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· Michael Bischoff
· Zachary Lewis
· Alex Wollenschlaeger
· Wesley Fonvergne
· Gabriel Putnam
· Nathan Lee

E4: Electronic Entertainment Exposition Edition

June 1, 2003
Updater on Duty: Michael Bischoff

Greetings and salutations! It seems that I, your lowly Head of Media here at RPGamer, have been thrust into action. It's been quite a while since the last time we did one of these, plus you have me leading one for the first time, so hopefully it turned out fine. We here at RPGamer also hold hope that this Roundtable update signals the return of regular bi-weekly Roundtables.

Given the title of the update, you would have guessed that this Roundtable is about E3. Our panel of six (including myself) discussed the best and worst of E3, and shared in some of our memorable personal experiences to boot. The panel consisted of four staffers who attended E3, one staffer who (unfortunately) had to stay home, and a guest panelist who just happened to be at E3 himself. We tried to get E3 veteran, and RPGamer slave driver Mikel Tidwell to join us, but after having flown around the State of Washington in his dragon form, the United States government has hired mercenary dragon slayers to find and kill him. They're calling it: Operation Washingtonian Freedom.

Pressing onto more practical matters, I'd like as much feedback, from you, the readers, as possible. If I feel like I've done a good enough job here, there is a slight possibility that I may take over this gig full-time. Or, if the man we hired to do Roundtables eventually shows up in our staff channel for more than a few minutes, I can go back to cracking the whip over my media team. Although we'd like to take applications for guest panelists, until we're sure that we've got this baby back to regular updating, you'll have to hold off for a bit. Anyway, the rest of the panelists and I hope you enjoy reading this Roundtable as much as we enjoyed discussing it for you.

Michael Bischoff


Topics of Discussion

The opinions expressed in the following topics are the opinions of these five staff members and one reader, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of RPGamer as a whole, nor the RPGamer staff members not participating in the roundtable.

What were the best RPGs and companies at E3 2003?
    Our panelists slug it out over which games and companies were tops at this year's E3. Come share in the good times that we all had!
What were the worst RPGs and companies at E3 2003?
    E3 did have it's fair share of awful RPGs, but even more disappointing is the performance of two industry titans this year.
What are your personal opinions of E3 2003 on the whole?
    Enough with the cheers and the jeers. E3, when it comes down to it all, is a personal experience more than anything. What did you think of the entire convention?


This Week's Panelists

Panelist #1 Vital Signs

Name: Michael Bischoff
Location: Chicago, Illinois
Why Me? Head of Media

Panelist #2 Vital Signs

Name: Zachary Lewis
Location: Oregon
Why Me? Points of View Curator

Panelist #3 Vital Signs

Name: Alex Wollenschlaeger
Location: Quebec, Canada
Why Me? Japandemonium

Panelist #4 Vital Signs

Name: Wesley Fonvergne
Location: California
Why Me? RPGamer Mediaite

Panelist #5 Vital Signs

Name: Gabriel Putnam
Location: Moscow, Idaho
Why Me? RPGamer Newsie

Panelist #6 Vital Signs

Name: Nathan Lee
Location: Franklin, Tennessee
Why Me? Guest Panelist


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