
RPG in Starting Lineup for Dolphin's Launch

   Good news for RPG fans looking forward to Nintendo's Dolphin console.  Rumors are circulating that Retro Studios, a Texas-based developer releasing a large chunk of first-generation sports games for Dolphin, is doing something a little different with one of its titles: an RPG.  No information about the game has been released, but sources close to Retro Studios say that it is developing at a rapid pace.

   And now, the bad news: the same source has practically confirmed Dolphin's release date will be pushed back to 2001, so the game is a long ways off from gracing us RPGamers with its presence.  Most of the developers for Dolphin software are using rough numbers and specs to work with for the current much is still up in the air with Dolphin and its new titles.

   RPGamer will keep you posted on the latest. Stay tuned.

by Veronica Henry    

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