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Brandish Release Closes In


Brandish: The Dark Revenant

The long gestating localization of PSP game Brandish: The Dark Revenant now has a month of release for North America: January. XSEED Games expects it in the early part of January with more information on other releases to be announced.

Some more gameplay mechanics were also revealed. Weak points in floors can be identified by dropping iron balls on them, though if players do not have any you can also check by attempting to drop any item. The floor won't actually break, but players will be given a message saying "You can't drop it here." Undead foes will rise back up after a few turns if killed normally so the use of specific potions — potions that would otherwise decrease the players' MP — is required to keep them down.

Brandish will be available as a digital release on the PlayStation store and can be played on the PlayStation Vita.

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Brandish: The Dark Revenant
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