
R P G A M E R   -   N E W S   B U L L E T I N

Meet the Blackguards



Daedalic Entertainment has revealed some story and character details for its upcoming turn-based RPG, Blackguards. The game is said to take a sinister turn in terms of its story and player characters, and is based on the popular The Dark Eye tabletop system. Blackguards is currently undergoing closed beta testing and is due out on PC later this year.

The game starts with players creating their main character, selecting a name, gender, and class. Players can either select one of three class-archetypes (warrior, mage, or hunter), or can use the game's expert mode to create their class in more detail. The main character is a descedant of a wealthy family of merchants, living a carefree life with their friends, including Princess Elanor. This state of affairs does not last long, as a strange wolf attacks and kills Elanor. However, the main character ends up taking the blame and is sentenced to death.

Before their execution the player is freed by fellow prisoner Naurim, a dwarf. Naurim has been in prison for years for arson, assault, and smuggling, and has finally found an ideal accomplice for his escape plans in the main character. Quick-tempered and paranoid, Naurim is an ideal tank for the party.

A third playable character is Zubaran. A former slave who was sent to the Academy of Al'Anfa by his master when his magical aptitude was discovered, he escaped but was once again imprisoned after an ill-fated affair with a baroness when he was covicted of poisoning her husband. He ends up at the same prison as the main character for this crimes, as well as adultery, imposture, fraud, and spying. Zubaran is a useful mage, but tends to look out for himself.

Two other characters are the player's childhood friends. Aurelia is a witch with strong magical skills, and a future party member. She doesn't care about rules, gets in trouble a lot, and is currently wanted for witchcraft, immorality, and indecent behavior. Finally, Lysander is not a playable character, but an important NPC. He is one of main character's best friends, and Princess Elanor's boyfriend. However, after the main character was accused of her murder, he seemingly plays a lead role in their interrogation and torture, casting doubt upon the status of their friendship.

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