Xenogears Tidbits, Secrets & Tips FAQ 2.0 (NA) Maintained by Matthew Emirzian (mtemichan@aol.com) Last update : 12/10/98 As you play through Xenogears, you'll come to appreciate the enormous depth that the game offers, both in philosophy, religion, and also in managing to ad d sections of comedy that rescue the game from being a graveyard of depression a nd loss. Ofcourse, it's not without it's sad, touching moments, but there's some funny parts in the game you might not want to miss! Being a quality game, Xenogears also has it's fair share of secrets and various optional quests & areas. Many of these were gathered from countless resources, message boards, a few other FAQs, although by no means plaguarized or stolen word-for-word. Some of them are from me! All of them were recalled fr om memory, and I never remember the exact compass 'directions', but I tried my best. ^_^ It should all be mostly accurate. The tidbits are really interesting parts of the game that are unique and funny. I reccomend you talk to everyone everywhere, at all times if possible, because the translation job is one of the most excellent I've ever h ad the chance to witness. note: I've tried to keep the FAQ as spoiler free and storyline befreit as possible. Disclaimer : Not responsible for any damages including works of god. (pun intended!) This article cannot be reproduced electronically, manually, or by any other means including radio, TV, and HAM radio broadcasts without the sole, written permission of the author. All plagurizers (and Gamefan+Gamecave) beware! All violations will be dealt with under full extent of the law. Where can I find updates of this FAQ? : www.gamefaqs.com is always sent the frequently updated FAQ and is excellent in promptly adding it. Go there to get the latest version! Gamefaqs also hosts plenty of other excellent Xenogears FAQs, including walkthroughs. Update History : Version 2.0 (12/10/98) Did some clarifications, added a few tips and things from some e-mail. Thanks for the help. ^_^ Playing the game again so I can verify chests & directions. I did a streamline lookover of the FAQ and corrected some misspellings as well as fixed some errors in design. The FAQ o n the whole is much better now! Its now also fairly printer friendly.. ^_^ tomasbn@indodsat.net.id (Rahmat Mulyadi) Contributed a tidbit to the first Aveh section. Ive also changed the name of the FAQ to Xenogears Tidbits, Secrets & Tips FAQ Version 1.6 (12/5/98) - worked on some sections, mostly the hints and tips Version 1.3 (12/3/98) - fixes some mistakes around the end of the game. Note that I hadn't tried these secrets till I got to them... and I still haven't beaten the game. Scratch that, I just did! Woohoo! Added a "Tips and Good Stuff" section! Corrected some spelling, added a few things. Thanks LightRan ma ^_^. Version 1.0 (12/2/98) - first version! I'm sure there's plenty that I've miss ed and some mistakes. Feel free to mail me! Table of Contents: 0 : Tips and Good Stuff 1 : Lahan Village 2 : Mt Path & Uzukis 3 : Blackmoon Forest 4 : Bledavik 5 : Castle Invasion 6 : Nisan 7 : Imperial Palace 8 : Nortune A Block Civilian Area 9 : Thames 10 : Orphanage 11 : Transport Ship 12 : Ethos HQ (afterwards) 13 : Shevat 14 : Aveh Revisited 15 : Kislev revisited 16 : Anima Dungeon 2 17 : Snow Hideout 18 : Lighthouse/Zeobim 19 : Dunemans Isle 20 : Melchiors House 0 : Tips and Good Stuff Learning Deathblow Skills : The key to learning deathblow skills fast and quick is to never use them onc e you've learned them! Almost all battles will be easy enough to handle without using them at all. Repeating the button sequences builds up your meter to learning the skill, until it gets to 100 and you learn it if you're a high enough level. Another good technique is to train up the deathblow one higher than the one you're trying to get. That way you'll learn all of them below you faster as well! You can also combine this with taking one character in a gear and anoth er on foot, fighting giant-sized monsters. The monsters will ignore the characte r, who can whack away at the giant, while the gear takes all of the heat, (hopefully none at all)! Once you obtain one or two Wizardry Rings, equip the m (two is even faster) on your character and start whacking away! If you see that your deathblow skills show nothing but the ones you've learned, don't despair! That just means they haven't reached over 50 points, so they don't show up. They will if you keep fighting. Why can't I kill the big bad gear boss?? : While most people feel that gears are unoriginal and have no customization, that's just not true. One of the major decisive factors of your Gear in a battle is the EQ you've got on when facing the enemy. If you keep on losing, there's a few tips you should follow. 