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Assassin's Creed: Origins Season Pass Detailed


Assassin's Creed: Origins

Ubisoft has announced its DLC plans for the upcoming Assassin's Creed: Origins. The game will have a Season Pass alongside a bevy of post-launch content that will be available to all players, adding new single-player modes and storylines.

Origins' Season Pass will include two primary pieces of DLC: The Hidden Ones and The Curse of the Pharaohs. The Hidden Ones is a story DLC that continues years after the plot of the main game, with the still fledgling Brotherhood taking on an occupying Roman force in a new region. The level cap for characters will also increase. This first DLC will be available in January 2018. The Curse of the Pharaohs is a more fantastical take on the setting, sending players to a mystical realm where they will battle undead pharaohs and other mythical entities. That DLC will also raise the level cap and will be available in March 2018. Additional items in the Season Pass include The Roman Centurion and Horus Packs, a suite of armors, weapons, shields, and mounts; the Calamity Blade, an exclusive rare weapon; and 500 Helix credits to start with in the game.

Free content will also be made to everyone in the form of new game modes. The first will be The Trial of the Gods, which pits the player against Egyptian gods in a timed mode that yields great rewards. The Trial will be available fifteen days after the launch of the game. Next up is The Nomad's Bazaar, available from the release of the game, which adds a traveling merchant who offers unique quests with rare rewards. Photo mode will also be available at the start of the game and will allow players to take and share detailed pictures. The Horde mode, available in early 2018, will have players facing off against endless waves of enemies in arena combat. The final mode is called Discovery Mode, an enemy-free exploration mode where players can learn historical information regarding the game world.

Assassin's Creed: Origins arrives on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on October 27, 2017.


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