Expansive scenery is a plus.
Radiata Stories is an upcoming RPG published by Square Enix and developed by tri-Ace. From the get-go, the most noticeable things about the game are the visuals. It sports some very pretty graphics in a style similar to Threads of Fate, but not as colorful. The control was very smooth and the interface was clean and easy to get accustomed to.
Battles are initiated when the player comes into contact with an enemy on the field. From there, the battle is taken into a separate battle field where the fight ensues. The battles play out in real time, similar to those of Star Ocean 3. The player control Jack Russel and is free to run around the entire battle field at will. When the attack button is pressed, Jack then automatically runs toward the nearest enemy and launches his attack. Pressing the secondary attack button unleashes a more powerful attack and after enough attacks have been made to fill up the power bar, a super attack becomes available. Pressing the L1 button opens up a menu with a list of all the party members in the fight. From that menu the player can issue commands to the characters he or she is not controlling.
Even Cloud has sword envy.
The gameplay is what you'd expect from an RPG. Typical dungeon-crawling, ladder-climbing, monster-killing fun. I didn't notice any major flukes except some small jitters in the movement of some of the characters. Radiata Stories is looking like a game that could live up to the name of its creating company, Square Enix.