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More Early Details, Media Emerge for Metal Max Xeno


Metal Max Xeno

Kadokawa Games put out some more media and details following its announcement of Metal Max Xeno. As detailed previously, although set in the same post-apocalyptic world as the previous games in the series, Metal Max Xeno marks a bit of a refresh, taking place in a different time and location with some adjustments made to its history.

The game takes place in the year 209X around a place called "Death Tokyo". It stars Talis, who is twenty years old and has a half-mechanical body. He is looking for revenge against the monster that killed his friends and mother. Journeying with Talis is eighteen-year-old Toni. She is the daughter of a trader, but her father was killed and she was later rescued by Talis. Aiding the two is the mechanic Yokky, who is twenty-one years old and was previously Toni's neighbour.

Metal Max Xeno's world is full of monsters including SoNs (Sons of NOA), who appear bent on eradicating humanity and are responsible for its wasteland state. Some of these can understand human language. These monsters make it imperative for anyone venturing outside to use one of the series' signature tanks. Tanks can come in many forms, such as a speedy buggy or walking artillery. Players can equip various parts and otherwise modify their tanks before heading out.

The game will introduce a couple of new features to the series. Firstly, players will now be able to shoot at monsters that appear on the field. This can let them bring down some monsters before they can fight back, or give players a preemptive attack in battles against strong foes. There is also an ET Shield system that uses the tank's remaining energy to create a shield and prevent parts from taking direct damage, which might otherwise cause them to break.

Metal Max Xeno is being devloped for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita with a Japanese release planned for spring 2018. No announcement has been made regarding a western release.

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