Me? RPGamer Mediaite


Panelist #5 Vital Signs

Name: Matt Fairchild
Location: Texas
Why Me? Selected Reader


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