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Kickstarter Check-In - Earthlock: Festival of Magic


Indie Games

Earthlock: Festival of Magic is back on Kickstarter, this time featuring non-holiday timing, a stronger pitch, and improved reward tiers. This colorful title tells the story of a desert scavenger named Amon and a combat pilot named Ive. These two young adventurers become embroiled in a quest to unearth the secrets of their world of Umbra in order to prevent a catastrophic conflict.

Earthlock's gameplay features a turn-based combat system with several interesting twists: combat and support characters team up in battle, plus weapons make use of special ammunition that is grown and harvested at the player's home base. According to the latest Kickstarter update, players may even have the opportunity to melt enemy hearts by lobbing adorable kittens harvested from a cat tree.

This time around, the Kickstarter campaign is doing much better and is approaching its funding goal with three days remaining. Interested gamers might enjoy watching the GDC trailer and combat system videos below. The game's Kickstarter page can be found here.

Please note that RPGamer's Kickstarter coverage is solely at staff discretion. Kickstarter campaigns may send a press release to, but are asked to please not personally petition RPGamer staff via e-mail or social networking. Coverage is not guaranteed. Thank you!

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