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Square Enix Shuffles Executive Deck


Square Enix

Square Enix has made some changes to its executive structure, replacing Yoichi Wada as head of North American operations with John Yamamoto. Yamamoto will also take on the role of CEO, leaving Wada as the company's president.

Meanwhile, Daishiro Okada will be assuming the role of Vice Chairman, which will see him lead the strategic development and implementation of Square Enix, Inc.’s North American corporate initiatives and business development.

“We are excited that John will be joining our senior leadership in North America, and we will benefit immensely from his experience,” said Yoichi Wada, president and representative director of the board of Square Enix Co., Ltd. “John’s proven track record as a senior executive and his strong understanding of our industry make him an ideal candidate to help lead our North American initiatives.”

Not mentioned in the release was who will be assuming the role of COO in the place of Mr. Okada. Meanwhile, Mr. Yamamoto will retain control of European operations.

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