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GDC - Fuzzyeyes Edges Into RPG World's Consciousness


Edge of Twilight

Little-known Australian studio Fuzzyeyes was turning heads this week at the Game Developers Conferece. The developer, whose previous output was the dubiously-named 2006 title Hot Dogs, Hot Girls, a restaurant sim, was showcasing its second title, Edge of Twilight.

The game is set in a world that is split between Day and Night, two distinct yet conjoined worlds where the industrial Atherns and spiritually inclined Litherns vie against each other in an ancient struggle. Players take the role of Lex, the first and only half-breed who is caught at the edges of both societies. The game's website makes mention of a "struggle for a sole source of energy" being involved intimately with Lex, but whether this is a result of or the goal of his birth is unclear.

Fuzzyeyes promises fast paced, "cinematic" combat, and a dynamic world that will change depending upon player choices. Fans of steampunk, post-apocalyptic worlds will have plenty to chew on here, as will those who like cities that appear eerily reminscent of Midgar.

Aside from these basic details, little else is known about Edge of Twilight. No release information is available at the time of this story, and a link to the site for the developer currently directs viewers to an ersatz cinematic. RPGamer will continue to provide details on this title as they arrive.

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