Sega of America has announced that, since its release in Japan three months ago, Phantasy Star Online has attained more than 200,000 registered users worldwide. John Golden, the company's director of product marketing, attributes the title's success to "the revolutionary new concept and global online gameplay" it provides. As well, he stated that since there are "literally thousands of gamers playing at any given moment, [it] delivers an online gaming experience unparalleled in the industry." Sega has even helped to create an online community around the web, linking various Phantasy Star Online fan sites to the official page in an effort to provide gamers with access to the latest game information.
Along with this overwhelming popularity, Phantasy Star Online is also in for some expansion elements. Aside from a sequel, Phantasy Star Online II, already in the works, Sega Japan is planning to release an append disc for the current title. Although details are scarce in regards to the disc's contents, it will add some new features to the game, such as an adjustment to the gameplay code that will prevent accidental item loss. This particular feature was already implemented into the North American and European versions of the game prior to their release, and it is unknown what other major changes will be included with the disc. Thus, this expansion may only be released in Japan. While no release date was mentioned, RPGamer will keep you updated on the progress of this append disc, as well as its other expansion features.