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Indiegogo Check-In: Long Gone Days



Long Gone Days is a modern-day character-driven RPG from Chilean developer Camila "Bura" Gormaz that is currently the subject of a crowdfunding campaign through Indiegogo. The game is inspired by a mixture of visual novels, shooters, and dystopian science fiction and is being developed for PC, Mac, and Linux with an estimated release date of February 2018.

Players take control of Rourke, a soldier from a highly isolated nation below the surface of the Earth known as the Core. Like the Core's other recruits, Rouke is highly trained in sniping. However, after learning the truth behind an operation he was part of, Rourke abandons his post and decides to work to prevent a war from breaking out. Players are tasked with recruiting a squad from various parts of the world who will assist Rourke in various capacities.

The game eschews a traditional levelling system, instead giving players access to stronger equipment and skills as the story progresses. Each character comes with their own skillset that can help both inside and outside of battle, such as interpreters that let players communicate with those who don't speak English. The game features two battle systems; one is a more traditional turn-based combat system, while the other is a sniper mode that uses hide and seek mechanics. Players will also be able to interact with team members, raising their morale or undertaking quests, outside of regular missions.

The campaign for Long Gone Days seeks $20,000 in funding by August 11, 2016. Those who pledge at least $15 will receive a copy of the game as part of their backer rewards (with a limited number of early-bird $12 copies still available at the time of writing). An early version demo is available from the game's official site.

Please note that RPGamer's crowdfunding coverage is solely at staff discretion. Campaigns may send a press release to, but are asked to please not personally petition RPGamer staff via e-mail or social networking. Coverage is not guaranteed. Thank you!

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