1. See if you can upgrade your gear parts (engine especially). 2. Determine the bosses technique and attacks. equip yourself accordingly, t o nullify or reduce their attacks. 3. Speed shoes are auto-booster while in a gear. How do I kill Calamity? : Backpedal to Ol' Man Baal and buy an engine atleast. How do I kill Ramsus/Miang combo? : Equip HP30/50 items and good Ether defense. Don't waste too much fuel on Ramsus, and don't use ID mode. Once he's out of the picture, concentrate on building up your attack levels on Miang, but don't attack her too many times i n a row because her Eth attacks are devestating after a while. Once you've managed to weaken her, all she does it keep casting while her eth strength increases, so let it all out on her, especially ID mode! How do I kill the elements gang at Babel? : Give Elly a FlareG Rod to do extra fire damage on Dominias dolphin pal. Either that or equip Power Magic ethamp accessories and cast fire spells. Tea m up on the dolphin, then take out Dominia. Dont use your boosters cause youll have to fight them both again. The same strategy should be utilized, though. The next battle is old hat, just remember that the bird is weak against eart h, and the lion is weak against water. Try to gang up on the bird because it doe s the most damage. When you have to do the two fights over again, turn your boosters on and hold out, you should be able to kill them eventually. How many times do people have sex in the game?: Well I'm glad you asked. :P 1. "Miang" & Ramsus sleep together in the same bed. 2. Chu-Chu has a big chu-orgy after Shevat. 3. When Fei and Elly do it in the Yggdrasil. 4. That ol' dog of the sea Hans went and did the widowed Anne. His stepson hates him, though. What's weight got to do with the game?: Not much as far as I can tell. If you're overweight you lose speed, if you're underweight you lose strength. Make sure you're in balance! Not much to worr y about though unless you devour fifty or so steamed cakes at the Aveh tournament.. :P p.s. anyone notice how TALL everyone is in the game? Look in the manual! The y all look like the casting group for NBA tryouts.. Citan, 6 foot 1?? Yeah righ t! The shortest guy is Billy at 5"7. How about us short people huh?? Tips on getting an Ether Doubler at Nisan!: At the Nisan general store, they sell an EtherDoubler for 38k. It's 2xEP fo r 2x the spell effect. I wanted it so much I restarted the game over again! Here's some tips to follow to get that cash flowing! I was able to get up 40k and buy it! But if you don't feel like getting it right away, you can forget about it an d come back later. But make sure it's before you don't absolutely have to retur n to Nisan, because the items shop changes by then. 1. De-equip party members that're about to leave you. especially Elly, whos initial equipment can be sold for 2.5k. 2. Don't buy any items! Only upgrade equipment if necessary. (in Dazil, etc. ) 3. When you have the choice of upgrading gear parts with Balthazar before fighting calamity, it'd be wise only to upgrade the engines. You can still survive the next few gear battles pretty easily. 4. When you're in the stalactite caves, make sure you stick around and gather some money, because this area is one of the richest before Nisan. Hang around for a while, actually. Get to lv23 while you're at it. 5. Have bart grab the four iron armors in the armoury at Aveh, and sell them later. 6. Give the spider to Chu-Chu (see 6.1 - 2) sell the ether veiler for 5k. 7. Sell barts initial gear armor, worth around 2.5k. If you've followed all these steps, you should be able to reach an EtherDouble r with a little work. The results pay off for the rest of the game, trust me! Bosses get wiped out in one hit from massive spell damage with Elly! How do I get money later in the game, or save it up??: Remember that Gear parts cost major cash! Don't go upgrading your whole par ty whenever you get the chance. Saving money is the key to ending up with a generous portion by the end of the 2nd CD. I ended up unexpectedly with 700k in my lap to upgrade with! There's a couple ways to obtain money at the end of the game, though. 1. Go to the battling arena and fight. Keep buying any doll, they sell for 30 k G. 2. Fight monsters outside of the SnowfieldHideout and sell the "golden" equipment they carry. 