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Teaching Pokemon in School


Pokemon Pearl

Are you teachers out there having trouble getting those kids to learn? Well Pokémon may be your answer. Nintendo of America, The National Institute of Aerospace (NIA), and Nortel LearniT have joined forces to create the most powerful Pokémon-oriented learning tool in the world. is a website that has downloadable lesson plans that focus on various aspects of science like the sun, shadows, and space, but with an added splash of Pokémon to hold the children's interest. The lesson plans are made for grades 3-8 and will be available for download on the site through December.

"We are thrilled to offer educators a resource program that utilizes popular characters to enhance the learning experience for students in fields of study that will only grow more crucial as we move forward in the 21st century," says Robert Lindberg, NIA's president and executive director.

"We're honored to have our characters take what sometimes may seem like dry topics and help make them come alive for students," says George Harrison, Nintendo of America's senior vice president of marketing and corporate communications.

Master the Science is not the only Pokémon oriented learning tool out there. is another option that parents and teachers can use to help kids get interested in learning. Children will interact with characters from the popular television show, while learning math, science, and other various subjects.

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