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More Details for Breath of the Wild's First Expansion


The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Nintendo has announced further details for its first DLC for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. This new expansion is titled The Master Sword Trials and is the first of two planned expansions as part of the game's season pass. The season pass will be the only way to acquire the content and is available for both the Switch and Wii U versions of the game for $19.99/£17.99/19.99. The Master Sword Trials will release in summer 2017.

Starting off the list of new features for the game is the Trial of the Sword. This series of challenges will have Link fighting off a succession of enemies while starting stripped of his equipment. If he can defeat each enemy in the room, he can progress. In total, there will be around 45 rooms and completing all of them will unlock the full power of the Master Sword, leaving it constantly in its powered-up state.

Hard Mode will also become available for the game. In Hard Mode, enemies encountered will be of higher rank than standard. Additionally, higher powered enemies not usually seen through normal play can also appear as a part of encounters. Enemies will also be more alert and heal slowly during combat. Floating planks of wood, which are held up by balloons and have both enemies and loot on them, will also appear for Link to conquer.

Other features include an update to the map, called Hero's Path Mode, which will remember the previous two hundred hours of playtime and keep a record of Link's path across the world. This will make it clearer as to which areas still need to be explored. The Travel Medallion will create a temporary waypoint on the spot where Link is standing that he can return to at any time. The waypoint will disappearwhen a new one is created. A new Korok mask will shake when near an undiscovered Korok. Lastly, eight new outfits will become available, each borrowing from Zelda's history.

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