3. Keep going back and forth in Big Joe's shop, hoping that you can get some Matchlocks (6k G selling price), from his repopping chests. 4. Wander around the 2'nd maze of the last level and collect some money. Sell the spare Ether Ar+3 you accumulate. 5. Go to Kislev, and sell items to the blue crystal where the Capital used to be. (Anima Dungeon 2 is a good place to stock up on items to sell here.. scales, ivory, etc.) I'm at the end of the game and I want experience!: There's only one surefire way to blast up in levels. Fight Power Seraphs in t he tunnels of the second maze in the final level. They give 75k XP with a Hercul es Ring. It should be enough to skyrocket your levels to whatever you want. I heard Ramsus is a secret character!! Is it true?: Alas, Ramsus has gone and stowed himself away in the Orphanage bathroom, having a big fourgy with his elements crew. I was able to pick up on some on the naughty plot development, though! Oh Ramsus, look at the wonders of molecular engineering! Oh boy, I might be young in human years, but Im more of a man than Fei ever was.. to hell with him! 1 : Lahan Village Lahan Village boasts the most 'secrets' in an area in the whole game, and yo u only get one try at it, so don't mess up! Once you leave Citans house towards Lahan at night again, you'll never get a chance to explore and collect again, and there's plenty to grab! There's also a few funny moments and characters y ou might recognise. 1.1 : Secrets 1. under your bed Check under your bed for 200G. 2. spider web In the western room with the barrels, jump in the corner to grab a spider web (it's very visible). 3. two barrels In this same room, examine the two barrels for two Aquasols. 4. the village well Jump in the well to randomly collect these three items, Aquasol S, Power Ring, Eyeball. There's plenty of bad well puns too... :P 5. mermaid tear In the bar, talk to the drunk in the corner near the ladder, and select the third choice (tell him it won't solve anything). He'll give you the mermaid tear. 6. RPS badge In the house next to the learning center, you can play a game of Rock Paper Scissors with some guy. Win 5 times in a row to get the RPS King Badge. There's a trick to beating him, though it's not 100% effective, it's your best chance. He'll never throw the same figure again after being beaten in using i t. So you know he'll only use one or the other. Pick the one that will win/tie, most likely. Sometimes he breaks out of this pattern and drives you crazy, bu t atleast you'll win more than you lose. 7. underneath the RPS house Talk to the lady in the basement and tell her the first choice (I like Lahan). She'll give you 120G. 8. the bearcow lady Near the well is a lady with what she calls a "bearcow". If you tell her the second choice(that what she thinks isn't strange), then she'll give you an Aquasol, and the bearcow will "moooooo". 9. behind the elders house(your house) Talk to the old man next to the "bearcow" for two Aquasols for each time you talk to him. 1.2 : Tidbits 1. the learning center Check out the learning center.. there's Lucca from Chrono Trigger there, and it's really, uh, interesting how she explains save points. See what happens when you say no to wanting to hear her info! ^_^ 2 : Mt Path & Uzukis The Mt. Path and the Doctors house has some useful secrets, although they won't be used till much later in the game. See if you can find the good Docs old bath tub. ^_~ I cant! 2.1 : Secrets 1. birds egg Near the beginning of the path, there's a tree that's on a ledge that you can' t just walk to. You have to jump up under it, then jump again and ruffle the leaves. It'll ask you if you want to take the bird egg, and if you take it, there'll be a chicken that'll demand you give it back, whacking you -1 HP ever y time you refuse. It asks you every 7 or so seconds. 2. spider Just as you're about to get to the path up to Citans house, if you look to the tree to the immediate left, there should be a spider that dangles down then shoots back up if you come close, but if you time it right, you can grab it. 3. Aquasol door On the first landing when climbing up the steps of Uzukis house, there's two doors opposite eachother. When you open one of them, a chicken will pop out. Enter inside and examine, and you'll find an Aquasol. 4. Midori's Ring On the side corner of the house is a bed of flowers. Jump over them to the other side and examine the part closest to the wall and you'll get Midori's Ri ng (Midori is the Doctor's daughter.) 