\--------\ | /----\ \ | | / / \------\ \--------/ /\ \---------/\---/ \---/ | \---/ / | /--\ \ | /---\/ / \ \/-\ /-\/ | | | | | /----\ \ | \--/ / | \--/ / /\ \ | | | \---/ | | | \ \ | /--\ \ | /\/ / /--\ \ | | | /---\ | | \-----/ / | | | | | \---/\ / /----\ \ | | | | | | /---------/ /---\/---\/--------\/---\ /---\/---\ /---\ /---\ /-------\ \----------/ / /-----\ \ | /-----\/ | | | |\--------/ | | \---/\------\ \--------/ tm | | | | | /---\/ | \----/ | | | /--\ \ | /---\/ | | | | | \--/ | /--\/ | | | \--/ / | \--/ | | | | | /\/ | | | | | /--\ \ | /\/ \ \-----/ / | | | | | | | | | | | \---/\ \-------/ /---\ /---\ /---\/---\/---\/--------\ Monster Treasure Chart v1.0 Created by Eric C. (FFfanNo1) on February 18, 1996 \-------------------------------------------------------------------------/ | Breath Of Fire Monster Treasure Chart v1.0 | /-------------------------------------------------------------------------\ This Monster Treasure Chart contains information on the treasures that monsters leave after the battle. This chart also contains the location of the monsters in the game. Monsters rarely leave treasures...so it might take a long time to get a treasure from the monsters. And because of that, this chart is mostly filled with unknown information...I'll work hard and upload the latest version whenever I can. \-------------------------------------------------------------------------/ | Monster Name | Location | Treasures | |--------------|----------------------------------|---------------------| | Ameblob | The Cave South Of Karma | ???????? | ???????? | | AmeblobX | Underwater Volcano | ???????? | ???????? | | Archer | The Town Of Auria | ???????? | ???????? | | Avian | Dragon Shrine (North Of Gust) | ???????? | ???????? | | Bain | Dragon Shrine (West Of Gant) | ???????? | ???????? | | Beak | The Castle Of Camlon | Herb | ???????? | | Blaze | Cort's Laboratory | Acorn | ???????? | | BlazeX | The Tower Of Spyre | ???????? | ???????? | | Blurb | Overworld (Tantar) | Cure | ???????? | | Bowman | The Forest Dungeon | ???????? | ???????? | | BowManX | The Tower Of Scande | ???????? | ???????? | | Bulla | Overworld (Drogen) | Herb | ???????? | | Bully | The Cave East Of Auria | ???????? | ???????? | | Buzzer | Cort's Laboratory | Cure | ???????? | | Cactus | Overworld (Arad) | ???????? | ???????? | | CactusX | Underwater (Prima) | ???????? | ???????? | | Cerl | The Tower Of Tock | -------- | -------- | | Chimera | Overworld (Nabal) | M.Drop | ???????? | | Chopper | The Tower Of Dark | ???????? | ???????? | | Claw | The Tower Of Scande | ???????? | ???????? | | Cloud | The Tower Of Dark | ???????? | ???????? | | Crab | Overworld (Gramor) | ???????? | ???????? | | CrawlerX | Underwater (Prima) | ???????? | ???????? | | Creep | The Castle Of Camlon | Herb | ???????? | | Creon | Overworld (Cave North Of Arad) | ???????? | ???????? | | CreonX | Underwater (Prima) | ???????? | ???????? | | D.Flea | The Tower Of Spyre | Acorn | ???????? | | D.Knight | Overworld (Gramor) | Cure | ???????? | | D.Rider | The Tower Of Tock | ???????? | ???????? | | DogFish | Underwater Volcano | Urchin | ???????? | | DogFishX | Overworld (Carmen) | ???????? | ???????? | | E.Chest | The Krypt | ???????? | ???????? | | Entity | The Tower Of Scande | ???????? | ???????? | | EyeSpy | The Krypt | ???????? | ???????? | | FireHead | The Tower Of Tock | ???????? | ???????? | | Fishy | Underwater (Prima) | ???????? | ???????? | | Flea | Overworld (Drogen) | Herb | ???????? | | Flower | Overworld (Spring) | Life2 | ???????? | | FlowerX | Outside Cort's Laboratory | ???????? | ???????? | | Fly | The Cave North Of Auria | ???????? | ???????? | | Frog | The Castle Of Camlon | ???????? | ???????? | | Fungus | Stone Robot | ???????? | ???????? | | G.Fly | The Town Of Gust | ???????? | ???????? | | G.Knight | The Forest Of Despair | C.Stn | ???????? | | G.Slime | Overworld (Bleak) | Life2 | ???????? | | General (1st)| The Forest Dungeon | ???????? | ???????? | | General (2nd)| Stone Robot | ???????? | ???????? | | Ghoul | The Tower Of Pagoda | T.Drop | ???????? | | Gloom | The Castle Of Camlon | Herb | ???????? | | Goda | Obelisk | ???????? | ???????? | | Goddess (1st)| Obelisk | -------- | -------- | | Goddess (2nd)| Obelisk | ???????? | ???????? | | Goddess (3rd)| Obelisk | ???????? | ???????? | | Golem | Obelisk | ???????? | ???????? | | Gremlin | Stone Robot | ???????? | ???????? | | GrimFowl | GrimFowl's Nest | ???????? | ???????? | | HornToad | Outside Cort's Laboratory | ???????? | ???????? | | ICU | The Tower Of Pagoda | ???????? | ???????? | | Jade | Obelisk | ???????? | ???????? | | K.Roach | Cort's Laboratory | ???????? | ???????? | | Knight | The Town Of Nanai (Underground) | ???????? | ???????? | | Lancer | The Forest