©1999 - 2000 Jonathan Bouldin The JP guide to Suikoden II Questions? Get in touch at jook@ignmail.com, or ICQ me: 12503119 Canât reach me with either method? As a last resort, try tabworkshop@usa.net Contents: FORWORD \/ MAIN CHARCTERS \/ BATTLE SYSTEMS \/ WALKTHOUGH - The Mercenary Base - Your New Destiny - In Need of a Leader - New Places, New Faces - New Places, New Faces (part 2) - Return to Muse - The Toran Republic - More new Places, and More new Problems - ÎTis Neclord Again - Four Major Battles and a Very Good Time - The Final Mission \/ CHARACTER LIST \/ ARMOR LIST \/ YOUR CASTLE \/ SUGGESTION BOX LETTERS \/ THE OLD BOOKS \/ FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS \/ THANK YOUâS ~Vertion Numbers~ 0.1. Iâve written the forward, cast list, and just started the walkthrough. Iâm actually half way dreading writing this thing; Iâve made one hell of a project for myself. 0.2. Wrote even more in the walkthrough and its going nicely! Although I may not have the chance to over the next little while as to Iâm going on vacation, and right after I get back friends are coming over. My calendar is full for the next 2 weeks. 0.3. Iâve started on a Castle FAQ, which is about your Suikoden 2 castle, of course. Iâm not going to put it on here just yet, however. Itâs still not quite done. I also fixed a few problems in the walkthrough itself. 0.4. Very small walkthrough update this time, but I made a few corrections to it and added two lists. An armor list and a character list. Iâd like to thank both of the people who let me use these, Feral and Odin135 (check the Thank You section for more information). 0.5. This is a pretty big update, if I do say so myself. I covered the whole Greenhill section of the game, and also the Unicorn Quest you have to go on to get Hix and Tengaar. Oh, and if youâve noticed that I havenât been writing the interactive questions down, itâs because most of them at this time are just unimportant, so Iâve been saving time by not writing them down. If itâs an important one, Iâll put it down for sure, though. Ok, I just wanted to clear that up. 0.6. A added the castle FAQ to this, and submitted it on another document as well! Yay! 0.7. A rather large update this week. Lots of walkthrough updates, updated the Your Castle section with a few corrections and new info. Started a Suggestion Box Letters section, which is coming along alright, but itâs going to take a long time to finish, so if you happen to want to send me some of the suggestion box letters Iâd be happy to toss them up here. I also added the Suggestion Box letters section to the Castle FAQ since the Suggestion Box is, as a matter of fact, in your castle! 0.8. I almost forgot to add my new version number! Another really big walkthrough update and also more letters, etc. Nothing too special, really. Iâm planning on putting the content of the Old Books up here sometime soon, so that should be pretty cool. Anyone agree? Of course, I thought so! I canât believe Iâm actually getting close to being DONE with the walkthrough!!! I mean, I know I still have a ways to go, of course, but Iâm getting closer all the time! I simply canât get over it! Oh, and this is also a happy time because of the big 200k anniversary! This FAQ is now a whopping 200k!! Woo hoo!!! 0.9. Well, another update hits the web. I started the Old Book section by putting three old books on this FAQ. I have two more to add, but Iâm a bit tired of writing for now. I havenât found all the old books, so if you want to send me one, I have a spot in my wonderful Thank Youâs section just for you. I evidently wonât be finished with this guide by version 1.0, but thatâs alright. Maybe Iâll be done by the time I reach 2.0. Yes, I DO expect to get to 2.0, Iâm not sure that I will or anything, but I rather expect I will sometime in the future, probably thanks to the suggestion box letters ?. Anyway, enjoy the new update, and donât wonder off too far till the next one. 1.0. Well, here we are at the big 1.0, the whole number, the big tomalley. Youâd think that after the huge gap between this update and the last one, this would be a huge update. Unfortunately, itâs not. Actually, all I have for you is a couple more old books and letters. Iâve been sick for quite a while now, so I finally sort of feel like writing again. Even so, Iâm forcing myself to write even this much (you may not guess, but writing the old books out is a real pain). Over the past couple weeks Iâve been playing a lot of Golden Eye, actually. I borrowed it from a friend. Iâve gotten him several new cheats, only one of which is actually cool (well, I sort of like Enemy Rockets·), and all of the sudden he wants it back. Of all the nerve! I spent a couple hours trying to get the Invincibility cheat, then decided it was sort of stupid to get it on someone elseâs game, so I gave up on it. I did, however, get the next best thing· Invisibility! Beating the Archives on 00 agent in 1:20 seconds is really tons easier then I thought it would be. I wouldnât have even tried, but I accidentally went to the level on that difficulty. The very first time I tried I beat it and got a time of about 1:55, so I decided I could do it and kept trying. And eventually I beat it with 1:20 exactly, which is satisfactory to me. I made a very, very weak attempt at the unlimited ammo cheat. I ended up getting blown away by the drown gun right outside the elevator· really quite sad. I mean, I practically didnât even start the level! Needless to say I havenât tried since. Anyway, Iâve been blabbering on enough, and itâs about a totally different game! So, Iâll just leave you with this thought: Iâm hoping to write more in the walkthrough this week, but please donât be mad if I donât, since I might be a bit busy. Also, Iâd like to give a shout out to Tutsy for the e card. Thanks, it was a lovely change from the normal array of game questions that I usually get. ;-) Again, thanks. 1.1. Are you glad that I finally updated this dang thing?? Anyway, weâve got lots more walkthroughness, tons of new letters. And I even added a battle system explanation thing. Why an explanation on battle systems, you ask? Well, it came to me while I was playing a major battle, that some people might not fully understand everything about all the battles systems. Major battleâs are the most complicated, normal six person party battles are the easiest. Of course, the other reason that I made it is I have to come up with lots of crazy and nigh useless ideas so this FAQ can get bigger and bigger. Yes, my evil plan has been revealed! Anyway, enjoy the update, and Iâd like to say sorry for not updating in so long. Sorry! And another sorry for not replying to all my e-mail. If you sent me a question and I didnât answer, you sent it when my inbox was down (it goes down a lot!). Anyway, I shall leave you now with this 1.1 update. Have a wonderful day, guys and gals. 1.2. Ahhhhhh, yes... can you say, ăfinished the walkthroughä, boys and girls? I knew you could!! FINALLY!!! After like, 5 months, Iâm done with the walk through!!!! Iâm ever so fulfilled. 1.3. I took some time to fix all the errors and stuff in the guide. Other then that, nothingâs really new· _-_-_-_-_-_-_-FORWORD-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ If anyone remembers Suikoden, the first game, they probably remember the sheer size of everything. The cast, the game itself, the soundtrack, the list goes on. Well, there are just as many, and more of those things in the sequel, properly named Suikoden 2. This is a walkthrough of the USA version of the game. Oh, also, this guide is one big spoiler. If thereâs something to be spoiled, this will spoil it. Keep that in mind! _-_-_-_-_-_-_-CHARACTERS-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ It would be stupid to list all 108 people, really. Instead, look at the end of this guide for a list, and the methods to get them all. Yes, itâs better that way. Iâll just cover the main characters here. The Hero: You get to name this guy at the start of the game. He uses a strange weapon thatâs best described as two big sticks with handles· He joined a Youth Group called The Unicorns. Ever so fear-inspiring· Jowy: Another Member of The Unicorns, also a good friend of the Hero. He uses a staff, like the Hero from Suikoden. Flik: Presumed dead after being hit by an arrow and staying the Emperorâs castle to fight off some guards. Somehow, he pulled through, and here he is. He is now a part of The City-State, and is a leader of a mercenary group southeast to Muse and leads them with a big sword. Victor: Also presumed dead after staying behind to help Flik in the Scarlet Moon Emperorâs castle. He is still helping Flik out as the other leader of the mercenary group. He also uses a sword to take out baddies. Nanami: The Heroâs sister. She is also his only family member. She and Hero guy were orphaned and then adopted by a nice old man. He then gave them lesions in hurting bad guys. He died a year before the game starts. And now Nanami and the Hero are on there own. Luca Blight: I mean young man who is starting a war between Highland the Jowston City-State. No one knows why· Genkaku: This is the man that adopted you. Heâs more then just an old guy, though. The game will answer why. Shu: A very rich trader from Radat. A little ways into the game he joins you as a Military Strategist. He studied under Mathiu. And he also knows Apple, another character from Suikoden who is a lead character in this game, too. _-_-_-_-_-_-_-BATTLE SYSTEMS-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ Why did I write this, you ask? Simple. The battle systems in the game very, so I decided to put together some suggestions, tips, and other little things to help you with battles. Major battles especially because of all the options that are involved. -Normal Battles- Normal battles consist of 2 to 12 people/monsters (1 to 6 people in your party and 1 to 6 baddies) and happen at random. This is the basic battling style that youâll be using throughout a huge majority of the game. As far as working with this style, youâll have no trouble. The instruction manual explains it pretty fully! -One on One Battles- A favorite of most Suikoden players, the one on one battles are between two people and use a different engine then the normal and major battle engines. Itâs sort of like playing Rock, Paper, Scissors; except the options are vastly expanded from a mere three menu commands. What ever your opponent does, you have to counter-act it by choosing ÎAttackâ, ÎDefenseâ or ÎWild Attackâ. The guy youâre fighting has the same options, but you can predict his actions by what he says before each turn. See the walkthrough for lists of commands and what to do with the commands. -Major Battles- And so, this brings me to the last, and second most commonly used battle system, the major battle system. Apple explains how to work your units close to the start of the game, but what she doesnât explain in that you can do more then simply go out in a major battle and hope everything works out for your overly weak units. Actually, characters that you can recruit also lead units. And other characters that you recruit can be put into these units giving you certain attributes. A good example of this is how I half the heroâs unit set up in my own game. I have Chaco, who gives me the ÎFlyâ ability and lets me cover a lot of ground. And I also have a character with strong defense, AND who gives me the ÎCalvaryâ ability. ÎCalvaryâ gives the heroâs unit a horse and lets him move faster. With this combo, the heroâs unit can cover tons of ground in a turn, and has higher defense then he normally would. Easy, yeah? If it doesnât seem easy, itâs because of my sloppy technique of explaining things! _-_-_-_-_-_-_-WALKTHROUGH-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ Ok, the first part of the game isnât too tough, but this IS a walkthrough so Iâll stick by my word. The scene opens on a camp. Your pal, Jowy will walk in to your tent and say some stuff, after which, youâll be given a choice. The first of many. Heâll ask if youâre going to sleep. ăLetâs go outside·ä (go walk around outside) ăIâm going to sleep.ä (go to sleep and progress with the story) If you want to walk around, go ahead. Get a feel for the controls. You wonât really gain anything from in, though. You can talk to people, many of which will just tell you to go to bed. Taking the path from the bottom right of the camp will take you to another path. At the end of it youâll see a strange man who will run away. Not necessary, but so scary! Whenever you go to bed, youâll be woken up by some noise outside. And then youâll here someone yell ăSurprise attack!!!ä Jowy joins you here. Go on out side to see whatâs up. The camp boss man will run up and fill you in and tell you to escape. You can do two things, run up to the exit at the top of the camp to a cliff. Or you can do what he says and try to escape out the lower right passage. If you take the upper passage, you can get on with the game faster. Rowd comes and talks a little and you find out heâs in on the whole thing. Youâll then be attacked a couple times. Just use your unite attack to make quick work of them. Rowd will run off, and you and Jowy will think of something to do. You decide to jump the heck off the cliff. If you take the lower right passage, however, Jowy will make an observation. Before you run off one of the screens, Jowy will stop you. You can ask him why. ăWhat is it, Jowy?ä (ask him why he stopped you) ăLetâs run away.ä (try to talk him into running away) Either way heâll say the same thing. Run all the way back to camp and youâll see Rowd talking to Luca Blight. Saying that everything is as planned and mean things like that. Then you can say yet another thing. ăLetâs get out of here, Jowy.ä (run out the exit at the top of town) ăLetâs talk to the captain, Jowyä (go talk to the captain) If you talk to him, youâll get in a fight, then run. If you decide to run, youâll just run. Itâs up to you. At the cliff, Rowd will come and youâll have to fight off some baddies. Do your Unite attack for an easy win (take advantage of this attack. You wonât have it forever·). Then Rowd will run off to get more people to kill you. Well, all three of the paths you can take end up here (that is, whether to run out the north exit, talk to the captain, run from the captain etc.). The only way out is to jump for it. ăLook at that current! Weâll never make it!ä (be told the facts, itâs the only way) ăI guess thereâs no other way.ä (agree with Jowy) After some more talking, Jowy will strike and \ type line in a rock as a point to come back to if you both live but get separated. Then heâll ask for a promise. You can say: ăI promise.ä (promise him and strike a / type line in the rock, making an X) ăForget it· Weâll make it together.ä (heâll strike the / line in the rock and finish the X and say thatâs his prayer that you make it together) It doesnât matter what you do. Choose one and jump. The opening credits will role, then youâll wake up on a beach. _-_-_-_-_-_-_-THE MERCANARY BASE-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ Some guyâll find you on the beach. Heâll ask for youâre name. These questions arenât very important, so I wonât put them down. It really doesnât matter what you say. Heâll tell you his name, Viktor, and then heâll take you prisoner. Flik will walk up and mention Jowy, then youâll head to the fort to be put in jail. Pohl will then make his appearance. For the next few days, youâll have to do work for these people. The first job is to push some crates up against the wall. Pretty simple. Just walk against one till it moves. And do this with all of them. As for the last crate, it has no where to go. Just push it up to the right or left wall and thatâll do fine. Pick up the rope on your way out. When you exit the room, Pohl you go and judge your work. If you did everything right (its hard not to), heâll say you did a good job. ăOf course!ä (let him know you have a working spirit) ăIâm pretty tired.ä (heâll say heâs not surprised and will still be impressed) Then youâll reach day two, as well as job number two. This will be the longest job, but its not hard. From where you are, just go left and up to the black smith and get three Flint Stones. Next, go down and left some more and talk to the large loud woman there and take two pairs of Boots. Now go up stairs and tall the way right. Youâll see a guy in green behind a counter. This is the item shop. But heâll say heâs out of Flour, which is what you need. Go tell Pohl about it. Heâll tell you to go to Ryube for him. No problem. But he says to take someone with you. So go upstairs and talk to the woman with the red dress. Sheâll help you out. Go talk to Pohl at the front door, straight down from where you are, and heâll let you out. Gengen (one of the people who is with you) ill ask to be called Captain Gengen. You can play along with this or not. ă···ä (heâll tell you to speak up and be strong) ăYes, Captain Gengen.ä (he wont mind baby sitting you) Gengen is a cool guy, so be nice! Do what Pohl says and follow the road up and right. This is Ryube. The item shop is between the BlackSmith and the Armor shop at the lower right side of town. Grab some flour. You may want to save at the inn before going back. There really isnât anything else to do, so just leave and head back to the fort after youâve saved. Talk to Pohl again. This will trigger day three. This job isnât very hard. All you have to do is clean oil up off the floor with a rag. There are two oil spots in you line of site. But there are more all over the place. There are altogether three on this floor and Pohl cleans one of them up. Just go left and youâll come across the other two. When youâre done with them, go up the stairs. Go across the room to the stairs and there will be other spot here. Then go up these stairs. This is the top floor. Go in the middle door and clean the spot there, then leave and to left and clean the spot there. Go down and talk to Pohl again and heâll say youâve got talent. ăOf course!ä (let him know youâve got spirit) ăItâs my talent·ä (heâll think youâve got spirit anyway. evidently you were joking) It doesnât matter what you say. Heâll think youâre cool no matter what. Jowy will sneak in and yell for you a while later. You can answer him or not. ăIm here Jowy!!!ä (heâll run to the prison) ă···..ä (heâll yell for you again) If you stay silent four times heâll find you anyway, so just answer. Now heâll join you and youâll both make a brake for it. You donât get very far, though. Flik, Viktor, and a bunch of solders are waiting on the next floor. Jowy is ready to give up for the moment. But you can disagree. ăLets bust through!ä (This is pretty funny. You try to run through only to get smacked in the head by Flik) ă··. I understand.ä (give up quietly) Either way, youâll both be put in front of Flik and Viktor for questioning. Viktor will ask what happened, that is, how you both wound up washed up by the river. ăThe truth is·ä (fill him in and get thrown back in prison) ăI cant say.