
The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarnia of Time - Screen Shots (Scenes)
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Link in the Sacred Realm
Link triumphantly holds a medallion
At the altar in the Temple of Time
The Master Sword
Volvagia shows off in flight
Perhaps a proper introduction is in order
Link cools Volvagia off
Link learned a new song on his Ocarina!
The stunning Princess Ruto
Morpha springs out of the water
Bongo Bongo waits to slap Link around
The evil Twinrova sisters
The fully grown Princess Zelda
The rainbow bridge to the evil castle
Link learns a new spell
A grand faerie
The water seal is broken
The evil Ganondorf
The princess watches the battle from above
Ganondorf explodes with energy
Zelda looks back at Ganondorf
Link stands among the ruins
Ganondorf's castle crumbles - 2
Zelda calls on the power of the sages
Ending Scene
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