Dungeon | ???????? | ???????? | | LancerX | Dark Dragon's Fort | Cure | ???????? | | M.Flea | The Tower Of Spyre | ???????? | ???????? | | M.Scorp | Overworld (Nabal) | ???????? | ???????? | | M.Slime | Overworld (The Tower Of Pagoda) | ???????? | ???????? | | Mage | The Cave South Of Karma | Acorn | M.Drop | | Midget | The Forest Dungeon | Meat | ???????? | | Mimic | Cort's Laboratory | Life2 | ???????? | | Morte | The Tower Of Karma | ???????? | ???????? | | Mortea | The Tower Of Karma | ???????? | ???????? | | Morteo | The Town Of Prima | ???????? | ???????? | | Mote (1st) | Mote's Tower | -------- | -------- | | Mote (2nd) | Mote's Tower | ???????? | ???????? | | Mothro (1st) | The Tower Of Dreams | -------- | -------- | | Mothro (2nd) | The Tower Of Dreams | ???????? | ???????? | | Myst | The Town Of Wisdon | ???????? | ???????? | | Nautulis | The Cave South Of Gramor | ???????? | ???????? | | Octo | Dark Dragon's Ship | ???????? | ???????? | | P.Bug | The Castle Of Camlon | Herb | ???????? | | Peril | Cort's Laboratory | ???????? | ???????? | | Phoenix | The Tower Of Spyre | Herb | ???????? | | Pincher | Underwater (Prima) | ???????? | ???????? | | PincherX | The Tower Of Pagoda | Life2 | ???????? | | Prickle | Overworld (Arad) | ???????? | ???????? | | Pog | The Forest Dungeon | ???????? | ???????? | | R.Slime | Overworld (Nabal) | ???????? | ???????? | | Roach | Cort's Laboratory | Cure | ???????? | | Rogue | Cort's Laboratory | Life | ???????? | | Ruga | Obelisk | ???????? | ???????? | | RugaX (1st) | Cort's Laboratory | ???????? | ???????? | | RugaX (2nd) | The Town Of Gust | ???????? | ???????? | | S.Rider | The Forest Of Despair | Life | ???????? | | SandClod | Overworld (Arad) | ???????? | ???????? | | SandWorm | The Town Of Arad | ???????? | ???????? | | Sara | The Tower Of Pagoda | ???????? | ???????? | | Scorp | Overworld (Arad) | ???????? | ???????? | | Shadow | The Cave North Of Auria | ???????? | ???????? | | Slime | Overworld (Drogen) | Herb | ???????? | | SlimeX | The Castle Of Nabal | ???????? | ???????? | | Soldier | The Tower Of Scande | ???????? | ???????? | | Sorceror | Dark Dragon's Fort | ???????? | ???????? | | SpearMan | The Port North Of Auria | Cure | ???????? | | Spider | The Forest West Of Romero | DkKiss | ???????? | | Squid | Dark Dragon's Ship | Life2 | ???????? | | Stool | The Forest Of Despair | ???????? | ???????? | | Talon | Dragon Shrine (Volcano) | ???????? | ???????? | | Tentacle | Underwater (Volcano) | ???????? | ???????? | | Toad | Dark Dragon's Fort | C.Stn | ???????? | | Tronk | Overworld (Volcano) | ???????? | ???????? | | WarHog | The Forest Dungeon | ???????? | ???????? | | WarHogX | The Path To Courage's Hideout | ???????? | ???????? | | Warlock | Overworld (Gust) | ???????? | ???????? | | Widow | The Tower Of Tock | ???????? | ???????? | | Wisp | The Floating Island Of Agua | ???????? | ???????? | | Wizard | The Tower Of Karma | B.Stn | ???????? | | Wraith | Mogu's Dream | ???????? | ???????? | | WraithX | Mogu's Dream | ???????? | ???????? | | Zard | The Tower Of Karma | C.Stn | Life | | Zog | The Tower Of Scande | ???????? | ???????? | | Zombie | Overworld (Tantar) | ???????? | ???????? | | Zoom | Mogu's Dream | C.Stn | ???????? | /-------------------------------------------------------------------------\ \-------------------------------------------------------------------------/ | To all Treasure Hunters | /-------------------------------------------------------------------------\ Thanks for downloading the first version of Breath Of Fire Monster Treasure Chart! Even though I'm not online anymore, I'm still working on the Monster Treasure Charts and it will be uploaded by someone I know when I'm done. You can distribute my work to everyone as long as you don't change the contents of this work, charge anyone for it, and give full credit to me for making this Monster Treasure Chart. You can also use this chart in your FAQ or whatever as long as you give credit to me. Look for the Breath Of Fire II(tm) Monster Treasure Chart this April and Happy Treasure Hunting! -Eric C. (The Greatest Treasure Hunter) Look for my other great titles: Chrono Trigger(tm) Monster Treasure Chart v4.0 Final Fantasy III(tm) Monster Treasure Chart v1.0 Secret Of Mana(tm) Monster Treasure Chart v2.0 \-------------------------------------------------------------------------/ | Credits | /-------------------------------------------------------------------------\ Thanks to... Capcom, for creating Breath Of Fire and Breath Of Fire II! Trademarks... Breath Of Fire, Breath Of Fire II, the monsters, locations and items in Breath Of Fire are trademarks of Capcom. Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy III, and Secret Of Mana are trademarks of Squaresoft.