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Nintendo Direct Delves into 3DS Dragon Quest XI


Dragon Quest XI

Nintendo provided a Direct presentation in Japan concerning the 3DS version of Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time. The fourteen-minute video, viewable below, details the differences between the games' 2D and 3D modes, as well as StreetPass functionality.

In Dragon Quest XI on the 3DS, players can switch between 2D and 3D modes. 2D mode will act as a more traditional Dragon Quest title in most respects, featuring random encounters and movement using the D-pad. 2D mode also includes a selection of secret locations. 3D mode will feature contextual battles with enemy signifiers on screen, allowing for pre-emptive strikes. Movement in 3D will be controlled with the circle pad.

Dragon Quest XI's StreetPass functionality will allow players to interact with a race known as the Yocchi. The Yocchi will ask for requests to rescue some of their own from a dungeon known as the Labyrinth Beyond Time. With each StreetPass collected, players will be able to recruit a new Yocchi. A party of up to eight can be created and sent to the Labyrinth either under the player's control or fully automated.

While in the dungeon, treasure chests and other items can be found. The goal is to defeat the Gate Keeper at the end. Any Yocchi who die along the way are lost. When the Gate Keeper is defeated, it will drop a password that, when given to the appropriate vendor, will allow the player to visit the worlds of previous Dragon Quest titles. These worlds will have problems, and their resolution is related to saving the Yocchi.

Dragon Quest XI will be available on PlayStation 4 and 3DS in Japan on July 29, 2017. A Switch version is planned for the future but will release at a later date. There is currently no word on an English release.


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