Shining Force II: FAQ -- ver. 2.0 FAQ Maintainer: (formerly Under construction! Tips are solicited. Contents: I. Items, and what they do. II. Spells & Who gets them. III. Battles and battle strategy. IV. People and where to find them. V. Dumb secret stuff. I. Items... Single-Use Items: Stat enhancers: Cheerful Bread - Increase HP (up to 4) Bright Honey - Increase MP (up to 4) Quick Chicken - Agility up Power Water - Attack up Protect Milk - Defense up Brave Apple - Level up Stat recoverers: Medical Herb - Recover 10 HP Healing Seed - Recover 20 HP Healing Drop - Recover 30 HP Healing Water - Recover HP to full Healing Rain - Casts AURA 4 (heals entire party to full) Antidote - Negate poison Fairy Powder - Negate stun Fairy Tear - Recover MP Wierd Stuff: Dry Stone - Use to get to Dwarven Blacksmith Mithril - Forged into special weapons by Dwarven Blacksmith Shining Ball - Damage enemy Blizzard - Damage enemy Special Items/Rings Name: Normal Effect: Special Effect (as an item): White Ring Defense +10 AURA 3 Power Ring Attack +5 ATTACK Protect Ring Defense +5 BOOST Weapons Misty Knuckles -- Absorb MP (made by dwarven blacksmith) Supply Staff -- Absorb MP (made by dwarven blacksmith) Indra Staff -- Absorb MP (buy in N. Parmecia and beyond) Valkyrie -- BOLT 1 (made by dwarven blacksmith) Halberd -- BOLT 1 (made by dwarven blacksmith) Heat Axe -- BLAZE 2 (find on enemies, and made by D. B.) Atlas Axe -- BLAZE 3 (find on enemies) Wish Staff -- ATTACK (find on enemies) Mage Staff -- BLAZE 2 (find on enemies, Chaz starts w/ one) Dark Sword -- DESOUL (Lemon starts with one) Holy Staff -- Regenerate HP every turn; (find on enemies/ D.B) Mystery Staff -- Regenerate MP every turn; (find on enemies) Supply Staff -- Regenerate MP every turn; (made by D.B.) II. Spells... Leader - EGRESS / BOLT Sarah - HEAL / BLAST / DETOX / SLOW Slade - KATON / RAIJIN / ?? Tyrin - BLAZE / FREEZE / SLEEP / BOLT OR DAO / APOLLO / NEPTUN / ATLAS Taya - DAO / APOLLO / NEPTUN / ATLAS Frayja - HEAL / AURA / DETOX / ATTACK Sheela - HEAL / BLAST / MUDDLE / BOOST Kazin - BLAZE / MUDDLE / DISPEL / DESOUL Chaz - BLAZE / FREEZE / BOLT / DISPEL Spell Max Effect Description Name Distance Radius EGRESS N/A N/A Retreat party from battle BOLT 1 2 1 Damage 14-17 BOLT 2 3 2 Damage 14-17 BOLT 3 3 2 Damage 30-35 HEAL 1 1 0 Recover 15-17 HP HEAL 2 2 0 Recover 15-17 HP HEAL 3 3 0 Recover 35-37 HP HEAL 4 1 0 Recover to max BLAST 1 1 0 Damage 13-15 BLAST 2 2 1 Damage 13-15 BLAST 3 2 1 Damage 30 BLAST 4 2 0 Damage 45 DETOX 1 1 0 Negate Poison DETOX 2 2 0 Negate Poison DETOX 3 3 1 Negate Poison DETOX 4 3 2 Negate Poison SLOW 1 2 1 Slow enemies (lowers defense) SLOW 2 2 2 Slow enemies (lowers defense) KATON 1 2 1 Damage 14-17 KATON 2 2 1 Damage 30-35 KATON 3 2 0 Damage 52+ RAIJIN 1 2 2 Damage 30-35 RAIJIN 2 2 2 Damage 45-50 BLAZE 1 2 0 Damage 5-7 BLAZE 2 2 1 Damage 12-15 BLAZE 3 2 1 Damage 30-32 BLAZE 4 3 0 Damage 45-50 FREEZE 1 2 0 Damage ?? FREEZE 2 2 1 Damage ?? FREEZE 3 2 1 Damage ?? FREEZE 4 3 0 Damage ?? DAO 1 2 1 Total Damage 22 DAO 2 2 1 Total Damage 45 APOLLO 1 2 1 Total Damage 30 APOLLO 2 2 1 Total Damage 62 NEPTUN 1 2 1 Total Damage 40 NEPTUN 2 2 1 Total Damage 76 ATLAS 1 2 1 Total Damage 46 DISPEL 1 2 1 Silence spellcasters AURA 1 2 1 Recover 15-17 HP AURA 2 2 2 Recover 15-17 HP AURA 3 3 2 Recover 30-32 HP AURA 4 N/A N/A Entire Party recovers to max. DESOUL 1 2 0 Instant-Kill Enemy DESOUL 2 2 2 Instant-Kill Enemy MUDDLE 1 2 1 Enemies fight each other MUDDLE 2 2 2 Enemies fight each other ATTACK 1 2 2 Attack power +15 BOOST 1 2 2 Defense/Agility +10 Effect radius of Zero affects one square only, radius 1 affects 1 square away, 2 - 2 squares away, etc.. III. Battles and Battle Strategy Especially difficult stages are marked with a * and some attempt at battle tips is provided. 