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Experience Talks About Possible Localisations


Yomi wo Saku Hana

Developer and publisher Experience Inc.'s president Haijme Chikami recently went to Twitter to answer some questions about the company's games and potential western releases. The update follows Experience's first western release as a publisher, when it released Stranger of Sword City for Xbox One in North America and Europe (the game's Vita and PC versions were published by NIS America).

The developer is currently developing Yomi wo Saku Hana for release in Japan on Xbox One in 2017, and Chikami stated that the game is planned for release in the West, with more details to be released towards the end of the this year. Yomi wo Saku Hana can be translated as "The Flowers that Bloom in Hell", though not much is known about the game at least apart from that not be a dungeon-crawler, a departure from the company's usual output.

Chikami had no comment on a western release for Operation Babel: New Tokyo Legacy, the follow-up to Operation Abyss: New Tokyo Legacy, and also stated that there were currently no plans to release New Interpretation Stranger of Sword City, an in-development enhanced version of the game set for release for PlayStation Vita in Japan in July. The company plans to release more newly developed titles for the west, with its focus on games for Xbox One and PlayStation Vita. Chiaki also hopes to be able to create another Ray Gigant title, though doing so is dependent on the IP holder, Bandai Namco.

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