
Atlus Conjures Up Busin 0 Details

Busin 0: Wizardry Alternative Neo, the prequel to 2001's Busin: Wizardry Alternative, has so far been surrounded by mystery. Recently, Atlus decided to put an end to at least some of that and make with a few gameplay details.

The game uses a system called "Magic Stone Synthesis," which involves the collection of magic stones from the bodies of defeated demons. A type of job system is also in place; as a character's level increases, different jobs will become available, all of which have rankings. The higher a job's rank, the more powerful the abilities it yields. Job rankings may also have an impact on the way other characters react to the player's presence.

Release dates and suggested prices of this game are not yet known. RPGamer will be looking out for future details.

·Discuss this story in the RPGamer message forums     by Heath Hindman    
Source: [Impress Game Watch]

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