
Wandering Flame
June 16, 2003

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Numb to the Very Core
   by Phillipe Richer
"...after completing the game and pondering on what has been experienced, I have come to a greatly consternating revelation: Suikoden III is not a Suikoden game."

Riddle of the Promised Land
   by Peter Marcroft
"In the game numerous theories are provided, yet none are actually answered, or so we believe. This essay aims to try and provide a possible solution to the riddle of the Promised Land and ultimately where it lies."

When Licensed Games Go Bad
   by Gabriel Ang
"Most of these licences are very famous in their own right, like Marvel and DC Comics... However, that does not ensure that the game would be generally become a good game."

Gyarr. I Be a Pirate.
   by Heath Hindman
"If I had no intention of buying a game, so I downloaded it, the creators don’t really lose money. I just wanted to check the game out for an hour or so till I got bored, instead of going so far as to throw $50 at a small curiosity."
· Rebuttal to: Piracy and Morality: Why Ethics are Essential for Business

Stop Whining, Listen To The Facts
   by Robust Stu
"Legally yes, emulation is probably illegal... But I have news for everybody...nobody's going to make any significant amount of money off the two copies of Super Mario World sitting in the used games bin..."
· Rebuttal to: Piracy and Morality: Why Ethics are Essential for Business

War of the Sexes
   by Aujang Abadi (Wisdom)
"All we're doing is placing a "female" in a "male" role and calling it a change of pace; in essence, we're giving the "male" role breasts."
· Rebuttal to: Wanted: Leading Ladies

Have: Emotion
   by Barak Michener
"I would argue that the "main" character of FFX is in fact Yuna -- the entire story is about HER pilgramage, HER guardians, HER fight against Sin... the fact that it's told from Tidus's point of view doesn't diminish that."
· Rebuttal to: Wanted: Leading Ladies

A Rebuttal to Wanted: Leading Ladies
   by Hobbes Lionheart
"Woman characters don’t lead men on a quest to fight the dragon. Men do!"
· Rebuttal to: Wanted: Leading Ladies

The Un-Distressed Damsels
   by Jdot
"I must address Final Fantasy X-2... the playable characters are all female. It certainly doesn't look like any of these characters are playing the "damsel in distress" part."
· Rebuttal to: Wanted: Leading Ladies

Found: Estrogen Strong Enough to Fit the Bill
   by Luminare
"I've never really had much of a problem with leading male characters. In fact, since games are marketed to male gamers, I find most of the female characters to be rather embarrassing in how most cater to this audience."
· Rebuttal to: Wanted: Leading Ladies

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Editor's Comments

   Wow. That's all I can say about this past week in the editorials department. We've seen incredible growth in this section in such a short period of time, and last week is a testament to that fact. The Message Board thread for last week's column reached a record high for the section, with well over 3000 views and 200 responses. I also received the most editorials I've ever received in a single week; it' great to see the immense response the column is getting.

   Unfortunately, this is the first week where I had to be selective about what I posted. While I would have loved to post the 10+ rebuttals to last week's Featured Editorial, it simply would have been impossible if I wished to keep this column as readable as possible. I'm glad to see the first "huge" debate for this section in a long time. While I will still accept editorials on the piracy and female lead debates, I'll probably be a lot more selective with such submissions.

   Today we have a record number of submissions since the column's revival. There are three completely original editorials about Suikoden, The Promised Land, and licensed games. We've also got two more articles about the ongoing piracy debate, and there are five responses to Temple Priestess' Leading Ladies article. You'll have to read all five to get the full scoop of opinions on the matter!

   It's the fourth Monday of the month next week, and that means Cortney will be hosting the section, so send your articles to her. Happy writing everyone, I'll be back as your host on June 30th.


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