ä (try to keep your Highland pride and get thrown back in the prison) That night, Jowy will ask to see what you have with you in your inventory. ăAre you going to try to escape?ä (heâll say yes) ăWhy?ä (heâll say its cause heâs going to escape) Heâll pick the lock with a spoon, and youâll get out. On the second floor, youâll see two guards. Jowy, being the James Bond fan he is, will light that oily rag with the flint and throw it, catching the floor on fire. This will give you a chance to run. Go up the stairs right below you. Now go down and out the door and youâll be on the deck. Jowyâll use the rope and you both will climb down. Youâll get out just fine and Jowy will say that he wants to go back to Kyaro, your hometown. ăLets go back to Kyaro Town.ä (agree with him) ăIts too dangerous to go back.ä (disagree, leaving poor Jowy speechless) When you leave the fortress, go back to Ryube and walk to the right a little ways. Youâll see some traveling performers putting on a show. When you start watching, Eilie will pick you from the crowd to help them out with the next trick. Theyâll put a fruit on your head and Eilie will throw a few knives at you. And theyâll say not to move. When youâre up, about to have the thing thrown, a menu will pop up. ăDonât move.ä (donât move, donât get stabbed) ăMove a hair to the left.ä (move, get stabbed) ăMove a hair to the rightä (move, get stabbed) Youâll have to decide this a few times before the event ends. Or can just move once and get stabbed, bringing it to a quick end. It doesnât matter, for the most part. Rina has good medicine. After the show, youâll learn that all of them are going to Kyaro, too. And they suggest that you all go together. ăOf course.ä (agree) ăItâs my pleasure to travel with such a beautiful lady.ä (hit on Rina and agree at the same time) ăNo way!ä (Jowy will back you up and you wont go with them) You canât get to Kyaro without them, so bring them along. If you refuse them just talk to them again to take them. Buy new armor for yourself and for Jowy, and buy some Medicine. Of course, save at the inn, and leave town. North Sparrow Pass is straight up from Ryube. Take a right at the fork in the road. Youâll come to North Sparrow Pass in no time. The guards here donât want to give in, though. So Rina ătalksä some sense into the captain· anyway. Head on up. -North Swallow Pass- Ok, first of all, follow the path up and youâll reach a fork. Take a left to see a treasure chest and a small pool of water. Take the treasure, but donât leave this area. The pool of water refills you HP and MP, so build your levels to five (or six if you have the time). And also, the Cut Rabbits in this area drop the Double-Beat Rune, which is a really great one. Be sure to get one of these while youâre doing your level building. When everyoneâs up to level, go back to the fork in the road and take the right path.Just follow it to another fork. Take the right path to a Escape Talisman (if youâve gotten a billion of these from building levels, skip this treasure). Now go back and continue up. Youâll come to another fork. Take the right path and grab the Brass Armor. Equip it on the Hero and go back to the fork and go left. Go all the way up. When you get to the next screen, donât take the path leading up. Go all the way right and save at the save point. Heal if you REALLY need it, but donât just waist medicine. After youâve saved, go up and fight the Mist Shade. ===Beating the Mist Shade=== Well, for a first boss, Iâll just say that itâs pretty hard. But if Rina is Level 6, sheâll have a very strong spell to use against it that makes the fight easier. There are two random forms you might fight, a male and a female. The female form uses one attack a turn that hits everyone. The male form uses two attacks a turn on one person at a time. So itâs a very balanced fight. Donât be shy, use your Circus unite attack when possible and when Bolgan is unbalanced, use all the magic you have, and have Bolgan use any attack Scrolls he has equipped. The hero and Jowy should attack, not unite. Other then that, use whomever to heal whenever thatâs needed. This isnât too bad. By the way, they each have about 750 to 800 HP. -After The Mist Shade- Well, if you want, you can run back and save. But it doesnât matter. Just keep going up till you reach another fork. Go right and grab the Feather Hat and put it on Jowy. Then go back and continue along the path to the exit. Go up on the world map and youâll see Kyaro. Go on in and Eilie, Rina and Bolgan will leave to find other places to perform. Jowy will leave, too, and go home. Save at the Inn, and then go to your house. DO NOT go in your house yet, however. Go up the right side of the fence and youâll see a big tree. Walk up to it and push X. Do this three times and Mukumuku will join your party. Isnât he cute? Now go into your house. Go through the back door and youâll see Nanami, your sister, for the first time. But, she hardly even notices youâre there. Silly girl. After her calm, peaceful, not-painful-at-all welcome, sheâll join you. On your way out, youâll se some vases on a large box. There are three, a large one, a small one, and a medium one. Take whichever one you want and leave the house. Youâll be attacked by some solders outside, then Rowd will come and try to act cool. Heâll tell you to come along ăCaptain·· Why·..ä (ask him why then get arrested) ăNo!!!!!ä (fight him and his men) It doesnât matter what you say here. You can go quietly or choose to fight. If you fight him, youâll lose. But I heard from someone that he IS possible. Xuniveur, the person who told me this said that he seems to have about 1200HP and he said he give you about 10025p. But anyway, after youâre done getting arrested, a scene cuts to Jowy and youâll see that heâs not doing so well on his side of the crib either. In the end, youâll find that youâre all sharing a jail cell. Together again at last· Anyway, Rowd will come up and tell you the plan· His plan. Then heâll send you all to die painfully. Youâll be led down the road, where youâll see Princess Julia. Sheâll ask whatâs going on and stuff, and Jowy will say some last words. You can, also, if youâd like. ăIâm Innocent!ä (try to talk some sense in to her. this, however, will be useless) ă···..ä (let Jowy do the talking) Whatever you say, youâll be taken away. The next scene will be of you and Jowy being beaten, right before youâre hanged. Rowd, being the nice guy he is, asks if you have any last words. ăNo, I donâtä (get on with the murder) Youâre a jerk. (I like this one!) After your last words, Rowd will look up at the sun set. When he looks back down, though, heâll see a bunch of dead people and Viktor and Flik will be busting you out!! Yeah!!! After this Rowd will run off and Jowy will say that you should go get Nanami. ăLetâs go save Nanami.ä (agree) ăLetâs hurry out of here.ä (be told to go save her) To save time, just agree. Nanami is an awesome party member anyway, so why fight it? But, if youâd like, you CAN leave her behind and sheâll join up with you again in Muse, which youâll be at later. Youâll leave and see Nanami and Mukumuku running from the guards. Sheâll then see you and join you. Then youâll have to run out of town. Take the exit where you came in to get out and on the way out, Nanami will stop and ask you if you think youâll ever some back. ăWeâll come back someday.ä (reassure Nanami) ăI donât want to come back.ä (this will also reassure her) Head back to North Swallow Pass. Backtrack through this place. In fact, head all the way back to the Mercenary Fort. Once youâre back, Viktor and Flik will tell you some things. Viktor suggests you go and recruit people. There are three people you can recruit, and theyâre all in Ryube. Before you set off, though, go talk to Leona at the bar and pop Gengen into the party. The more, the merrier, you know. You can go down stairs and talk to Pohl, too. You can rest and save for free with him. You know, he was the guy that told Flik and Viktor to go save you, so be thankful. You also have the chance to sharpen your weapons to level three, if you wish. Of course, you should cause this is a very important part of the game. When youâre done, head to Ryube. -Recruit #1- The first thing you might see when you arrive in Ryube in the strange man in blue laying on the ground (those are kickinâ sideburns!!!). Walk up to him and push X and a menu will come up asking what you want to say to him. ăAre you Ok?ä (ask him if heâs Ok) ăWhats wrong, you bum?ä (ask him if heâs ok, just in a mean way) ă·Lets leave him.ä (take a guess!) After you ask him this, heâll just say, ăMy Stomach·ä Then another menu will come up. ăDoes it hurt?ä (ask him if it hurts in a nice way) ă??????ä (give him a puzzled look) Heâll then say heâs starved. To recruit him, youâll have to buy him some food. ăOk· Sure·ä (agree to buy him some food) ăNo way.ä (donât buy him any) To recruit him, and proceed in the game, youâll have to buy him his food. Itâll be 3000p, so be sure to have some cash handy. If you donât buy it for him, heâll have to wash dishes and you wont recruit him. So, for the last time, buy his lunch and be done with it! Heâll join you afterward. -Recruit #2- Now, walk on over to the top right corner of town to see a girl with a very large hat on, pacing back and forth. Talk to her to see whatâs goinâ on. Sheâll ask what you want. ăNo. Nothing.ä (tell her youâre just watching her pace back and forth) ăWhatâs wrong.