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Did You Guess It Was Growlanser IV?


Growlanser: Wayfarer of Time

After a long period of making its fans play guessing games, abandoning them to despair, and eventually raising their hopes once again, Atlus has at last officially announced that it is bringing Growlanser: Wayfarer of Time to North America. It will be released on July 24, 2012, and will have both a retail release and a digital release on the PlayStation Network. Atlus also has put up an official site for the game, though it doesn't have anything but the box art and release date on it right now.

Known as Growlanser IV: Over Reloaded in Japan, Wayfarer of Time is the PSP remake of the original Growlanser IV, which was released in Japan in 2003. The PSP remake includes a number of enhancements over the original game, including new characters and events, as well as improved loading times. It also features more than 40 different endings based on the player's choices and how the relationships between characters develop.

Unfortunately, the North American release of the game will be lacking most of the voice work that is seen in other versions of the game. Due to licensing issues, Atlus was not able to bring over the Japanese voices, and the costs were too prohibitive to provide English voices for all of the game's dialogue. As such, the game will only have English voices during the animated cutscenes.

More screenshots can be seen at our gallery.

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