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Project Phoenix Burns Up Kickstarter


Project Phoenix

Project Phoenix is an indie JRPG from a team of veteran video game designers who hail from both Japan and the West. Its primary creator and producer is Hiroaki Yura, who has worked on games ranging from Valkyria Chronicles to Diablo III, and the music will be composed by the famous Nobuo Uematsu.

The game stars four heroes travelling the war-scarred land of Azuregard. It features three major gameplay elements: exploration, combat, and character advancement. Exploration allows the player to discover the world and meet interesting people in its cities. Combat is a point and click system inspired by the real-time strategy genre. Character development is firmly situated in the JRPG genre, with each character possessing a unique class that progresses by gaining experience and can be customized through a simple talent system.

PC is the lead platform for the game, though it may also release on mobile devices later on. There's even a possibility that Project Phoenix will be released on home consoles, as the studio is working with a publisher to release on PlayStation 4 and Vita.. Its estimated delivery date is mid-2015.

Project Phoenix was fully funded quickly into its Kickstarter campaign, which only asked for $100,000. As of press time, the Kickstarter is approaching $400,000 with 27 days remaining. Some question the low monetary goal for this Kickstarter, but it appears that many team members have donated their time towards the project and consider it a labor of love.

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