
The Saving Throw
Save vs Camping August 5th, 2010
Woke up at 6 am, infomercial screaming at me. I sat up in my clothes again, with everything still dreaming at me.

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So, why am I writing one of these so quickly after the last one? I want to get out what news there is now so I can do a full Gen Con news round-up next week. Besides, I finished writing my review already.

For the record: no, I'm not going to Gen Con. I'm going to the woods for the weekend. No, I'm not spiteful. That was last column. I'm going to enjoy relaxation in the glory of nature. I have absolutely no interest in spending four days gaming and schmoozing with like-minded nerds while getting drunk on White Wolf's tab. Nope, not at all. I'll take the woods. It'll be awesome.

If you're tired of my barely concealed bitterness, the review is overwhelmingly positive and the news is at the level of irreverence only a trained geek such as myself can maintain. Read on.

For a place to game, check our Roleplaying Forum, with lively forum-based gaming and discussion as well as the opportunity to meet up with gamers in your area.


Review: Savage Worlds: Explorer's Edition

News Briefs

Those wacky coastal wizards have been generous with previews. Check out Dark Sun, the Essential rogue, and the Essential fighter. By essential, I mean the 4e D&D Essentials line, not the gods awful Mongoose splatbooks from the grand old days when the OGL was exciting.

Gen Con Australia has been canceled, due to the economy being lousy or some such similar thing. At least I've got a whole continent joining me in my bitter funk. View the official press release over here.

Catalyst takes a break from big stompy robots and elves using magic to surf the internet (probably for lewd images of trolls, the long-eared degenerates) to launch a line of fiction to promote science to young people. The first novel is written by Kevin J Anderson and Rebecca Moesta, which would normally count as a strike against it. But Buzz Aldrin, Neil Armstrong, Sally Ride and Leonard Nimoy are giving it a recomendation. These people have braved the dangers of space and Shatner, so their word has to count for something. I bet if you click this link you can see all the details. For the story, not trolls gone wild.

Moving from the horror of young adult fiction to the horror of being caught dressed like Lestat in public; Shane DeFreest of White Wolf gave an interview about the Grand Masquerade event to the blog of a guy with alliterative initials.

You guys know what's great? Batman. You guys know what else is great? Free stuff. Seldom do these two great things intersect, but this week they have. The master-less samurai of the celadon persuasion have posted a free quick-start guide PDF for their forthcoming DC Adventures game here. Remember that this would also count as a preview of the the next edition of Mutants & Masterminds.

Back when it was announced that the second printing of Deadlands: Reloaded would contain new stuff I was saddened that I would not be able to see exactly what this new stuff was unless I bought the game again. But then they released the new stuff in this PDF, leaving me quite glad.

Featured Link

Remember when D&D caused a mass panic among the moral guardians of the world? Remember how silly that was? If you do, you can relive those times with The Spoony One's review of Mazes & Monsters. A movie based on a book based on a case "study" of a gamer who killed himself. As you watch this it is important to recall that people took this seriously. Yeah, the people afraid of occultism in gaming where just as ridiculous as the the people afraid of violent video games today.


So to sum up: Free stuff is cool, Savage Worlds is cool (ten dollars is like free right?), Batman is cool, Gen Con is cool, but I'm not going so it can't be that cool.

This installment of Saving Throw was brought to you by insomnia (mine, not Stephen King's). Until next time; if you stand up, its LARPing.

Scott Wachter, proprietor of the Orange Gharial Inn.

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