1. Vs. Gizmos (stick close to the wierd decorative statues. Replay This level 'till you're about 3-5th level for good experience.) 2. On the way to Yeel 3. On the way to see Hawel 4. On the way back 5. In Galam castle (the Knight is the leader. Kill him if you want to win the battle without defeating everyone.) 6. On the way from Galam castle to Granseal 7. Vs. Evil King Galam 8. Vs. Monsters at tunnel 9. On the way to Ribble 10. Hobgoblin Cave 11. Vs. Cliff Monsters 12. Battle to save Oddler (Avoid going straight down the steps into the middle of the enemy. It works better to go around the church.) *13. Vs. Kraken (Kill enemies on Left side of the raft, then try to take on enemies one at a time on the right. Hide weaker people on the left side after you've beaten the monsters on it.) 14. Desert Battle 15. In tunnel-cave. 16. On the way to get the caravan. 17. Vs. Talos (only the person with the Achilles Sword (i.e., your fearless leader) can hurt Talos.) *18. Fairy Special stage (optional) (prevent the enemies from appearing by standing on their spots) 19. On the way to see the fairy 20. Battle to save Elric (harpies can poison you. Use archers against them) 21. Outside Creed's mansion *22. Chessboard (do NOT attempt to charge them... take a defensive position in a corner and let them come at you.) 23. Mice 24. Outside blocked tunnel 25. Inside blocked tunnel 26. Battle to save Higins 27. On the way to Tristan 28. Bridge (the Worms are pretty powerful attackers. Avoid taking them all on at once.) 29. Mitula's courtyard 30. Battle to free Mitula 31. In Pacalon 32. On the way to Moun 33. In Moun 34. At Nazca ship 35. Battle at cape (Golems will appear when you go past the desert) *36. Geshp's trap - Prism flowers (stay out of a direct-line with the Prism flowers - they can fire in a straight line) 37. Vs. Red Baron 38. Vs. Geshp (burst rocks can't attack directly, but explode and hit anyone (including enemies) for about 12-15 damage. Safely destroy them with archers, or kill them for good experience and heal later. They appear when you walk past them.) 39. Vs. Wiener Demons 40. Vs. Odd Eye (Chaos soldiers can stun you, Odd-Eye's sword can put people to sleep.) 41. On the way up the tower. 42. Vs. King Galam (if you go to where King Galam is, more enemies will appear.) 43. Vs. Zeon (not an especially tough level, defeat all the monsters without getting too close to Zeon, then send people to defeat the "Zeon Guards" (beefed-up Prism flowers)... you can attack a Zeon Guard from above or below it and it can't fire back.) 44. Vs. all bosses (after all the credits, wait a few minutes at "The End" until a message pops up. Press a button to fight the special bonus battle against all the bosses) Dumb, Generic battle strategy for every battle: 1. Keep your leader out of the extreme front line unless you enjoy watching your GP halve itself. 2. Some battles are worth EGRESSing and coming back for more experience. Generally, if enemies are giving you 44-50 exp for killing them, EGRESS and come back until it's more like 15. 