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Meet the Lost Valley's Eligible Bachelors


Harvest Moon: The Lost Valley

Natsume has released new details and media focusing on a few of the male NPCs in Harvest Moon: The Lost Valley. As with previous Harvest Moon games, players will be able to marry some of the NPCs around town, and each of the three characters showcased are available for female player characters to woo in the game.

Tony is the eldest son of Brutus the Blacksmith. While he is training to follow in his father's footsteps, the role of a blacksmith is not one that appeals to him. Although often serious, Tony has a soft, sensitive side that players will need to appeal to in order to find out his secret ambition.

Gilbert is a travelling bard with a habit of rhyming whenever he talks. However, despite his wandering nature he is willing to settle down in the Lost Valley if given cause. Gilbert has a deep knowledge of history, and is humble even though he wields a sharp wit.

Hunter is a local farmer. Specialising in animal husbandry, he brings the player's first animal with him into the Lost Valley as well as a vast knowledge of recipes for animal feed. Players will have to beat out both his quiet demeanour and four-legged friends to secure his companionship.

Harvest Moon: The Lost Valley is due to be released exclusively for Nintendo 3DS on November 4, 2014 in North America, with a release in Europe planned for 2015. For the first time in the series, it features an entirely 3D setting and fully customisable world.

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