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Stranger of Sword City Ambushes New Media


Stranger of Sword City

Experience Inc. and NIS America have some new information and media regarding the upcoming Vita RPG Stranger in Sword City. In a post on PlayStation Blog, Experience gave a short description of the two factions at play and the Ambush system.

Players arrive in the world of Escaria by surviving a plane crash. Upon arriving they become the titular Stranger. Escaria has three predominant factions: The Strangers Guild, the shifty Mendell Co., and the stalwart Kingdom. Each the factions will change which allies and abilities become available and general story progression.

The Ambush system is a unique feature to the game, allowing a player to observe an enemy before a fight to try and decipher what there is to fight, what loot there is to earn, and give the player a chance to wait for an opportune moment to attack. Waiting too long can give the enemy a chance to counterattack or have the player be ambushed themselves. Ambushing can lead to rare enemy encounters and better loot.

Additionally, the game will also have leaderboards where players can compare parties based off of more than forty criteria. Stranger of Sword City arrives on the PlayStation Vita on March 22, 2016 in North America and March 25, 2016 in Europe.

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