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· Michael Bischoff
· Googleshng
· Andrew Duff
· David Looney
· Brian "Choco" Hagen

Four Months Until Christmas

August 25, 2003
Updater on Duty: Michael Bischoff

I believe the title for this week's update is pretty self explanatory. Before we all know it, the holiday season will be here, and that no doubt means a pickup in news and fun things to discuss here. Summers are indeed slow, but for me, it gives me plenty of extra free time to play those games I may have not gotten around to during the winter.

It is also official that Googleshng and I will be updating this thing every week (if you couldn't already tell), with our updating duties falling on a bi-weekly schedule. Since the Roundtable's email address currently isn't pointed towards either me or Goog, please direct all your email to Hopefully we get everything in order in time for Goog's update. Anyway, praise us, flame us, request to be a guest panelist, or send us topics to discuss! We're trying to rebuild this section from scratch as an interaction section, and therefore we need you guys to help us out. And if you don't want to do it for us, then do it for Uncle Sam, even if you're not an American. =)

There are other things we've been thinking about doing for the Roundtable, namely changing the layout of the section. If you like the way it looks right now, then by all means let us know. If you don't like the way it looks right now, then by all means let us know.

I could use the rest of this space as a soapbox to scream about things I care dearly about, but that's what my LiveJournal is for. This isn't the place to get all preachy about things, and if I feel there's something you should know about, I'll tell you to go look at my journal rather than force feed it to you here. Before I forget, Google also reminds you to read his latest rant. Now, onto Roundtable goodness!

Michael Bischoff


Topics of Discussion

The opinions expressed in the following topics are the opinions of these five staff members and lone reader, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of RPGamer as a whole, nor the RPGamer staff members not participating in the roundtable.

Will the stylistic differences between the DW and FF games start to creep into each other?
    Will either of these two revered RPG series either blend their own individual elements into the other because of the Square-Enix merger, or will they be seperate entities?
What are some of the best RPGs to never make it out of Japan?
    There are quite a few high-quality RPGs that haven't made the long journey across the Pacific; which games are they?
How does Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles look so far?
    In addition to the basic premise of the question, many people are critical of the fact that Game Boy Advance handhelds are required for multiplay. Was this a smart move?


This Week's Panelists

Panelist #1 Vital Signs

Name: Michael Bischoff
Location: Chicago, Illinois
Why Me? Roundtable Director

Panelist #2 Vital Signs

Name: Googleshng
Location: Connecticut
Why Me? Head of Interaction, Roundtables

Panelist #3 Vital Signs

Name: Andrew Duff
Location: Somewhere in Japan!
Why Me? Weekend Q&A

Panelist #4 Vital Signs

Name: David Looney
Location: Texas
Why Me? RPGuides Curator

Panelist #5 Vital Signs

Name: Brian "Choco" Hagen
Location: Alabama
Why Me? Mediaite

Panelist #6 Vital Signs

Name: William Albert Borden
Email: I should have asked! >.<
Location: Unknown
Why Me? RPGamer Reader


If I had a pair of breasts and a vagina, would more of you people read this?
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