5. egg cooking Fei will automatically give the egg to Yui if he has it. He'll gain about 20 lbs afterwards, and there's a funny bit before he leaves. 2.2 : Tidbits 1. birdseed Next to the landcrab and the patch of flowers along the side edge of the fence , there's a rock with some birdseed on it. Well, it's funny what Fei does when you examine it .. ^_^ take a look. 3 : Blackmoon Forest The Blackmoon Forest is teeming with life, but more importantly, has lots of chests just lying around. There are a few you can't get to without some prope r inspection, though. 3.1 : Secrets 1. hob-steak If a hob monster recieves a fatal strike due to a fire ether attack, it'll lea ve behind a "hob-steak", which heals 500 HP, non battle. Once you get Elly, star t toasting those hobs! They sell for 150G. 2. 'area 1' chest Before you meet Elly, in the first forest section, there's a chest that's only reachable from a tall log. From the entrance, maneuver behind the large falle n tree, and jump up on the two small ledges to reach the top of the log. Walk down it, then jump down to the (southwest) side to the log underneath it, to reach the chest. Youll be rewarded with an Aquasol. 3. Elly's pilot uniform Before you reach the end of the area, make sure you de-equip Elly of her pilot uniform, which sells for 2.5k. You'll know it's the end by the large grey sla b of rock connecting to a save point w/ a chest & SurvivalTent inside. 4. area 2 chests I reccomend you grab the chests after Ellys in trouble, because you wont be pestered by random battles. The chest a northern jump away from the main ledge that has the bunches of hob-gobs in them has an Arcane Rod in it. The other chest is west of the crossroad sign, and has an Aquasol. 4 : Bledavik The capital of Aveh is chock full of secrets and goodies! Make sure you explore the area thoroughly before heading onward, it's worth it! 4.1 : Secrets 1. cheap inn When you're approached by the lady at the start of the city, and tell her you don't have a place to stay, she'll direct you to an inn. If you tell the innkeep you got a reccomendation, tell her the truth, that you don't know the ladies name, and you'll get a discount, 100 gold off per person. 2. hide and seek badge The hide and seek kid isn't too hard if you know where to look! You first find him hiding in the corner from the staircase that has the broken roof over it. Next he's in the corner by the exit leading towards Shakhan Square. Just befo re you're about to exit, rotate the camera to see him. Third, he'll be hiding in the barrels next to the Ethos HQ. Fourth, you find him hiding behind one of the archways on the side of the town with the little boys tromping around cursing Kislev. Fifth, and last, he's hiding in the tiny corner to your right when you come in . You might not see him at first, but just examine around and you'll find him. Talk to him a second time to get the badge. 3. minigear In the town fair, talk to the man selling toys, and buy a minigear(120G). Tal k to the kid who wants one, and give it to him. He'll give you a tip about the restaurant and a gold nugget in the chest. 4. little thieves If you talk to the lady on the right hand side just before you're about to lea ve towards Shakhan Square, you'll see that two little kids stole from her. Head up the stairs and follow them, and one will ask for 1k G. Give it to him! Theyl l have a special shop later on. 4. the games tent After your preparations are complete, you can wander off on your own to the games tent that you might have tried to get into earlier, in Shakhan Square. There's three games, and they're all fun and surprising! Unless you're an expert, you'll prob. only be getting Aquasols, although I managed to get an Ir on Helmet before in the balloon game. (go me!) 4.2 : Tidbits 1. steam cakes In the fair is a bartender who sells steam cakes, hot and cold. You gain or lose weight according to whatever you buy. There's some good sight gags! 2. dine n' dash If you don't have enough money when trying to buy food at the restaurant, a little kid will burst up out of the back door, and lead you running off. Dine n' dash! 3. Bartweiser In the fair, buy a Bartweiser and drink it, and the camera will pan uneasily a nd wobble around. Hic! 4. fighting Dan When fighting Dan in the semi-finals, if you continually defend/heal, he'll eventually give you her wedding dress and run off. I'm not sure what impact i t has on the game, and I haven't done it myself. I think you can sell it.. ^_^ 5. market bartering - tomasbn@indosat.net.id When talking to any of the sellers at the market, if you wait a while at the screen where youre asked whether you want to buy the item or not, the seller will cut their prices down by a few G, two or three times if you wait long enough. Im not sure how useful this is, becuase youd have to be dirt-poor to not affort a 10G Ariberry. ^_^ 5 : Castle Invasion There's three secrets waiting for Bart as he invades the castle of Aveh. Other than that, there's just crummy, low XP/G guards. 