ä (see whatâs happening) Sheâll tell you her pet ran into the woods and asks if youâll help her find it. ăSure I will.ä (say yes) ăSorry. Iâm busy.ä (be called ămeanä) Agree to help her and sheâll join the party and youâll appear in the forest. This is a very easy place to get through. At the fork, turn right and follow the path to her pet. However, her pet attacks the party· ===Beating Bonaparte=== This isnât too hard. Just attack, mostly, and have the Hero and Nanami do there unite attack. Youâll have to heal, too, though. Cause even though this is a small little guy, it has a strong attack! -After Bonaparte- Sheâll ask if heâs cute. Just say whatever to her. Sheâll then join you! Recruit #3 A lot of people miss this guy. Go back to the fork in the path and go right. On the path you'll see a small bird on the ground. Walk up to it and put it in its nest. Now go up into the next screen and keep going up. Turn at the first left and get the Leather Cape and the Gauntlet from the chests. Equip them on a couple people, then walk around and fight things for a few minutes. I think the time he appears at is random. Eventually, go back to the birdâs nest and there will be a guy and a dog standing there. Talk to him and heâll ask if you put the bird back in the nest. ăThatâs right.ä (say yes) ăNot me.ä (say no) Say yes and heâll tell you about himself. Then heâll ask what youâre up to. ăWeâre looking for companions to join us.ä (tell him what youâre doing) ăI canât say·ä (brush him off) If you say no, heâll walk off and you wont recruit him. If you say yes, you WILL recruit him and everything will be fine. Be SURE to recruit him· Oh, and then heâll ask if he should go with you. If you say no, heâll just go back to the fort and if you say yes, heâll join your party right there. By the way, if you donât feel like walking around in the forest waiting for him, know this: You come back here later. And heâll be here for sure on your next visit to the forest. -After All the Recruiting- Go save at the Inn at Ryube since you just got four new helpers, and head back to the world map. Donât go back to the fort right now (unless you want to change party members or something), just follow the road up. At the fork take a left and follow this up to a town called Toto. When you get to this village, a small girl will run up saying ăUncle Jowy!!ä This, of course, is the girl that found him on the beach. During the chat, youâll bust in and say: ăWho is this kid?ä (act like a moron and ask who she is) ăA friend of Jowyâs?ä (ask who she is without being a moron) After this, Jowy will tell you the untold story of being washed up on the river. Pilika will ask if youâre a friend of Jowyâs. ăThatâs right.ä (say yes) ăYes. Im his best friend.ä (say yes and tell her you two have known each other for a while) ăNo way.ä (lie to the poor girl) No matter what you say, sheâll ask for your name. ăHero.ä (say your name in a calm way) ăUmmmmm·.ä (get all nervous) Somehow, she knows you name even if you say ăUmmmm·ä Which is kinda strange. Sheâll then lead you both up into her house and introduce you to her parents. After a heart-warming conversation with them, Pilika will ask you both into her room. Then sheâll explain that its almost her dadâs birthday and she wants to get him a present. She saw a gift in Muse she thinks heâll like, but she cant go there alone. So you and Jowy have to get it for her. Jowy says you will right away, but you can act like a moron again and say ăYeah right.ä (agree with Jowy to go to Muse) ăIts kinda far.ä (act stupid and go anyway) When youâre done, leave the village through the top left exit and follow the road on the world map. Youâll see a small house on the way. This is a Inn, and a very cheap one. Go ahead and stay just cause you can. After which, continue left to the huge city of Muse. Once youâre there, go up and take the second right. Follow this path to a shop with a small circle above it and go in. This isnât the item shop, but youâll want to go here. Remember the Double-Beat Rune you got by fighting the rabbits? Well, you can actually put them to use. Go in and talk to the shopkeeper. If you got one Rune, put it on the Hero. If you got more then one, be sure to put on the Hero and the rest on whoever. But if you have an extra, the best choices are Nanami or Rikimaru, if you happen to have him in your party (I normally put mine on Nanami). Also, you can buy some Runes. He has a couple nice ones in the ÎRare Findsâ section. If you have 15000p, pick up the Fury Rune. None of these are really needed at this point though, so donât stress it. Even if you have 15000p, you might even want to save it for something else. Leave and go to the item shop at the bottom left of town. The guy in here says that he does have the Wooden Amulet, but itâll cost 500p. ăWeâll pay, of courseä (gladly pay for it with your money) ăNo way.ä (get Jowy to pay for it) If you pay for it, youâll lose 500p, but you say ÎNo wayä Jowy will sell an old ring of his and get 2000p for it. Not only will you get the Amulet for this, but youâll also get 1500p! Pretty nice, pretty nice. Now just save if you want, and head back to Toto Village for a surprise· When you get back, youâll see that the village has been burned down, and Pilika is the only survivor. Shortly after your arrival, A Suikoden character makes her appearance. You may remember Apple from the first Suikoden. But you may not cause she wasnât a main person at all. But in this game, sheâs one of the important ones. Anyway, she walks up and asks who you are. ăWhat Happened here?ä (inquire why the place is in ruins) ăWho are you?ä (inquire who she is and why sheâs here) Pick one and get on with it. Anyway, Sheâll explain everything (Im not going to say what she explains, it would spoil some things) and requests you take her to see Viktor and Flik. Youâll appear on the world map, but before you go to the fort, go back in the village and recruit Hanna. NOW head to the fort to see Viktor. After Apple tells them whats going on in the world, the scene changes to you, Jowy and Pilika. After some more talking, heâll go on about how he doesnât know who to trust anymore. ăYou can trust me.ä (reassure him) ăI donât know eitherä (let him know youâre in the same boat he is) After you answer, youâll be told Viktor wants you. Head up the big room on the top floor and heâll give you an assignment. That is, go recruit a man living in the forest so he can fix the Fire Spears and you can defend the fort. ăOf course.ä (say youâll do it) ăWe canât do it.ä (try to say no and be asked again) You can turn them down a billion times if you want and itâll keep going in the same triangle of people asking you the same thing over and over again. After you say youâll do it, go to Ryube again and go to the forest. Take a left at the fork and follow the long path to his house. Itâs not much of a maze, so you shouldnât get lost. If you do, take my advice and stop playing this game right now cause you wont get anywhere. Maybe you should try something rated EC or lower· Ok, just kidding. Anyway, if you decided to leave the forest when you put the bird back in his nest and never talked to Kinnison, heâll be there now for you to recruit. Once you get to Tsaiâs house, no one will be there. But after waiting for about 15 seconds, heâll walk in. Of course, he wonât be happy about you being in his house when he wasnât there, but thatâs beside the point. Anyway, heâll ask what you want. ăWeâve come because we need you.ä (tell him whatâs up) ăNothing in particular.ä (have him tell you to leave) After youâve told him about Luca Blight, heâll join you and let you keep the 2000p Flik gave you. Pop Tsai in your convoy and head back to town. When you get there though youâll see the place in flames with Luca himself killing people left and right. Itâs not a happy scene. Youâll watch a couple people die, then Jowy will act all pissed off. After which, you can comment on it. ăWe canât just sit here and watch.ä (say you should go kill Blight right now and be stopped by Tsai) ăWe have no choice·ä (act logical and stay out of his way) Be glad you donât fight him now. Actually, youâll get your chance later in the game and, IMO, heâs harder then the last boss. But, thatâs LATER. Lets focus on NOW. Go back to the fort, rest up and save, then go see Viktor. Flik will be there as well, and theyâll both thank you. Then theyâll tell you to get ready to leave for Muse City. ăI understandä (leave for Muse) ăI want to fight by your sideä (persist on staying) If you say you want to fight, youâll progress in the story faster and save yourself a pointless trip to Toto Village. If you say you want to leave, just head for Muse. When you leave the fort, Jowy will say that you should go back. If you keep going anyway, before you leave Toto Village, Jowy will bounce in again and say that you should go back and do what you can. ăLetâs go back·. Jowy.ä (agree to go back and fight for your right to party) ăWe should run away.ä (disagree and be asked again) You canât disagree. So go back to the fort and go see Viktor and Flik again. Once you say you want to fight, Flik will test you in a Dual Battle. A one-on-one fight between you and him. However, you have a huge advantage over him, that is, you can tell what heâs going to do by what he says. One thing you should remember about these fights though, when the enemy is defending, DO NOT use the Wild Attack option. Heâll counter attack. Remember that. ^^^Dual Battle vs. Flik^^^ This isnât THAT hard. You donât have to damage him too much to win. Attack Phrases: ăThis is just a waste of timeä ăThatâs how to attack. Got it?