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Portable Action
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· Googleshng
· Michael Bischoff
· Wesley Fonvergne
· Zachary Lewis

Portable Action

August 15, 2003
Updater on Duty: Googleshng

Tada! Two Roundtables up in the same month. Get used to seeing it though, because it'll be four times a month if I have any say in the matter. In any case, on with the chattering.



Topics of Discussion

The opinions expressed in the following topics are the opinions of these four staff members and two readers do not necessarily reflect the opinions of RPGamer as a whole, nor the RPGamer staff members not participating in the roundtable.

Rise of the Action/RPG
    Recently, Action/RPGs have been overtaking the traditional variety in terms of rarity and popularity. What is causing this trend, and is it a good thing?
Big Games for the GBA
    The Game Boy Advance seems to have become the primary home of high profile RPGs. How did handheld gaming go from a dumping ground for ports to an industry forefront so quickly?
What Chance does the PSP have?
    Does Sony's 3D handheld have a shot at unseating the GBA?


This Week's Panelists

Panelist #1 Vital Signs

Name: Googleshng
Location: Connecticut
Why Me? Head of Interaction, Roundtables

Panelist #2 Vital Signs

Name: Michael Bischoff
Location: Chicago, Illinois
Why Me? New Roundtable Director

Panelist #3 Vital Signs

Name: Wesley Fonvergne
Location: California
Why Me? Mediate

Panelist #4 Vital Signs

Name: Zachary Lewis
Location: Oregon
Why Me? Reviewer

Panelist #5 Vital Signs

Name: Tomm Hulett
Location: California
Why Me? Game Developer

Panelist #6 Vital Signs

Name: "Xerox"
Why Me? Spur of the moment mystery guest.


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