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Wield a Golden Controller with Skyward Sword


The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

While Nintendo has often offered golden things to people who get their hands on a Legend of Zelda game early, the company has decided to do something different for the release of The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. Fans will be able to preorder a bundled version of the game which will include both a 25th anniversary music CD and a golden Wii Remote. This golden Wii Remote Plus may not contain any real gold, but it has the full Wii Motion Plus capability needed to play Skyward Sword and bears the classic Hylian Crest. At $69.99, this bundle will cost slightly more than the standard version.

Fans who don't want to pay more, but still want something extra are still in luck, though, since the 25th anniversary music CD will also be packaged with the first release copies of the game. This CD, the same as the one included in the bundle, contains orchestral arrangements of music the series' 25th Anniversary Symphony Concert Tour. Fans eager to get a copy of this CD should buy the game when it is released on November 18 in Europe and November 20 in North America.

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The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
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