ä ăNice try. Iâll go next.ä Defend Phrases: ăCâmon take a swing at meä ăOkay, itâs your turn. Letâs see what youâve got.ä ăThatâs how to attack. Try it yourself.ä ăIn combat, caution is the best weapon.ä ăWant to try that again?ä Wild Attack Phrases: ăThe next oneâs going to hurt!ä ăHere goes! Hope you can handle this!!!ä -After the Fight- Keep in mind that he says more things then that. But those are pretty common phrases. After you win, heâll let you tag along. Youâll get to name your company. HOWEVER, this name will go far beyond a companyâs name. This will be the name of *slight spoiler* your army when you become the leader of the Your Name Here Army, and at the end of the game your new country will be named whatever name you choose here. Be careful! *end of spoiler* Jowy will suggest a few, then youâll get to put in the final name. After the big name is put in, Pohl will warn that the Highland Army is in the sights. Rest and save with Pohl real fast, then go outside. After a briefing of the battle plan, youâll be asked if youâre ready. If you say no, you can go save or do something else. Whatever. When you say you ARE ready, the story will progress and the fort will be attacked. This is your first major battle, that is, where you lead your company instead of just six people. Youâll see when the fight starts. |||MAJOR BATTLE: GUARD THE FORT||| This is a very easy major battle that very well may be impossible to lose. Apple will tell you how to do everything during these first few Major Battles, so donât worry about not knowing what to do. Since you only lead one unit, and the computer controls the others, all you really have to do is either stay out of their way or try your luck with attacking or you can use your Fire Spears. But try not to hit any allies with these! This wont last very long and, to tell you the truth, these Major Battles in Suikoden 2 or easier then the ones in Suikoden, IMHO. -After the Major Battle- Well everyone will cheer and stuff, however, the peace will be killed by a second attack on the fort right after the first one. Youâll be given another choice here, go rest and save quick or just go ahead and get this other fight over with. During this next fight, Apple will again tell you how to do everything. Just keep ÎWaitingâ and Lucaâs army will pop up behind you. Youâre now surrounded and you love this on auto. After you lose, Viktor and Flik will run off and tell you to, also. Of course, youâll be heading to Muse. But first, Jowy says you should go get Pilika. ăIâll go with you.ä (just go with him) ăIm getting out of here.ä (try to leave by yourself) If you say youâll leave on your own, you wonât be able to get out the front gate cause of a group of solders that never stop coming. This is the gameâs little way of telling you that you have to go give Jowy a hand. Run back inside the fort and head to the top floor and into the big room where youâll see Pohl, Luca and Pilika. Jowy will be next to the door. Luca will kill Pohl (Grrrrrrrrr·) and then try to take Pilika down. Yes, heâs mean. But you should be kinda mad at him since he killed Pohl and all. A menu will pop up. You can choose ăSave her,ä or ăDonât save her.ä If you wait too long, Jowy will try and save her, but fail. If you choose to cave her, youâll help Jowy out. Even if you choose to be a wimp, itâll turn out the same way. Viktor rushes in and says that he threw the spears in the boiler and the place is about to blow up. When you get outside, youâll notice that Pilika canât talk. ăDonât worry. Sheâs just in shock.ä (reassure everyone) ăLuca couldnât have··..ä (do the exact opposite of reassuring everyone) Well, head for Muse again. At this point in the game, the computer seems to choose a random party for you. Itâs annoying, but youâll have these people in your party for quite a while. You can buy new armor and stuff pretty soon though. So donât worry. _-_-_-_-_-_-_-YOUR NEW DESTINY-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ In Toto, Pilika will run off into a cave at the top right corner of town. Follow her and youâll read some writing on the wall. After which, youâll just disappear into another part of the cave. Leknaat will appear in front of you. Youâll remember her from the first Suikoden if you played it. Sheâll say a few things, then youâll go all the way up to see what happens next. A very long flashback type thing will take place. Youâll discover you were a scary looking kid. Youâll just see scenes from the game that youâve already done. Its cute and long. After this, Leknaat will say some more things. She doesnât seem as friendly as she did in Suikoden· Anyway, the Bright Shield Rune beckons you. You want its power, right? ăSince we need ÎPowerâ··..ä (agree to receive the Rune) ăI donât need ÎPower.âä (try to get out of it but just be asked over and over again) Jowy will take the right cave, and leaves you with the left. Go in and take your Rune. I must say, I cool as the your Rune is, I like the Black Sword Rune sooo much more!! But, oh well. Take what you can get and head to Muse. The mean guard wont let you in. So go to the White Deer Inn. Youâll see an interesting little cut scene, then youâll hit the hay. In the morning, youâll go down stairs. There are two people sitting at the tables, one is an Item shop and the other is a Rune master, just so you know. When you go the Bright Shield Rune on the Hero, his Double-Beat Rune was removed. Have it put on Rikimaru if you happened to get him. If not, just put it on someone else. The Item shop has 2 Belt of Strengthâs in the Rare Finds section that you may want. Oh, and buy a freakinâ lot of Medicine. When you try to leave, Alex will run in all mad and stuff. Heâll say he has an Entry Pass to Muse, and says heâll let you use it if you help him look for the treasure in the ruins. Youâll be at a dead end till you do, so go ahead and agree. Be sure to save. This isnât that easy, but not really hard either· but save. Go out of the Inn and around to the right and all the way up to a couple big doors and enter. -The Ruins- Go up to see a door and a small panel next to the door. Check out the panel to open the door and keep going. This place is a big, monster filled maze. The monsters are pretty tough, also. So you may want to make sure you have an Escape Talisman or three just incase you have to get out in a hurry. The Talismans also come in handy after youâve beaten the ruins so you wonât wave to walk all the way back out. In any case, go up and left to get the two treasures, then go back to the main path and keep going up a bit. Then go right and up. Now go up and make a U turn to the right where there arenât any bushes and go down. Thereâs a chest here with an Angry Blow scroll in it. Go back up and left, and up again to a bridge. When youâre across, Go up and take the Gauntlet from the chest then go all the way down, then left, then all the way up into the next screen. Go left across the bridge and up when you reach the end of the path. Push the statue onto the little square button and go through the door. Take the Shoulder Pads and then take the round plate on the pillar. Now go back across the bridge and put the plate in that hole in the wall to open the door next to it. In this next room, youâll see a statue of a two headed snake. This is what youâll have to fight in a little while. Anyway, go left across that there bridge, and go up when you see an opening leading up. Take the triangle plate in the pillar. If you want, you can go out of this room and keep going left to get a Fire Lizard Rune. Itâs not a very cool Rune though. When youâre done, go back across the bridge and take the path going up, then go right. Go up the stairs here and put the plate in the wall. This drains the ruins of water. For some reason, it also seems to release tons of new, much harder enemies for you to enjoy. Backtrack out of this room. When you get back to the intersection, go strait across the bridge and follow this path to a save point and save. You donât want to do all that stuff again, do you? Of course not. Now go back to the intersection and go up. Just go strait and get the Chain Mail at the end of the path, then go back the way you can and get into the moat. In the moat is where youâll start fighting the new, tougher baddies. Go down into the next screen then take a left. You see a square plate, which is good. Take it and backtrack out of the moat. Go all the way down to where you saw that two-headed snake statue go through the opening on the bottom right wall. Follow this path to a door. Put the plate in the opening and get the very nice things in the chests. Youâll see that the plate disappears when the door opens. Its being put back into you inventory for use later on. Now go out, back to the main area and up. Go across the bridge back to the save point and save, then put the plate in the door and go through it. Youâll see another panel by a door in this room. After some talking, the door opens and thatâs your queue to head on through. Youâll then have to fight the two-headed dragon. ===Beating Double Head=== Ok, first off, Jowy should be on about level 14 or 15 (having the other party members on that level is also nice). If he is heâll have a super strong Rune attack that will help you a bunch. Use this in the first round, as well as the Family unite attack with the hero and Ninami. When Nanami is unbalanced you may want to have her heal with Medicine or something. Otherwise just have her attack. After