5.1 : Secrets 1. restaurant gold nugget If you activated the 'minigear' secret, along the way upstream(assuming you ca me in from the well entrance by the Ethos Workshop) you can climb a pipe to your left and grab the gold nugget in the chest. 2. armoury armor In the lower floor of the castle is an armoury, its on the lower eastern floor , the most northern door. Enter and grab the four iron armors, very useful! 3. cobracraka On the lower eastern floor, the south-most door is a residence room. Check behind the bed curtains (rotate the camera) and examine the chest to get a cobracraka, one of the few 'effect' items in the game, that poisons your opponent when hit. (there's only one or two others I can think of) 4. kitchen meat On the lower western floors, you can get into the kitchen. Jump up in the air to grab some hob-meat thats dangling from the ceiling. Yummy! 5.2 : Tidbits 1. general Vanderkaums room Holy Crap!! Vanderkaums room is one of those ones along the big dual staircas e. Make sure you stop in and pay homage to his absolutely gigantic vulcan cannon that takes up half the room. If you decide not to make the visit, you can com e back later in the game. 2. Ramsus & Miangs room If you go into the room where Ramsus has his nightmare/dream in bed with Miang , you can examine the wine case beside the painting, and activate cameras around the castle and look around. You can see Margie in the East Tower if you choos e that camera view. 6 : Nisan Nisan is all story development and not much secrets or fun. 6.1 : Secrets 1. expensive, rare items The shopkeep sells very rare accessories. You can either save up major money in order to buy it right away, or wait till later in the game, and come in by sea . Either way, don't wait until you -have- to come back to Nisan, because by then the items will have changed. Personally, I scraped every G I could get my greedy paws on and managed to get 40k before reaching Nisan, but others might not be so patient (or good! ^_^.) See the Tips section on this topic on specific hints to follow. 2. Chu-Chu on the Yggdrasil Talk to Chu-Chu after her introduction and she'll give you an ether veiler for your spider. Yum-mmmy! 6.2 : Tidbits 1. Frans on the Yggdrasil Frans is on the bridge at all times in the game. Talk to him for a random sou nd test. Hes not hard to spot.. its the pengiun in the wet-suit! 7 : Imperial Palace There's a few goodies you can obtain by exploring the imperial palace. 7.1 : Secrets 1. crane operation If you can manage to maneuver the crane to crash into the side of the boxes th at the guys can't reach, you can jump on it and then reach over. There's a Power Magic, a gear item you won't be able to buy till later, and very useful for Elly. It's +8 Ethamp. 2. Ricos momento chain When you gain control of your party in the Queen's room, examine the drawer infront of you to get a momento chain. It's +5 eth and +5 ethdef, for Rico us e only. 8 : Nortune A Block Civilian Area There's only one 'secret' you can activate here, although the rewards won't appear till later. 8.1 : Secrets 1. Big Joe "borrows" 5k G Talk to Big Joe before the dead end, and hand him 5k G. Don't worry about him running off, because you'll get a good item later on. Just before you are abo ut to head out of the city, talk to him outside the gate (in the city map), and he'll give a humorous conversation. Go back to the alleyway he asked you to search and find an M Disk. Excellent tunes! 9 : Thames The thames is one big gag! What's more funny than a gigantic salvager ship filled to the brim with drunk, unshaven men?? The men of the sea will keep yo ur funny bone going in an otherwise bland area. There's also plenty of secrets t o be had! Talk to everyone! 