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Multiple Wii U Announcements Directly from Nintendo



Today's Nintendo Direct presentation saw multiple Wii U game announcements of interest to RPGamers. A cross-over between Fire Emblem and Atlus' Shin Megami Tensei series was revealed for release on the Wii U, with the working title of Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem, although there was no actual gameplay footage shown.

In addition to this, some time was spent discussing The Legend of Zelda on the Wii U. There was no footage of the upcoming new Wii U Zelda game available due to it being early in the development process, but Nintendo shared some of the principles driving its development, notably to "rethink the conventions of Zelda." Some of these conventions specifically pointed out were completing dungeons in a specific order and solo play. In order to give Wii U owners a HD Zelda experience sooner rather than later, however, Nintendo also announced that a remake of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker would be released for the Wii U with revamped cel-shaded graphics, Miiverse integration and Wii U GamePad support.

Finally, the first footage of Monolith Soft's upcoming Wii U game, which appears to be currently known simply as X, was shown. The footage at first glance resembles a mixture of Xenoblade and Monster Hunter, with some Mecha action thrown in for good measure. RPGamers can view the full presentation here or view the specific game trailers below.

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