
Natalie yawned and stretched, feeling much the cat that had swallowed the canary. Time after time she'd woken to the warmth of his arm around her. To the steady beat of his heart in her ear. To the softness of his breath against her hair. Had anything been so wonderful? Not likely.

Natalie had to admit that she'd been oh-so-tempted to relieve him of his clothes - at least his shirt - but the larger part of her modesty and conscience had kept her desires at bay. Barely. It'll come when it comes, Nat. Sheesh! Never before had being pure and innocent been so blasted irritating. She chuckled despite herself and increased the tightness of her arms around Vincent.

"Good morning," he greeted.

Natalie looked over at the clock on the far wall. "It certainly is." The temptation to snuggle closer was tremendous, but she resisted. Instead, she sat up and put a hand up to salvage her ponytail of tousled curls as she changed her gaze to Vincent. "So, did you want anything for breakfast?"

Vincent's eyes glowed for a moment, and then a guard lowered. "No."

Natalie smiled and carefully turned to slide off the bed. She stretched and twisted the kinks out of her body before facing him. He watched her with an odd expression. Natalie blushed. "I suppose I can understand that. You want me to get busy on the whole cure thing."

Vincent's lips were tickled with a brief smile. "Yes."

Natalie sighed and stepped forward, leaning her hands against the bed as she held his gaze. "Unfortunately, you'll need to be patient a little longer, Mr. Valentine. I need to find schematics of the machine within your claw first."

Vincent reached forward suddenly and caressed her cheek.

Natalie blinked at the expression on his face. Adoration?

"Natalie, last night while you slept a realization was made. Many, in fact."

"About what?"

"About who I am. About who I want to be. About what I want." Vincent smiled and the genuine expression twinkled in his amber eyes. Natalie's throat tightened as he went on. "I want you to try, but I won't force you to continue if it means my death. The life I'll have with you is more than enough."

Natalie's eyes brightened. "Really?" She took his hand in both of hers. "Really?"


Her smile flashed in her eyes so bright that it infected Vincent's mouth with a wider smile. Natalie threw her arms around him with a choked "Oh, Vincent!" Then she buried her face into the lengths of his black hair.

Vincent wrapped his arms tightly around her.

"That's the best thing you could have said, Vincent," she said in a teary voice.

Vincent took in a slow and deep breath of the scent of her hair. Then he was gently pushing her back. Natalie's hold around him resisted. "Natalie..." His voice was tight.

Natalie sighed and loosened her hold. When she looked down at him, she could see that he wanted to be with her as much as she with him. "Vincent, why not?"

"Because of how you feel."

She pulled him into another embrace, tightening her arms around him till it was a struggle to breathe. "You make it sound like it's wrong."

Vincent stared up at the ceiling of the Mansion for a long time. His arms rigid at his sides. His hands balled into fists. "Natalie, that's not what I mean for you to think."

"Then why?" Her voice was tight with tears. "Why not?"

"I won't erase your innocence unless there's no possibility of my cure. Only then... Natalie, please." He took a firm hold of her arms and pushed her back after using a great portion of his strength. He gazed into her tear-filled eyes. "Please understand."

Natalie struggled against his grip, and then her eyes sparkled with temper. "Dammit, I don't care about monster or human or whatever you think might make a bit of difference. I love you, Vincent, and I want to be with you. All of me! Do you really believe I'm going to be able to think straight when all I imagine--"

"Don't," Vincent said harshly. His eyes flashed with anger and desperation as he pushed away, turning to slide off the opposite side of the bed. Then, and only then, did he face her. "I understand, Natalie, and have grappled with that myself. This is why I must go."

Natalie paled. "What are you talking about? Go? Go where?"

"Cid and Cloud plan to build another generator in Rocket Town."


"I want to help."

Natalie shook her head violently. "No. I need you here, Vincent. I want you here!"

"I know," he said, and his eyes clearly showed the pain at the telling. "I want to be here, too, but you must study and focus. You can't do that when I am here."

"Why not?" Natalie asked passionately.

Vincent balled his hands into fists. "Your passion for me is stealing your focus. If I leave for a day or two, you will be better able to think and reason." She shook her head. "Natalie, it is becoming harder to resist you," he pressed. "I must go."

Natalie stepped forward. "Just make love to me, Vincent," she pleaded passionately. "It's what we both want!"

Vincent turned away sharply. "Natalie, I cannot change my mind! Don't torture me!"

There was an age of silence, and then she turned and stormed from the lab. Vincent stared at the wall ahead of him for what seemed an eternity in and of itself before taking in a long breath and changing his focus to the door. Since the evening she'd tried to ask him to stay in her room, the tension between them had risen, each day worse than the last. The channeling of their feelings into a night of shared passion and intimacy had loomed closer this morning than it ever had.

His only hope for survival was to leave.

