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Capcom Holding its Breath of Fire for Now



The first game in the Breath of Fire series was released in 1993 for the Super Nintendo. Since then, it has received four sequels, the most recent being the fifth game in the series Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter for the PlayStation 2. Unfortunately, it appears that Dragon Quarter may be the last new Breath of Fire game that will be released in the forseeable future.

In a recent interview, Keiji Inafune of Capcom stated that there are no new plans within the company to develop a new Breath of Fire game. Not only that, but Inafune believes that there is a very low possibility of one being developed in the near future as well. While there is interest at Capcom, and Inafune acknowledges that there are fans of Breath of Fire, there just aren't the resources available at Capcom to develop another title in the Breath of Fire series. There are plenty of other titles that Inafune believes are more likely to sell that Capcom would rather use its resources for. As a side note, Inafune also indicated that there is no interest at Capcom to develop an Okami sequel, which was released on both the PlayStation 2 and the Nintendo Wii with very high praise from reviewers, but generated less than optimal sales on both platforms.

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