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· Andrew Long
· Googleshng
· Justin Weiss
· Matthew Stuckwisch
· Michael Bischoff
· Seán Michael Peters

Independence Day

July 4th, 2002
Updater on Duty:Justin Weiss

Wow, the response to the last roundtable was phenomenal! I was surprised at the number of people that want to join us in conversation about RPGs and the videogame industry, but I unfortunately couldn't get everything together in time to have readers for this week's roundtable. Rest assured, though, that your applications are sitting in their own folder in my Inbox and I should be able to get those together in time for the next roundtable.

That out of the way, we have a fantastic roundtable for you tonight. It could collectively be called the "State of the RPG Industry" roundtable, and discusses the ability of next-generation console RPGs and PC RPGs to successfully draw a player into a fantasy world beyond anything we could possibly experience in the real world. Is innovation really necessary in the RPG market, and, if so, who will bring it to the table? This is one of the main questions we kept coming back to throughout the roundtable discussion, and we came up with some great insights. I hope you enjoy reading it, we certainly had fun talking about it.

We're always open to applications to sit on our roundtable and talk about games with your favorite staff members of RPGamer; the link is on the sidebar to the right. Suggestions, comments, possible discussion topics, and anything else you feel like throwing my way are always welcome, and should be sent to Have a safe and fun 4th, and keep reading our roundtables!

Topics of Discussion


Have RPGs evolved to the next generation?
    The RPGamer news staff considers the extent to which RPGs have used the next-gen power given to them by the current game consoles.
Will PC RPGs drive console RPGs toward a more open structure?
    With the release of Neverwinter Nights and Dungeon Siege, PC RPGs have begun to merge the traditional nonlinearity of PC RPGs with the engrossing storylines of console RPGs. Will console RPGs do the same?
What is the state of the RPG industry?
    Has the RPG market stagnated or are developers continuing to innovate within the genre? Does it even really make a difference? Who could bring change to the RPG market?

This Week's Panelists

Panelist #1 Vital Signs

Name: Andrew Long
Location: Ontario, Canada
Why Me? RPGamer News Head

Panelist #2 Vital Signs

Name: Googleshng
Location: Connecticut
Why Me? Q&A Master


Panelist #3 Vital Signs

Name: Justin Weiss
Location: Illinois
Why Me? Roundtable Director

Panelist #4 Vital Signs

Name: Matthew Stuckwisch
Location: Alabama
Why Me? RPGamer Mediaite


Panelist #5 Vital Signs

Name: Michael Bischoff
Location: Illinois
Why Me? RPGamer Mediaite

Panelist #6 Vital Signs

Name: Seán Michael Peters
Location: Washington
Why Me? RPGamer Editorials Head


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