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Bloodborne Multiplayer Details Drop



Bloodborne is just over a week away as more details drop on the game's multiplayer. Some of the features are old hat for fans of the series while others are new.

The Chalice Dungeon, Bloodborne's randomly-generated dungeon area, can be accessed offline, but in order for new dungeons to be generated an internet connection is a must. Those worried about the possible lack of variety in the dungeon's designs should know that it just won't be all rooms and corridors. Swamps, rocky cliff faces, and ornate halls will also populate the generated rooms. Unique enemies and traps are possible inclusions in the generated rooms.

Cooperative multiplayer, similar to that of Dark Souls, can be initiated by players looking for assistance with the particular area they are in. The host uses an item called the Beckoning Bell while those wishing to join will use a Small Resonant Bell. Up to three people can party up together at the same time and work together through the area, up to its particular boss fight. If the boss is defeated during this time, the guests are given a reward and sent back to their game. If they fail to defeat the boss of the area or the host is killed, they are sent back to their game with no reward. For the first time in the series, hosts can set passwords for their cooperative sessions, allowing specific people to party up rather than just be randomly assigned.

PvP is initiated in a similar manner, where the invader uses a Sinister Resonant Bell to enter the host's world in order to fight them. Hosts can either fight them off, make it to the area's boss stage, or use an item called Silencing Blank to banish the invader, sending them back to their own world where they recieve no reward. Otherwise, if the invader manages to find and kill the host, the player recieves a reward and is then sent back to their world.

When the game launches, it will do so with a day one patch to improve game performance and usability, as well as improve matchmaking. Online play, asynchronous online features — notes left by players; tombstones, which act like bloodstains; player ghosts; etc. — and sharing generated Chalice Dungeons will require PlayStation Plus. However, downloading new Chalice Dungeon data will be available to everyone. Bloodborne is set to release on March 24, 2015 in North America and March 27, 2015 in Europe.

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