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Lost Odyssey's Staff Grows Larger


Lost Odyssey

When Lost Odyssey was revealed, all that was known was that it was from Mistwalker Studios, that Hironobu Sakaguchi would be working on the game, and that Nobuo Uematsu would be composing the music. Now, however, it's been revealed that the game is being developed at a company called Feel Plus, which consists of ex-Sega and Ex-Square employees and was created by Microsoft just for this title.

In all, approximately 100 employees are currently working on this game's development and recently more of the key staff were unveiled. The first to be revealed was Daisuke Fukugawa, who worked with Sakaguchi on past Final Fantasy titles when the two were still with Square. Speaking with Dengeki Xbox 360, a one-time launch publication, Fukugawa mentioned that battles and fields are now connected and that Sakaguchi is currently checking up on how the game actually plays on Xbox 360 hardware.

The other staff member revealed was Takamasa Ohsawa, the game's art director. Many will remember him from his extensive work on the Shadow Hearts series. With Lost Odyssey, he has been focusing mainly on the art for the world's design, though he has helped with the characters as well. Ohsawa mentioned that with the new hardware power comes greater capabilities in expressions and that he is doing his best to match the style of the game's world with the characters themselves, which were designed by comic artist Takehiro Inoue. It should also be noted that this game will be utilizing Epic's Unreal 3 graphics engine.

The story of Lost Odyssey follows Kaim, who has lived for 1000 years, seemingly having lost the ability to die. The only other character revealed as of yet is a blue-haired girl named Sess who is believed to be the game's heroine, though no official details on her have been unveiled at this time.

Sakaguchi told Dengeki Xbox 360 that Kaim has actually grown up both physically and mentally during these 1000 years and that part of his story will be recalled through dreams of his past. According to Sakaguchi, the past is the key to understanding the mystery behind Kaim's eternal life.

While Mistwalker has been continually open about its other title, Blue Dragon, it should be noted that its development is much further along than that of Lost Odyssey. Sakaguchi has mentioned that they expect to have a demo for the game available in Japan by Spring or Summer of next year and that the game could be available in the fall. At this time there has yet to be an official North American announcement; though, considering the money that Microsoft has placed on these games, signs are pointing towards eventual localization.

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