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Square Enix to Create Gaming Hardware?


Square Enix

Yoichi Wada, president of Square-Enix, recently offered commentary that hints that the company may have future plans to create videogame hardware. Square-Enix is of course best known for its long-running Final Fantasy franchise.

Wada, in comments to Nikkei Business Online, noted that two of the most successful products in recent history are the Nintendo DS and Apple iPod. Said Wada: "The strategy behind Nintendo and the iPod, to create a new environment based on hardware, is completely valid. But this is impossible if you don't have experience making hardware."

"This is one of the reasons Square-Enix will collaborate with Taito," he explained, "a company that produces physical hardware. In our talks with Taito, ideas for an actual physical product have come up. In any case, we will be releasing some 'thing.'" Taito, which was acquired by Square-Enix last September, has market experience with both arcade and PC-oriented hardware. When asked what sort of hardware the unnamed product would be, Wada answered cryptically: "It's interesting, in that it's not the sort of thing you expect from Square-Enix."

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