9.1 : Secrets 1. the four chests in the supply area In the supply dock, there's plenty of funny people, but also four chests scattered around. There are two on the lifts, one behind a bunch of crates, a nd one behind a large fence. Sometimes the booty just isnt worth the effort, but who wants unopened chests looming around the Thames..? To get the one on the lift that's not moving, run up the stairs at the edge of the screen, and walk down the large gun. Take a right across the boxes & the knife, jump on the first lift, then jump ontop of the second one with the ches t, and press examine before you get to the top. It should open with you over it. The chest on the lift that's moving is a little harder. Make a running jump a nd knock the bottom of it with your head to send it flying to the ground. Using peoples heads is a good idea if they're standing around. The one behind the boxes can be reached by walking up the stairs, into the "control room", then jumping over the railing to fall down behind them. You c an also jump over the little girls head if she's close by the boxes. 9.2 : Tidbits 1. playing the card game Your first opponent is a guy on the beer deck who will teach you how to play. Your second opponent is a little kid in the supply dock, he's in the corner wa ll opposite the guy who sells gear parts. Now you can play Queenie, who is in the Armor Ground. She'll give you a deathblower 1 for your efforts, but only crummy items afterwards. (she also gets progressively insanely hard to beat..) Remember that Citan is the fastest, and you can hold down the run button to mo ve even faster. 10 : Orphanage What a cute little area! Square does nothing to hide the obscenities of the bathroom, though! Have fun ^_^ 10.1 : Secrets 1. three books There's three books you need in order to get into Jessie's room. One can be found in the dining room, up the ladder. Talk to Brother A and tell him you won't tell anyone about where hes hiding and he'll give you a coloring book. The second you get when you try to enter the bathroom (from the bedroom), a little scrubby dwarf hands you a comic book. The third book can be obtained, only with Rico in the party. Enter one of the side rooms (I forgot which), an d talk to the kid looking out the window. After a brief revelation, you'll get the "hellfire preaching" book. 2. Jessie's room Later in the game, return to the orphanage anytime with the three books to ope n the bookshelf (it will open a crack, and you have to push the rest of the way) . You can only do this with Billy in the party. There's a useful item inside. 3. Tag Badge This is one of the easiest badges to obtain, and it's also the last. Talk to the demihuman in the chicken pen, and he'll tell you what to do. Just talk to the chickens and lure all three of them in, then the badge is yours. 10.2 : Tidbits 1. bathroom One of the funniest and possibly most obscene area in the game, the bathroom i s a gag you won't want to miss! Just for a hint, try using different characters in the front of the party to get different reactions. 11 : Transport Ship The transport ship is mostly bland except for one hilarious gag. Don't miss it! 11.2 : Tidbits 1. "bloody showers" A really funny gag can be found in the transport ship. In the mid-section, before the rusted door, there are several cabins you can open up and look inside. The one on the right of the rusty door has a shower in it. Examine t he shower ... muahahaha! 12 : Ethos HQ (afterwards) 12.1 : Secrets 1. three out-of-the way chests Some of the bookcases in the rooms have been moved to the side. Explore one t o reach a hidden room containing three chests. (you'll know by the long staircase). Its also reachable from the infirmary. Don't bother trying to move the ones that're already closed. They won't open. 12.2 : Tidbits 1. "rescue" Big Joe In the infirmary, check the door to the left of the one you find the survivor in. Look at who you rescued.. whoopee! 13 : Shevat Shevat is an area where if you gathered secrets from the previous parts of t he game, now is the time to reap your rewards! There's plenty to do and see, and even more to blow your cash on. Resist the temptation of blowing every penny on Gear Parts.. youll regret it later! 