Jow has used the super strong Piercing One attack, have him use Flash Judgment every turn after. The Double Head only uses attacks that hit everyone and they donât hurt too badly, but over a couple turns youâll start to need healing. When this happens, use the heroâs Rune. Great Blessing will heal everyone just fine. He also has and attack called Shining Light that you can use to put the hurt on Double Head. Have everyone else just attack or use any Rune they might have and this is won. BTW, double boy can only attack once per turn, making this even easier. This is just too easy· -After Double Head- Go strait to see the treasure. As it turns out, itâs a Healing Herb. Cute, huh? Well, thereâs nothing left to do here except save if you want. When youâre ready, use an Escape Talisman to get out. If you donât have one youâll have to walk it. Once youâre out, though, Alexâll toss the herb on the ground in shame. Go back to the Inn to see that Hilda is really out of it. In fact, sheâs on the floor half-dead. No one knows why, but that doesnât matter. Youâll take her to a bed and Jowy will run off to find a doctor. After a little while of talking, youâll get control over the hero back. So, what you need to do is go back to the place where Alex threw the healing herb down and get it. Then take the healing herb to Hilda for a quick recovery. Nice, isnât it? Alex will hand over the entry permit and Hilda will drop the price for staying at the Inn to a cool 0.00p per night. You might as well stay and save since it HAS been a while, then head to Muse. -Muse- This place is big. But, before you can discover all its bigness, youâll have to get in. This is a pretty funny scene· Nanami will give herself the part of Hilda, Jowy the part of Pete, and you the part of Alex. Jowy doesnât feel too great about it, though. ăNanami··.ä (sheâll just tell you to do it and you wont have a choice) ăItâll be fine. Come on already.ä (donât get Jowyâs approval) ăLets go, Peteä (again, Jowy wont be happy) Anyway, youâll get arrested no matter how good or bad your acting is. In the prison cell, Nanami and Jowy will be mad at each other. Theyâll then ask who was the better actor. Jowy was better.ä (make Nanami mad) ăNanami was betterä (hurt Jowyâs feelings) ăYou both stunk.ä (tell the truth) At night, after the gals are asleep, you and Jowy will still be up. The first question doesnât matter, since heâll say the same thing either way. In fact, all the questions are like that. But anyway, Heâll then ask if you think youâll ever go back to Kyaro. ăDonât worry, Weâll go back·.ä (reassure him) ă···..ä (just wonder like he is) Then heâll go on some more. He talks a lot· Heâll be mad at himself for not being able to protect Pilika when Luca was about to chop them both to bits. ăItâll be Ok··..ä (reassure him again) ă·.···.ä (again, say nothing and just look at the moon) The next morning, Youâll see Viktor and Flik at the door. They bail you out and tell you to go to the Leonaâs new Tavern. When youâre in town, from where you are go up and take the first right. Then go down till you reach a dead-end and go up the stairs. Someone named Elza will come and ask you a favor. Except her offer. Sheâll give you two packages. Now keep going up and a dude named Clive will come into the scene and ask you if youâve seen her. ăNope. Never saw her.ä (be convincing) ăI· Er·.ä (somehow, heâll believe you) Anyway, now go to the Tavern. You passed it on the way to see Clive and Elza. Go inside and chat with Leona at the bar, and then youâll appear outside again. Now its time to head to city hall to the north. Itâs not hard to find at all. Keep going up even when you get inside, and youâll see Viktor. Heâll join you and you wont have any choice but to go into the door above you. Inside, youâll meet the Mayor of Muse, Annabelle. Along with her annoying jerk of an assistant, Jess. I donât like him at all, but hey, thatâs my problem. Anyway, Annabelle is very smart, and it turns out she knows a lot about the three of you. Genkaku comes up during the conversation and Annabelle mentions that she wasnât able to atone the crimes against him; or something like that. ăAtone him for your crimes?ä (ask what she means) ă···..ä (sorta ask what she means) Either way, she wonât tell you now. She leaves you in the care of Jess (I hate Jess) and goes off somewhere. Head up into the room above you to the right and Jess will be in there talking to someone. Heâll see you and ask you to sneak into the Highland Armyâs camp to find out how much food they have. Thatâs right, heâs gonna risk the lives of you two cause heâs stupid and cant think of a better way. Anyway, itâs up to you. ăSorry, but no way.ä (refuse) ăAlright. Weâll do itä (agree) If you refuse three times heâll stop asking, but you canât really do anything if you donât say yes. But before you agree, you might want to do the following stuff· -Pre-Spy Preparations- Say no three times so that you can walk around the room and search the top book shelve. Youâll get a ă? Bookä which isnât necessary, but since youâre going for everything, you might as well get it. After you get it, leave City Hall and go down a little ways. Youâll see Tuta in front of a box down the road. Talk to him and heâll ask about the fort and say he heard it was burned down. ăIâm fine.ä (well, he can already see that youâre alright, cant he?) ăIt was horrible.ä (tell him your story) Well, either way heâll invite you to see Dr. Huan. The H. man will tell Tuta to help out Viktor. Really though, you just got yourself a new party member in your soon-to-be army. After words, go back into the house and talk to Huan again and heâll give you the Recipe #3. Another not necessary, but nice item for your soon-to-be army. No go strait down till Elza steps out again. Sheâll give you the Sound Set #1. Yet another item that will serve no usefulness till your soon-to-be army is up and running. That wont be too long off, actually, isnât that cool? Anyway, the Clive comes and things get dramatic. Elze almost shoots you and Clive, being the mid-evil FBI kinda guy he is, dodges the bullet and runs after Elza right out of Muse. You canât follow them either. Now you can also go to the Rune Masterâs shop and buy a Fire Rune. Put it on Nanami since sheâs probably the only one with a Double-Beat Rune. Sheâs be attacking four times every turn by doing this. In fact, if youâre VERY lucky, you can get up to attacking EAGHT TIMES in one turn!!! Quite useful. But you donât HAVE to do this. Thereâs also an appraiser in town that you may want to visit. He can turn those ă?ä items into real things that you can use later in the game, or sell now and get a good bit of cash for them. Now, youâre finally ready to try your luck at being a spy and sneaking into the Highland camp. Be sure to save, then go see Jess again. Heâll give you the uniforms and complement you on your bravery/stupidity. Now go back to the Tavern and talk to Leona and make yourself a party (finally!!). Be sure to make a strong party. The woods you have to go through to get to the camp arenât too cool. Now that you can exit Muse at will, you can recruit Anita from the Tavern! Sheâs the blond girl sitting at the first table alone. If sheâs there, go to the shop and buy an Antitoxin. Then go talk to her a few times. She might ask for an Antitoxin, if she does, give her one. She might ask if a female swordsman really THAT rare, if she does, say sheâs beautiful. And she also might ask you to refill her glass of wine. If she asks this, go talk to Leona to get some wine and bring it to Anita. Youâll have to run out of Muse a few times every time you do something new for her. But after you do all three things, sheâll join you. Sheâs a very good fighter, put her in your team to test her out. After you do this, exit Muse, take the road leading up and keep going strait at the fork. Youâll come to the checkpoint. After being cleared, the guard lets you through and shows you the way into the woods. Check your inventory and make sure you have a lot of Medicine! -The Woods/Highland Armyâs Camp- The first screen is simple. Just go right and up. There are two treasures in this whole place, a Belt of Strength and a Circlet. Both arenât very good, so if you pass them up, no one will hate you. I never get them! If you want them, though, from the entrance of the second screen, just go right until you see a path going up. Pass this and hold right. This will lead to another path going up. The Belt of Strength is here. Keep going right to see an exit to the lower right hand corner. Follow that path till you reach the Circlet. When you exit this screen, just go up and youâll find the way. The rest of the woods are very simple. When you reach the end, the hero the Jowy will change into their uniforms and go into the camp. Head to the top-right hand side of the camp. This is the ration tent. When you get there, a guard will see you. Be sure to play along! Anyway, after youâre done in the tent, you start walking away, only to see the meany Rowd. He spots you and, of course, letâs everyone in the base know that youâre here. Youâll run to the left a bit, but before you get going, go back to the ration tent. On the outside behind a box thereâs a treasure chest with a ăFire Sealingä Rune. As it turns out, thereâs nowhere for you to run except inside the big tent in the middle of camp. This is a tent for Royal Family, but Jillia plays along and lets you hide in the tent. After Rowd leaves, she even gives you some good olâ Highland tea. What does this remind you of? That time in Venice? Never mind. Thatâs an old coffee ad incase youâre wondering. Anyway, she recalls seeing you in Kyaru, when you were about to be killed by Rowd. She asks if youâll ever forgive Highland. ăI will·.. Someday I know I will.