Vincent cleared his throat and released another long breath. Then he made his way through the halls and staircases and rooms and out into the late morning sunshine. Cloud and Natalie were having an argument. Dread welled up in Vincent's soul as he made his way forward. But before Vincent could rescue Cloud from a bad situation, Natalie slapped him hard and stalked away. Cloud held his cheek in silent amazement as Vincent came to stand beside him.

"What the hell got in to her?" Cloud changed his gaze of confusion and bewilderment to Vincent. "She wanted me to tell you that I didn't need your help, and I told her that we needed whatever help we could get. I didn't know you were planning on coming with us. I thought... Oh I don't know what I thought. Next thing I know she's yelling at me that I'm ruining her life and that I should just leave you alone because I already had Tifa." Cloud stretched out his hands in a pleading gesture. "Vincent, what the hell is going on?"

"I told her that I was going to Rocket Town to help you and Cid with the generator."

"But what about your cure?"

"Natalie needs the time to study anatomy and procedures of surgery."

Cloud opened his mouth to say something, but closed it with a shake of his head and a mumbled, "I don't understand anything anymore," before he strode toward Tifa's house to say good-bye.

Vincent stared after him with what was close to an understanding expression. He had barely turned to make his way to the inn when Cid slammed the door behind him and stalked toward Vincent with an expression as black as death. Vincent groaned inwardly, sure that he was about to witness another casualty to Natalie's temper.

"Vincent, I need to have a word with you." Cid's voice was calmness itself.

Vincent nearly took a step backward. "What is it?"

"Your scientist friend nearly took my head off with a chair." Cid removed his cap to point out a fresh cut oozing blood. He replaced his cap and took a very long drag on his cigarette. He blew it out just as slowly. "Do you mind telling me why she's acting pissier than a cat in heat?"

"It'll pass."

"Oh I know it'll pass," Cid said. His voice still dangerously calm. "But it better pass before I lose my patience, or she's liable to find herself over my knee with a sore behind." He stalked away.

Vincent looked up to the second story window of the inn just as there was a crash and a long growl that ended with a high-pitched meow, similar in pitch to Red when his tail was stepped upon.

"Natalie..." Vincent released a long breath before making his way toward the inn. Red limped down the stairs, nursing his left front leg. "What happened?"

Red cleared his throat - he seemed embarrassed - and then moved past Vincent to the exit. "My fault. I asked the wrong question at the wrong time." Red noticed that Vincent was moving toward the stairs. "Vincent, I don't believe it would be wise to disturb her at the moment."

"It's my fault she's upset."

"Perhaps so, but it would still be the best to let her cool off."

Vincent hesitated, looking toward the crest of the stairs with an expression deep in uncertainty. Finally, he turned and followed Red out of the inn, cringing when another crash was heard upstairs. "Red..."

"It will pass, Vincent. Believe it or not, it will pass."

Vincent sighed, moving toward the well where Cid and Cloud waited to leave. Cloud had a pronounced hand mark on his cheek, and Cid sported a fresh bandage under his cap. Vincent sent a look over his shoulder toward the upper window just as the curtain closed. He clenched his jaw and turned back to the others. He didn't want to leave her like this, but he knew he had to. If he went up there now, he would surrender yet again.

"It won't take too long to get it built, because I have all the parts in my workshop," Cid was saying. "Once we get it running, we can run the cable to here and see about synchronizing the generators to produce enough power for one or two other towns."

"Sounds good," Cloud said with a nod.

Vincent said nothing.

"I don't know how accessible the geothermal power is in Rocket Town. All I know is that the damn stuff is there."

"We'll find it," Cloud said firmly.

Vincent still said nothing. He could feel her gaze. This isn't right. Leaving didn't feel as it should have if it was the best thing to do. If anything, the tension would rise. Their relationship would become strained. They would begin to walk away from each other. Always running. Always hiding from the desires they both shared. They had to work this out. They had to face their passions, talk about them, and then make a decision together.

"I can't go."

Cloud, Cid, Tifa, and Red looked over at Vincent in surprise. "What?" Cid asked first. "What the hell do you mean?"

Vincent looked to Cloud, who nodded with an understanding smirk, and then Vincent turned his focus on Cid. "I have unfinished business."

"I bet you do." Cid intercepted a dirty look from the other three, and then strode out of town without another word.

"Good luck," Cloud said. "You'll need it, I think." He gave Tifa one last embrace before following Cid.

Red looked over at Vincent for a long moment before shaking his head. "Farewell. I'm off to Cosmo Canyon to see about a source of power there."

"Bye, Red," Tifa said. She turned to Vincent. "Is there anything I can do?"

Vincent stared up at the second story window. "I don't know."

"This is the tough part in a relationship, Vincent. Don't give up. Don't try and hide from your feelings, either. It won't help. As you can see." Vincent turned and looked at Tifa. She smiled. "I'm not saying you should give in, Vincent. Don't worry about that. I understand where you're coming from, as much as someone could who isn't you, and I really think it's wonderful. She does too, I bet. It's just a little too hard right now. She probably feels like she's about ready to blow up and doesn't know how to vent." Tifa laughed. "Poor Cloud."

