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Mistwalker Unloads Blue Dragon Details



Hironobu Sakaguchi's game development company recently revealed that its upcoming Xbox 360 project Blue Dragon will have some science fiction-type overtones. This is partly because the game will be set in a distant world filled with ancient ruins where a young boy and a handful of his friends possess the power to control magical shadows.

Each of the game's five characters has a special shadow, which follows their movement in more ways than a normal shadow would. These shadows take the form of various blue monsters, ranging from a dragon, to a minotaur, to a phoenix, and others. Looming behind their casters, these monsters mimic their caster's movements to defeat enemies. Players can customize each shadow with different jobs and up to 200 different skills.

On the presentation side of things, Sakaguchi said the appearance of the game will be one of its strong points. He reminded the audience that he chose to develop the game for Xbox 360 because of its technical power, and that said power would certainly be used. No deep details were given, but some examples of this included realistic special effects connected to shadows, water, and fire.

Art director Akira Toriyama was unable to attend the Japanese press conference where all this information was revealed, but sent a message to the attendees. After making a joke about his works almost always having the word "Dragon" in the title (Dragon Ball, Dragon Quest, and now Blue Dragon), Toriyama noted that he originally didn't want to work on Blue Dragon because he thought it would be too similar to the Dragon Quest series. He gave it a look, though, and liked the sound of the story. The rest, as they say, is history.

It would seem highly unlikely that this title will be shown at E3, but if Sakaguchi and company decide to steal the show, RPGamer will report.

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