ä (lie to her and yourself) ă···..ä (just say nothing) Jowy will ask what Highland is trying to do to the State and sheâll mention Luca Blight, and ask if you know him. ăI know him.ä (lie again. I mean, you really donât) ă·.. Heâs a fiendish monster.ä (get scolded by Jowy, but get support from Jillia) Sheâll talk, and talk, and talk, and before you know it, the tea will be cold! This is the time to leave. ăYouâre right.ä (agree and head out) ăThe tea was delicious.ä (agree and head out, but add a complement first) Youâll appear outside the tent. Follow the left wall down to the exit and Rowd will stop you again. Youâll stop and listen to him for some reason, and guard jump out to attack you. Kill them, then Jowy will tell you to run. ăI canât do that.ä (disagree and get pushed away) ăOkay, see ya.ä (agree and run off to the others) When youâre with the other people again, there will be no sign of Jowy. Soldersâll attack you again, so kill them. After the fight, Nanami will ask what happened. ăFirst we have to get out of here.ä (leave. you might as well do this) ă···.ä (get attacked again) Unless you want to fight some more, pick the first option. Youâll be outside the woods now. Just head back to Muse. When you get there, go to City Hall to find out you canât see Jess or Annabelle at the moment. Now go back to the Tavern to see Viktor and Flik there, waiting. Viktor will join you and say to go back to City Hall. Save and rest since you can, and the head to City Hall. When you get to City Hall, head to Annabelleâs office. Viktor will use a nice little trick to get you in, and youâll go inside. Youâll soon find out that Jess didnât even tell Annabelle about his little plan, which wasnât nice. Heâll then ask you how much provisions Highland had. ăAbout two weeks worth···..ä (tell him and because youâre nice) ă···.ä (let Nanami fill them in) Now then, Annabelle will say sheâs sorry for putting you in such danger, even though the only involvement she had in it was hiring a looser like Jess. Jess will make some more rather mean comments and youâll go back to the bar, mad and dissatisfied. Nanami is still worried about Jowy, but talks herself into believing heâll be Ok. ăItâs Jowy. Heâll be fine.ä (Ressure her, of course) ăI donât know··.ä (tear down the situation even more then it already is) Either way, sheâll go wait for him by the front gate. Go and stay with her. Sheâll keep asking you to go back in about three different times. You can do so, or stay and wait. If you go in, youâll actually just keep waiting at the Inn. ăWelcome home.ä (make him feel loved) ăIâm tired from waiting.ä (heâll say heâs sorry for making you worry) If you stay and wait with Nanami, Pilika will soon come out, too. And after a while, Jowy will trudge up with open arms. ăWelcome home.ä (make him feel loved) ăIâm tired from waiting.ä (heâll say heâs sorry for making you worry) Anyway, youâll go back to the bar and go to bed. And a week will pass by very, very fast. Nanami will tell you two that thereâs something going on up on Jowston Hill. The entrance to Jowston Hill is way up at the top left corner of town. Head up there and at the top of the hill youâll meet up with Viktor again. Heâll let you tag along with him so you can get in on the Hilltop Conference action. But the person guarding the door wont let him in because he doesnât have proof of his identity! So, Flik comes along and gets you guys in. What an ego crusher· Inside the place, just follow the path to the room where itâll take place. Another guy I hate in this game, Gorudo, pushes Nanami out of his way. Unfortunately, youâll be having further dealings with him later. I wonât go into that anymore, though. You take your seats after a Knight saves Gorudoâs rep, and the meeting starts. During which, I feel I must point out that Gorudo makes more bad mouth comments to the Mayor of Greenhill. And the Mayor of Greenhill is a woman. He must be sexist, if you ask me. Anyway, before you know it, Blight and his army are heading for Muse. After the meeting, just go back to the bar and youâll find Annabelle and Apple. Annebelle asks you to slow Blight down for two days so that the other State solders can arrive. Hey, no problem! Its only two days against the Highland Army, right? Anyway, youâll end up agreeing! Annabelle will say for you to go to her room after the fight, and sheâll tell you about Genkakuâs past. The next day, save. Youâre about to fight a major battle. When youâve saved, talk to Viktor and lets get this started. |||MAJOR BATTLE: SLOW DOWN THE HIGHLAND ARMY||| Youâll see what youâre up against now. Not too pretty, for sure. Like Apple says, if you beat Solon Jheeâs unit, theyâll run. You wonât even have a chance to attack him and some Knights that are on your side show up. Another thing, donât attack Gilbertâs unit. Try to protect it, rather. Gilbert wills rather quickly and switches sides to join your cause. Heâs one of the 108 stars, so if he dies now, heâs gone for good. Donât let that happen. Now, all you really have to do is either attack weaker units, or stay out of the way all together. Either method will do fine. After a while of fighting, Camus will show up and tell your Knight friends that they have orders to withdraw. Nice. Real nice. Reluctantly, they back off leaving you to handle everything. So, now you get to fight some more. Keep it up, donât die! Soon, theyâll run off to rest up so they can kill you later, and you go back to the bar so you can rest a bit, also. -After the Major Battle- Before you do anything, go save, because itâs the right thing to do. Then run up stairs and talk to Nanami ö sheâs in one of the rooms. Sheâll ask if she can tell you something. ăSure.ä (let her tell you something) ăIâm kind of tired.ä (snuff her off and go to bed) If you let her tell you something, sheâll just say ăforget itâ and youâll go to bed. But in the next room, you see Jowy talking to someone. Who? Well, Kage. You might remember him from Suikoden 1. After Jowy says something about taking the right path, youâll know something up. And youâre right, too, the game is about to take a drastic turn. But anyway, the next morning, the three of you go up to City Hall to talk to Annabelle about Genkaku. But, when you get there youâll find her way to busy to tell you anything, and she tells you to come back in the evening. So, go back to the Inn. When you arrive, though, Jowy just runs off again and doesnât say why. Talk to Nanami and say youâre worried about him, then go up to City Hall again. On the right side of the entrance youâll find Jowy and Kage talking again, but this time you catch him in the act and can ask him whatâs up. ăWhat are you doing?ä (take a guess) ăWho was the person?ä (this isnât a hard one, either) Either way, heâll give a stupid answer and tell you to run far away. ăWhat are you going to do?ä (try to dig deeper into what his plans are) ăYeah····..ä (act like you know heâs up to something) If you ask him what heâs going to do, he just says he wants you to take care of Pilika, should anything happen to him. That night, Viktor pays a visit to Annabelle and they have some wine. A nice though, really, since she wont be able to drink wine for much longer. Anyway, after that, itâs your turn to go see her about Genkaku, finally. So head on up, but the guard will say something about your friend going to see her· Yeah, none other then Jowy. He goes into her room, and after a few words and little bit of fighting, he stabs her and runs off. He DOES get a new picture in his text boxes here, though. So itâs not all bad. Then you run in and see whatâs up. Heâll run off no matter what, and Annabelle will die there. On top of your best friend betraying you and Muse already losing the war because the mayor of it just died, to make matters worse Jess runs in and since youâre the only ones in the room, accuses you of killing her. Yeah, nice guy. After that, youâll find yourself running from yet another city. Go back and see Leona and sheâll tell you that the army is meeting up again in South Window. Pilika joins the convoy, and then you run out of town. That night, Nanami brings up the option of running away and living on your own in the mountains. It doesnât matter what you say, sheâll agree either way, actually. You wake up the next morning, and you happen to be right next to Coronet, just a little farther south and youâre there. When you get there and try to book a boat in the bottom left corner of town, you find that Luca has ordered no one to leave the city on a boat. Sucks. Anyway, now that you know this, go to the Inn. Doesnât the innkeeper look like Sanchez from Suikoden 1? Anyway, it just so happens that the three traveling performers are passing through. You know, Rina, Eilie, and Bolgan. Eilie doesnât like the looks of Nanami being there, since Eilie wants you for herself. Anyway, you can say you donât know her, which is fun. Or you can say, ăItâs been a while.