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More Toukiden 2 Characters and System Info


Toukiden 2

The official website for Toukiden 2 has been updated with new media for the game. Included are a ton of screenshots and art, information regarding some of the new characters, and details on the Mitama and Base systems.

The first of the new characters is Kaguya, the Mahoroba Sacred Shrine Maiden, who has the ability to create a protective wall around the city. This gives her some celebrity and reverence in the village but she often feels trapped by her surroundings. She is protected by Yakumo, an arrogant yet loyal bodyguard who protects her at any cost. They are joined by Kuon, another Shrine Maiden who runs a restaurant in her free time.



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Within the game, players will be able to equip Mitama, which possess support abilities called Boosts. Boosts provide bonuses to stats and various attributes. Equipped Mitama will level up with the player, gaining additional Boosts and increases in strength. Certain requirements will need to be met to level up specific aspects of each Mitama and each Mitama can have up to nine Boosts, with three active at a time.

Players will also have a base in the game that houses many different functions. The most important is the Slayer headquarters, where players will accept missions. Each player will also have a home that can be used to store equipment and items, read letters sent by other characters, and rest by the fireplace to change time in-game. The blacksmith will create and fortify equipment, the shrine will allow for prayers that increase the rate of development and discovery of Mitama, and the Everything Shop will serve as an all-purpose general store.

Toukiden 2 is set to release in Japan on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, and PlayStation Vita on June 30, 2016. There is currently no announcement regarding a western release.


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