
Nobunaga's Demons Hit North America

An unsure cloud was lifted recently when Capcom announced that its new GBA strategy RPG, Onimusha Tactics, will reach North American shores on October 14. The price of said game is quoted at $29.95.

Onimusha Tactics is based on Capcom's hit series Onimusha, in which the player takes on the role of various Samurais who must do battle against the (seemingly) immortal demon, Nobunaga, and his legion of demons. In this newest incarnation players take on the role of Onimaru, an Ogre Clan member, and his allies as they fight against the forces of evil. As a member of the Ogre Clan, Onimaru possesses demon blood and thus can perform various special techniques. Like any strategy RPG, success will ride on how well the player manages their resources, positions their army and times their attacks.

With obvious inspiration taken from the likes of Tactics Ogre and Final Fantasy Tactics, Capcom's foray into the strategy RPG category looks to be an interesting one at the least. Watch for Onimusha Tactics to hit our shores in October.

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by Matt Chan    
Source: [Magicbox]

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