
Roundtable - August 25, 2003 - Part II

Michael: I don't need to elaborate much on this; what are the best RPGs to have never crossed the Pacific?

Googleshng: The Sakura Wars series is rather interesting. Steampunk mecha TRPG/flirting sim. Doesn't get much more unique than that.

David: I'm going to sit this one out, being that it is hard to critize a game I have never played.

Michael: I've actually always wanted to play Bahamut Lagoon and Seiken Densetsu 3 myself.

Googleshng: You aren't really missing all that much with those.

William: I will tie my shoes or something. I am not much on import.... I have Bahamut Lagoon.

Choco: I don't agree. Seiken Densetsu 3 is a very enjoyable game experience... but I won't say anything about Bahamut Lagoon.

Michael: I'd still like to pique my curiosity, and there's also some Front Mission games that didn't make it over here as well, yes?

Googleshng: Yes.

Andrew: I'd kill for the Dragon Warrior sword game that we've got a few screens of stateside. It could catch on like DDR and sweep the nation!

Choco: The first two never made it here. Gamers probably looked at Front Mission 3 with a "What the hell? Where did this come from?"-look before they ever tried the game out.

Googleshng: The earlier games having the benefit of larger parties when it comes to Front Mission.

Michael: I rather enjoyed Front Mission 3, which was a storyline sequel to the other games, so I'd love to play the previous Front Missions to see all that I missed.

William: Michael, I loved that game too. Now I will shush and let you guys discuss the topic.

Michael: Andrew, the Dragon Warrior sword game looks quite import worthy, and this is coming from someone who hasn't ever imported a game from Japan. =)

Andrew: Michael, I'm going to be sure to pick it up on my trip to Japan. =D

Googleshng: Moving on to things a bit more obscure, those Super Robot Wars games which we all hate covering are actually fairly interesting. TRPGs containing practically every giant robot to ever appear in an anime series.

Andrew: Very strange.

Choco: One game that has received a lot of attention from Japanese players and importers is Venus & Braves. In fact, even people who haven't played the game, but have seen art from the game have become very interested in it. Namco is committing a serious injustice to the US RPGamer community by not localizing it.

Andrew: Hey now, we don't know that. The plot could be awful, and the gameplay pathetic. Pretty doesn't mean it's ready for a worldwide release.

Michael: I also remember some people being disappointed by the fact Growlanser 3 wasn't going to make it to North America.

Googleshng: Indeed.

William: Choco, those called 'They' do not like us...

Choco: I'm basing my opinion on things I've heard from people who have actually played the game. Their opinions perked my interest in the game even more.

Googleshng: Given the frequency with which RPGs skip the pond these days, it's usually a safe bet that if they don't want to port something, they don't like it.

Choco: Not precisely. Namco is a big RPG maker in Japan, yet tends to stick to fighting games or the Tales series when choosing what to localize.

Andrew: Well, if I shelled near a 100 for a imported game, I'd be dishing out compliments too.

Choco: (Andrew: Actually, these comments come from someone who got an HK pirate of the game ;P ...)

Michael: I do have to ask you all one thing though, are there are Xbox RPGs you wish would have made it out of Japan? ;)

Googleshng: The Xbox has RPGs being developed in Japan now?

Michael: A quick look at RPGamer shows a few games that are only in Japan on the Xbox, Goog.

Googleshng: Doesn't keep me from making my cheap shots. 8P

Andrew: Well, when I go to Japan, I have every intention of picking up any games that catch my eye, espeically from developers that are unheard of anywhere else. I'm sure we've missed a ton of gems over the years.

Michael: Well, hopefully we've called attention to some games that were never released in North America, but are yet worthy enough to be played. Let's move on to our final topic!

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