13.1 : Secrets 1. the dusk, dawn, and dark rock These three rocks, found in Shevat itself, will let you get a whole mess of excellent items, as well as one that can't be found anywhere else. Dawn : examine the southern circle of the outer shevat ring. Just keep walkin g around examining, it shouldn't be too hard. Dusk : In the broken house, the doll has it in it's hand. Dark : First, talk to the chu-chu spinning ontop of one of the lights. To do this, jump off the yellow elder chu-chus head and press X before you fall. Th en go down to the fountain area, and head through the gateway that doesn't have t he lady next to it. Talk to the man there and buy the thread. Then hop back up to the fountain top, and fish. It might take one or two tries, but the idea is t o wait till Fei has done "..." atleast three times before pulling up. After getting all the rocks, head down to the civilian area, go down the steps, through the door to the side of the stairs, and examine the lift that 'doesn't move'. Once inside the secret room, examine all of the shelves and stuff, there's plenty to grab! Among the goodies are the essential Power Crisis, and the Chu - Chu idol, which increases Chu-Chus attack and defense strength by 20%. 2. the three badges Talk to the elder chu-chu infront of the item chu-chu to get some special goodies for obtaining all three badges. The hilarious sounds can be heard aga in later in the game, when the badges are stored on one of the shelves. 14 : Aveh Revisited After your second visit to Nisan, I reccomend you re-explore the world once more. Here's some really interesting things you can follow through with. 14.1 : Secrets 1. meat market If you gave the 1k gold to the little thieves back in Aveh, you'll see them selling meat. Talk to the girl behind the boy, she'll give you 100G every tim e you re-enter the area. As for the meat, all of it's hob-stuff, 70g per. If y ou want to, you can stock up on hob-steaks and re-sell them at the Kislev battlin g arena for 450G!! Ofcourse, it takes way too long for my patience. 14.2 : Tidbits 1. heroic play If you head up the hidden stairs underneath the broken overhanging cloth, ther e will be a group of children re-enacting heroics and villany of Bart, Fei, Ramsus, Shakhan, and Margie. It's very cute and worth watching! Go see it! 2. explore the Gebler base To the side of the courtyard is a gate that leads to the Gebler base. While there's not much to do anymore, it's nice to explore. 15 : Kislev revisited There's a cool new feature in Kislev now! 15.1 : Secrets 1. battling arena You can come back to the battling arena, and fight to your hearts content. No t only is there a practice, 2 p mode, and some other extra features, there's als o battling for points that you can allocate and spend on very rare items.. cool! This is also available at the end of the 2nd CD. 16 : Anima Dungeon 2 There's only one secret here but you better not miss it!! 16.1 : Secrets 1. the trading card When you fight the boss of this dungeon, it'll get red hot before it dies. Yo u only have a few turns for each character before it explodes, even with booster s on, so make sure you have system ID, and your other two characters at either infinite or lv.3 attacks before going at it. If you manage to kill it, you'll get the trading card, one of the best items in the game! It allows you to 100 % collect extremely rare items from any monster you fight once equipped! Yummy! If there's one item you don't want to miss in the game, it's this one!! 17 : Snow Hideout Back in the snow hideout, there's plenty of goodies to be found everywhere! If you got some good secrets at the beginning of the game, you'll get to cash in the rewards! 17.1 : Secrets 1. mermaid ring Once Emeraldas grown up (see lighthouse), head out to the prisoner cave again. (no I dont know which door it is :P) then talk to the old man at the dead end with her in your party & the mermaid tear. You'll get the mermaid ring. An excellent accessory, if I do say so myself! 2. card playing kid Win once to get the Emer Jr. Doll. Win twice in a row to get the Bart Jr. Dol l, then five times in a row for the Elly Jr. Doll. While you can get the Bart Jr . Doll at the battling arena, the other two cant be found anywhere else. The Emer Jr. Doll enables same-damage counters on the enemy. The Bart Jr. Doll raises critical hit rate. (only Emeralda can equip it) The Elly Jr. Doll changes ether spell power either +50% or 50% randomly. 3. Midori's ring Give Midori's ring to Midori and get a Hercules Ring. 4. Citan's gear sword Walk past the gear shop and talk to the man at the edge of the walkway. If yo u have the Kishin sword from the G Elements boss (unequipped!), he'll make it super-strong for you. If you dont have anything to unequip the sword with, go back to one of the Anima Dungeons and buy a sword from Shopkeeper Johnny. 