"How do I help her?"

"Talking about it in a public place always helps. That way you don't have to worry about wanting to take a detour to the bed." Tifa flushed slightly. "I've nearly done that a couple times. Believe me. It's easy to do. But," Tifa sighed deeply, "unfortunately, you guys have to deal with this before you can move on. I know it feels like you've already dealt with this and you're going around in circles. Or you don't know why you just don't give her what she wants. That's the decision you both have to make. Once it's made, it's made. You can't go back."

"I know."

"Yeah, I know you do." She rested a hand on his shoulder and gave it a squeeze. "Good luck, Vincent." She turned away but stopped. She faced him again. "Oh. And listen to what she's saying. Okay?"

Vincent looked up at the second story window, took in a deep breath, and then stepped toward the entrance.

Natalie saw him head toward the inn and turned for the exit of her room, stalking out and striding down the hallway to the stairs. Vincent had just entered when she reached the middle of the stairway. He paused, but she didn't. She strode past and left him standing there. She heard him follow after a moment's hesitation.

"I don't want to deal with this right now, Vincent," she said in an angry tone. "I'm mad at you. Very mad."

"I know." He easily matched her stride. "I know," he said again. "We need to talk."

"All we do is talk," she snapped with a harsh glance over at him. He met it easily. Natalie looked away. "I'm tired of talking. I'm tired of being sensitive. I'm tired of controlling myself. I'm tired of being alone at night."

"I know. So am I."

She halted so suddenly that Vincent took a step past her before turning. "Then what's the problem?"

"That's what we need to find out." Vincent took in a slow breath. "I've explained it to you, Natalie, and you said you understood. Now you act as if you've forgotten what I told you."

Natalie crossed her arms. "I haven't. I just don't care anymore."

"Then I guess we have nothing more to talk about."

Natalie regarded him suspiciously. Her anger dwindled at a sudden fear. "What do you mean?"

"If you no longer care what I feel, then you are no longer the woman I grew fond of in these short days. Professor Natalie Long was determined, yes, but she was sensitive to the feelings of others."

His words felt like a dagger in her heart. "That's not fair. I'm human."

"Are you saying I'm not?"

Natalie paled. "No!"

"Then why would you think that I couldn't also change my mind about my decision?"

"Then why won't you?"

"I've explained that." Vincent stretched his arms out toward her. "Natalie, why must I continue to tell you what I know you understand? It's hard enough being by your side when your breath smells of honey and your hair of flowers without you pushing each and every button that weakens my restraint on my desire." He sighed and lowered his arms. "This is a hard time for you, Natalie, and your innocence makes it harder. As does your love for me."

Natalie lowered her eyes.

"You want instant gratification, but you don't realize that our long-term relationship will be sacrificed to that moment." Vincent stepped forward and lifted her chin to raise her eyes to his. "Natalie, you're special to me. So should our first lovemaking be special. Don't you believe this as well?" A tear trailed down her cheek as he continued. "When you're frustrated with the lack of intimacy between us, vent at me. Don't let it build within you until it endangers us both. Passions are hard to curb when allowed to fester."

Natalie pulled his hand from her chin. "I'm just so tired of being the responsible professor, Vincent. I want to be reckless and passionate. I want to know what I want and go after it. I don't want to be told to 'run along' and then do it."

"You are passionate," Vincent told her. "You are reckless. What else is responsible for your tenacity in searching me out and then falling in love with what you found? Don't change any aspect of who you are, Natalie. That's what I love."

Natalie blinked. "Wh-What did you say?"

"I said that I love you as you are. I love your innocence, your passion, and your tendency toward absentmindedness when engrossed in a project. I love your eyes and the brightness of intensity that is always there." He stepped closer, caressing her cheeks with his thumbs. "I love your blushes. I love your temper. I love the way you swear when you're angry or distressed. I love you, Natalie, and that is why I want to wait. Please, please understand."

She gazed up at him with wide eyes. "Please. Say it again."

"I love you."


Vincent smiled and wrapped her up in his arms, taking in a deep breath of her hair. "I love you."

Natalie tightened her hold on him. "I'm sorry I lost my temper. I got so frustrated… Of course, you know all that. You just deal with it better than I do."

"Only because I've had too many years of self-restraint." His grip tightened around her. "I could stay like this until the seasons changed, Natalie. Like this, in your arms, feeling your body so close against mine... It's hard for me to keep from taking you where we both want to go, but then I remind myself. I remind myself that you deserve more. As do I. I will not settle for second best."

"I would love you no matter what, Vincent, and sometimes I think you forget that."

"I don't. That's what reminds me of my decision to wait."

Natalie buried her face in his shirt and took in a deep breath. "This is what I needed, Vincent. Just this. A nice tight hug." Natalie smiled when Vincent pressed his cheek against the top of her head. "Can we just stay like this for a while?" She sighed. "Just like this."

"Yes. Yes, we can."


An Odd Discovery / The Waiting

Chapter Index