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First Grandia III Story Details Take Flight


Grandia III

Grandia III's story revolves around a 16 year-old boy named Yuuki. Because he loves the legends of the King of Pilots, Yuuki is building his own airplane that he keeps secret from everyone, including his own mother. His plan is to leave his tranquil little island hometown and fly to the mainland.

While getting the final parts for his plane, Yuuki meets a 16 year-old priestess named Alfeena, who is traveling in search of her missing brother. Optimistic and earnest, Alfeena is the high priestess in charge of hearing and relaying the words of the Holy Beast, which is believed to be the guardian deity of the world. After Yuuki and Alfeena meet, Grandia III takes to the skies with the sword-wielding Yuuki acting as Alfeena's protector, while she searches for her long lost brother, Emerius.

Before he went missing three years ago, Emerius held the rank of high priest; in his absence, his position has since gone to his sister. It seems that Emerius has had a change of heart and is now a cold and unfeeling man that weilds a giant guillotine-like sword called "Godkiller." Emerius now feels that the world of men should be ruled by men instead of dieties. He's trying to be one of those rulers, if not the only one; but it's possible that he might not be doing this according to his own will.

Grandia III is currently set for a summer release in Japan. RPGamer will have continuing coverage as soon as more details surface.

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