2. Healers gain 10 experience for each HEAL spell they cast. (25 for each AURA)... I have mine cast a HEAL or AURA spell every round. I ended up with a 85th level Master Monk (Sarah) a 99th Level Vicar (Frayja) and a 60th level MRMK and 35th level VICR (Sheela and Karna). Around roughly level 50 or so, the defense ratings for Sarah and Frayja went off the scale. At the end, Zeon himself was doing one (1) damage to them in attacks. (they would do 80-100 damage to Zeon, on the other hand - yes they were killing Zeon in about 4 shots (with some magic help)) IV. People, and where to find them. Leader - at Start. SDMN, promotion to HERO If he dies, you lose half your GP. Sarah - at Start. PRST, promotion to VICR, or MRMK with vigor ball. Like all MRMKs, one of the best possible fighters in the game! I'd rather the leader married her instead of that princess... Chester - at Start. KNTE, promotion to PLDN, or PGNT with Pegasus wing. Slightly weak, but with good HPs. Can use spears. Jaha - after 1st battle when leaving town. WARR, promotion to GLDT, or RDBN with Warrior Pride. Good all-around fighter, slightly cooler than Gyan. I use both of them in the final battle. Kazin - after Hawel's death. MAGE, promotion to WIZ. Decent mage/wizard, OK sorceror, low movement rate. Slade - after leaving Galam. THIF, promotion to NINJ. One of the best fighters, especially with the Gisarme. ????? - In Granseal after coming back from Galam. TORT, promotion to MNST. Ok for a while, but really sucks after that. Gets clobbered by most monsters in later levels. Don't waste stat enhancers on him, good for caravan duty. May - In town next to Bedoe. RNGR, promotion to BWNT. Decent ACHR no matter what the game calls her. Like all ACHRs, keep her out of the front lines so she'll last long enough to be really useful. Peter - In battle to save Oddler. PHNK, promotion to PHNX. One of the best fighters in the game, plus he can fly. Way better than the birdmen. Gerhalt - In battle to save Oddler. WFMN, promotion to WFBR. Very good all-around fighter. Luke - After battle to save Oddler. BDMN, promotion to BDBT. Weak fighter, but can fly - which comes in handy at times. Rick - In Hassan, after getting caravan. KNTE, promotion to PLDN. Decent fighter, good DEF. Beef him up and he'll serve you well. Elric - After saving him from a pond. ACHR, promotion to SNIP, or BRGN with Silver Tank. Fairly weak archer, don't waste the Silver Tank on him. *Karna - Either when leaving Creed's mansion, or after nazca ship. PRST, promotion to VICR (or MRMK with the other Vigor Ball) She rocks. Especially if she casts 1 heal spell per round. Even better when promoted to MRMK. Grab her out of the lineup! *Eric - Either when leaving Creed's mansion, or after nazca ship. KNTE, promotion to PLDN. About as good as Chester, decent fighter. *Randolf - Either when leaving Creed's mansion, or after nazca ship. WARR, promotion to GLDT. Excellent fighter. Good overall stats. *Tyrin - Either when leaving Creed's mansion, or after nazca ship. MAGE, promotion to WIZ, or SORC with Secret Book. Eventually gets FREEZE 4 as a WIZ. Give the Secret Book to Kazin instead. Also gets Neptune 2 as a SORC. Janet - After getting Astral, when leaving Granseal. ACHR, promotion to SNIP or BRGN. Decent archer... good to the endgame, esp with the Tank. Rohde - After battle outside