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Trickster is No Joke



G-Crest isn't fooling around with its upcoming MMORPG Trickster. The game tells the story of the death of multi-millionaire Don Cavaria. Among his many holdings is a small island in the Pacific, upon which is a theme park. According to his will, he has hidden his fortune within that theme park. Now it's up for grabs to whomever can find it. However, said theme park is not your every-day Six Flags. Instead, it is a huge virtual reality park called "Trickster." Players journey to the island and dive into the virtual reality park, sporting animal-themed avatars as they search through the park in a massive scavenger hunt.

As one can tell by taking a glance at Trickster's official website, the game is a highly colorful experience with a bright atmosphere and cutesy avatars. Character customization features include sunglasses, suits, hair dye, fashionable shoes, and other various accessories. Exactly which accessories impact a character's stats has not been reported. Trickster provides a wide array of pets for players to own, from cats to bunnies, penguins, fairies, angels, and robots. Each pet has its own special abilities which can be helpful during long quests.

The game currently has eight races and four character types available. Choosing to be the race of either Buffalo or Bunny creates a character of the "Physical" type. Dragon and Sheep are "Magical," Lion and Fox are "Intellectual," while Cat and Racoon fall under the "Alluring" classification.

Trickster recently moved into its open beta phase in Japan. Unlike most MMORPGs, but similar to a rare few such as Project Entropia, there is no monthly fee to play Trickster. However, many in-game items cost real money. There are no expected North American or European releases planned for this game. More information and media will come in future times.

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