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RPGamer and Endless Nocturne's Eternal Sonata Quiz Scores


Eternal Sonata

Pencils down! Time is up. Here are the quiz answers and results.

  • 1) Who are the two new playable characters in the PS3 version of Eternal Sonata?

    The two newly playable characters are Crescendo and Serenade, who were in the Xbox 360 version, but were not playable.

  • 2) What other addition has been included in the PS3 version that modifies how characters look?

    This one received some interesting answers. The answer we were looking for was new characters costumes that can be found. After some debate, we even accepted new 2D character menu art. What we didn't take was "use of light and darkness" that a ton of people sent in. Most of the people that sent that answer in seemed to have copied and pasted all the answers from somewhere, so wherever you got that from, tell them thanks for causing you to get the wrong answers.

  • 3) In what year did the real Chopin die?

    Easy, 1849.

  • 4) In what country was Chopin born?

    We took either Poland or the Duchy of Warsaw or both.

Thanks to everyone that entered. We had an amazing 200+ entries, but only one person could win this.

Our grand prize winner, taking home both a copy of Eternal Sonata for the PlayStation 3 and an exclusive hand-drawn concept art piece by Kumiko Yoshioka is J. Perenia of San Jose, CA.

Thanks again to EndlessNocturne for making this contest happen and make sure to check out their official site.

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