5. gold to the miner Give a gold nugget to the miner, go rest/sleep somewhere, then come back and give him a gold bullion (there's only a few in chests around the game). Go an d rest again, then come back, talk to him, and rest one more time. You'll find a jukebox with some pre-selected tunes to play for 100G every time. 6. Chu-Chu treasures Talk to the rude waitress selling the birds and hand her the 20k gold. It's well worth it.. because what the birds are mulling around on is an elevator th at goes back to the Chu-Chu area, and you can now fulfill your greedy desires, snatch all the treasure! Yes! Chu-Chu this, pal! 17.2 : Tidbits 7. "reflection mirror" Head into the side passage with the civilian area, and examine the cabinet directly infront of the doorway you entered. It's a fun mirror to play around with! (use the buttons to activate different animation sequences) 18 : Lighthouse/Zeobim This old town has got some good items and even some character development if you know where to look. Don't forget to visit Big Joes shop, too! 18.1 : Secrets 1. GodfatherG gun In one of the lighted buildings, head into it, and keep walking. You'll get i t automatically. 2. Emeralda grows up When reaching the far end of the map with the huge parking lot, Fei should say "we can get out here". Head out on foot and go to the hard to see (depending on your TV.. turn the brightness up if you have trouble) manhole. Go through the subway car and reach the end. After some revealing scenes, Emeralda grows up! 3. the subway Z charger In the side of the subway car, hidden, there's a Z charger in a chest. Excellent item! 18.2 : Tidbits 1. TV broadcast information Examine one of the computers close to the door to get some still pictures and information on the Zeobim era. Cool info! 1. Big Joes Shameful Past... ;_; My happy view of Big Joe was forever stained with this wretched secret! (than ks to LightRanma@aol.com!! ^_^) Exploring in the town, you'll be able to enter into an old convience store. Examine the papers around the table and upstairs to get some interesting information here and there. There's articles on the "Eldridge", infinity attacks, Big Joe, and some others. Only find the article on Big Joe if you want to be forever traumatized when seeing that jolly red Elvis-suit again! 19 : Dunemans Isle To the west of Ignas is a lone desert island, Dunemans Isle. It's a dangero us place, don't go unprepared! 19.1 : Secrets 1. wyrm monster Once you refuse to leave to the sandmen, head east two screens, and north four . You'll find some hopping sand sharks.. follow them. There's some quicksand th at drags you down in the next screen. Run either left or right to grab some excellent armor or the Godfather gun, Billys best gun EQ. After you fall, though, you'll have to fight a sand wyrm that has extreme defense! If you hav e Feis "Big Bang", or any of Emeralda's spells, then you can kill it quickly. Wyrms are now a normal enemy here. 2. Yamato sword >From the sand sharks, head north. You'll find yourself at a huge dragon skeleton thing. Jump up it's tail & back and grab the sword from the top. Th e skeleton will fall down and dragons will be a normal enemy. BTW the Mumyo swor d from the dragons is better EQ if you have the trader card. 3. dragons Dragons have some of the most rare EQ in the game. If you have the trader car d, hang around and get some good stuff! Among the booty you can harness are Kais er Helms, Blessed Helms, Mumyo Swords (the only unevenly priced item when divided ), and Death Adders (Bart's best whip). Ofcourse, they're also viciously tough a nd you've got to be strong to kill them! It's necessary to have Fei with atleast his next-to-last deathblow skill learn t. Have him die in a battle and end the round. Give him the power crisis, speed shoes, and some armor. When you come up against the dragon, let that bad boy have it! Your attacks must do atleast 7000 damage, along with your other members chipping in, in order to kill it before it turns your party into a san d pastry! If you do manage to survive the initial blast, once it's weakened(on it's knees), it'll do it again! 4. getting out! Head west from the place you started out on and push the guys dune buggy out o f the sand for him. He'll give you a free ride out. Sometimes you don't even ne ed to help him! 20. Melchior's House Come back to "Taura's" house to get some nice equipment from him before leaving. 20.1 : Secrets 1. talk to Taura Come back here to get some neat equipment from Melchior. (it's the place you start off on the 2nd CD) It's north of the 1st Anima Dungeon, in the south-ea st corner of the map. Get out of your gears to walk through the forest to reach him. He's in the second room in the corner and it's easy to miss him, so pan the camera to find where he's standing.