sealed tunnel. BRGN. Just as good as Janet. Higins - After saving him. PLDN. Weak fighter. Your other centaurs should be better. Good candidate for caravan duty. Taya - After rescuing Mitula, talk to a statue. SORC. So-so SORCeror. Use Kazin instead. Screech - Joins after rescuing Mitula BDMN. You have to stand in the right spot in Bedoe after you fight the cliff monsters in order to get him later. He's a fairly weak overall fighter, but can fly. Jaro - On the way to Moun, in the middle of the battle. PGNT. Weak, but at least he can fly. Frayja - After going to Moun. VICR. Eventually gets AURA 4!! Good HPs and MPs. Gyan - After winning battle in Moun. GLDT. So-so fighter, best with Rune axe, but could use some stat enhancers. Sheela - Behind monk's Dojo on Grans island. MRMK. Just being a MRMK makes her one of the best fighters in the game! Zynx - After talking to Petro in Roft. RBT. Weak movement range, but a strong fighter otherwise. Claude - In hall of Ancients, give him his arm. GLM. A better version of ????, excellent DEF, horrible HPs, very poor move range. Chaz - In Yeel, play the piano. WIZ. Fairly decent spellcaster, but may not be as good as your other ones by the time you get him. Lemon - When leaving Yeel after getting Chaz. RDBN. Kicks ass. You want him in your final battle. The Secret Items: The Vigor Ball (for Sarah) and the Secret Book (for Tyrin) are both in the Fairy town. The Silver Tank is in the Hobgoblin cave. There is a second vigor ball (!) in a tree near the lake where you get Sheela. Warrior pride (for Eric) is in Granseal, search the banner on the back wall. In Pacalon you can find Pegasus wing by searching the wall south of the blue carpet. Mithril: There are 11 known pieces in the game. 1. Wall just North of secret passage when escaping prison. 2. Small hole near granseal castle steps in earthquake 3. Top third of mountain range east of Ribble (east of bridge) (Mountain range is going North/South) 4. Hole on Left side of wall in Hassan 5. Barrels by dock in Hassan 6. Chest in SE corner of elf village 7. NE corner of battlefield near Creed's mansion 8. Downstairs in Pacalon castle (go through left wall) 9. Northern tip of mountains on the way to Tristan 10. Mitula's shrine 11. Right side of mountains near Ancient shrine V. Dumb Secret Stuff The Dwarven Blacksmith... is tricky. The item you get depends on the person you pick to make it for, and about 25% luck. Listed below are what you can get for different people, and comparisons to other weapons. Leader - Critical Sword (+32) Counter Sword (+39) Battle Sword (+35) Luke - Critical Sword Slade - Critical Sword Katana (+34) Ninja Katana (+39) Gisarme (+42/Instant Kill 25% chance) Kazin - Supply Staff (+32/Regenerate MP) Taya - Great Rod (+28) Tyrin - Great Rod Frayja - Holy Staff (+29/Regenerate HP) Karna - Holy Staff Sheela - Misty Knuckles (?? Better than Iron) Sarah - Misty Knuckles May - Grand Cannon (+43) Janet - Grand Cannon Elric - Buster Shot (+37) Rohde - Hyper Cannon (+40) Rick - Valkyrie (+33) Jaro - Valkyrie (+33) Eric - Mist Javelin (+39/+5 Def) Fairy Special Stage I have NO IDEA WHATSOEVER what the point of this stage is. To beat it easily, position people where the enemies would show up to prevent them from appearing. You will obviously need flying people (3 is good). Get to the stage from the fairy town, exit out of the Right, in the bottom-right corner.