ä Either way, you all sit down for a drink. Then, its up to you to find out away to get a boat. Well, first go save since itâs been a while. -Getting to South Window- I thought that last subheading was getting to long, so I decided to give this its own subheading. Hope you donât mind! At the southeast corner of town, youâll find Sheena, a Suikoden 1 character. Heâll run out of the hut, and yell some stuff through the door. Strange, huh? Go in the hut and youâll find Tai ho and his bro, Yam Koo, also from Suikoden 1. Be persistent while talking to them, and heâll challenge you to a game. Itâs a game of chance, so luck is all you have. Just keep trying, and be sure you saved before you try this! It can drain your cash! Anyway, once youâve won, go back and get your friends from the bar, then go back to Tai hoâs place and hop on the boat. Heâll take you across with no problems. Save when you get here, then leave town and head south for long ways till you reach South Window. -South Window- Now that youâre finally here, youâll see Viktor near the entrance. After a bit of talking, youâll all head to the bar. The bar is actually at the Inn, so go there to find Flik and Viktor waiting. There will be even more talking, then you, Viktor, Flik and Nanami will head to City Hall. Once youâre there, youâll meet the mayor of South Window. After some more talking, Granmeyer, the mayor, will ask Viktor to go see whatâs going on in North Window, since young girls have been disappearing in surrounding areas. Now, you loyal Suikoden players will probably know whatâs going on. Neclord, the vampire is there in North Window. But how? He died in Suikoden 1? Well, youâll understand later. Go back to the tavern now. After a bunch more talking, youâre given a party of five people, and now youâre off to North Window. Itâs actually more to the northwest, really, at the top left corner of the island. Once you get there, youâll see, for the first time, Viktorâs hometown. Itâs a ghost town, however. The aftermath of the vampire Neclord still remains. Viktor tells the story of what happened, but then, Neclord, the big meany, walks up. And let me tell you, time has NOT served him well - he is UGLY!!!! But thatâs besides the point, the real bad thing is that heâs very alive and doing just fine. He then attacks, but donât bother with him. You canât win at the moment, just let yourself die. After your dead, heâll run off and your new mission will be to go fetch the Star Dragon sword. If you have enough medicine, use some now. If you used any Rune power during and fights, go back to South Window and rest. Other wise, just heal up and leave North Window. Go down then left at the fork, and youâre there. -The Cave of the Wind- Save outside, then go on in. First, go all the way up into the next room. Then keep following the path right, and into the next room. Take the next path up and right into the next room, then follow the path through here. Thereâs only one path to take again, so follow it into the next room and youâll be in a room with the path you came in on, another path leading up, with is right behind you, and another path strait ahead. First go strait and get the Fish Badge from the chest, then go back and take the path leading up. Go strait through the next room and go through the door at the other side. Then go up and take a left at the first path to get a Fire Wall Scroll, now go back and continue up. No go up and right, and in the next room youâll be faced with a few fear inspiring ăpuzzles.ä First, youâll see a few rocks blocking your path, go up to the top one and push X to push it out of the way and keep going. Next, youâll see a tunnel thatâs blowing wind making it so if you walk across, youâll get blown into a hole. Give up? Ok, take the rock thatâs next to the hole, and push it in front of the hole. This is the basic idea that should make the rest of the rooms easy. Just remember to always stay BEHIND the rocks, and youâll be just fine. The last room has four rocks and four of the wind gust things, once youâre past the last room, go strait across to find an old man and three treasure chests. Take them all, and if you need to get out of the cave, talk to the old guy. If not, go back and down just a little to another path, right below the path with the old guy on it. Take the door at the end. Now then, exit this next room through the door at the top, and in the next room go left and down through the other door. In the next room, go down at the fork, then at the next fork go down again and youâll reach three other paths. Take the bottom left path to get a Half Helmet, and take the bottom right path for a Stone of Defense. Now exit this big room by taking the top left path and following it to a door. Once youâre through, go up a little to meet Kahn, a vampire hunter dude. After a bit of friction, heâll join you to help you take out Neclord. So, with that, keep going up. Itâs just one path the rest of the way, so youâll be fine. Youâll soon reach the Star Dragon sword, but Viktor really screws up and makes the sword very mad. At that time, the sword attacks you· ===Beating the Star Dragon Sword=== First off, the hero and Nanami should use their unite attack, and when Nanami is unbalanced, have the hero attack regularly or attack or heal with his Rune. Viktor should attack or heal, but mostly attack. Have Kahn use his nifty Rune, and have Eilie attack or heal as needed. The sword attacks twice per round and really has some rough attacks, so watch your power. And he has 2500 HP, so this is a balanced fight, if you ask me, but it still might take a short while to beat him. -After the Star Dragon Sword- Heâll join you to kill Neclord, and youâll walk out of the cave through a door behind the sword. The first thing to do now it to run back to South Window and take a nap at the Inn. And while youâre there, if you havenât already, buy new armor as needed, and also restock on items. After this, go back to North Window and go in the castle. Thereâs actually only one real direct rout through here, but there are two or three little side areas, and another thing, there ARE enemies in here, but the encounter rate is extremely low. You could run through this whole place and not get in a fight, probably. When you first get it, go in the door right above you and get the Fire Rune in the bottom left corner. Then exit the room and go left, up, and through the door. Then go up and left through the door here. Ignore the door on the upper wall and head strait through the door in front of you. The next few screens will just be a strait path, but when you come to a room full of statues, youâll be in another dreaded puzzle room. First, push the statue thatâs out of place on the square above the brown square, then push the west-most statue up to open a secret door. Go in the room to get the Darkness Rune, and exit the secret room and push the out of place statue onto the discolored floor panel and continue on. Its another single path trek now and soon youâll be in a room full of candles. Light the bottom row of candles by pushing the X button. The only candle you donât light is the next to the last one. Go in the secret room to find a Blue Ribbon. Now leave and light the unlit candle on the top row to continue. Keep going up till you reach a bridge. This will let you know youâre almost there. Just keep going and be sure to get the two treasure chests in one of the rooms on the way, since one of them is a Chain Mail. Equip it to the hero, unless someone else really needs it, then keep going. Youâll cross another bridge, then be in the room right before Neclordâs. Heal up now, if you need to, make sure everyone is equipped with good armor, and go on in. Once inside, Neclord will actually want to make a deal. The Star Dragon Sword for Daisy - Daisy evidently an old girlfriend of Viktorâs, or something of that nature. But Viktor is too smart for that, he sees through the N manâs plan and beheads the Daisy impersonator. With his plan destroyed, Neclord runs off, but leaves a huge monster of his that youâll get to kill. ===Beating Abomination=== Now, the problem here is a combination of a few things. 1. This guy has 4500 HP. 2. He has a number of attacks and they all hurt rather badly. 3. He attacks twice a turn, so thatâs two painful attacks every turn. However, you have your tricks too, right? Sure! First, have the hero and Nanami use the unite attack, and have the hero heal with his Rune when Nanamiâs unbalanced. Now have Viktor attack with Scrolls or his sword. Have Kahn use his strongest Rune spell, Charm Arrow, then have him use the scrolls he has in his inventory. Have Eilie heal and attack with everything sheâs got. When worse comes to worse, have the hero use his strongest Rune spell to heal everyone. Doing this, and being on level 24 or 25 should be enough to win without too much of a struggle. But keep in mind that this is easily the hardest boss youâve fought, so donât do anything foolish. -After Abomination- Youâll automatically leave the castle and Kahn will leave the crew to follow Neclord. When you start heading back to South Window, Flik, along with Leona, Apple, and the others will walk up to greet you with the news that Highland has overthrown South Window. And even worse, Mayor Grenmeyerâs head was hung on the South Window gate. War, what is it good for? Anyway, Freed is pretty crushed by the news, and since he has no where to go, he decides to stay with you guys. Youâll go back inside the castle, congratulations, by the way, itâs your new home! After a little bit of chatting, Apple tells you about a guy named Shu who lives in Radat. Heâs a strategist, and according to Apple, a very, very good one. A good place to start would be to have him join your cause. For the first time in too long, youâll be able to make your own party again. Make up one of real quick. The only real hard thing you have to do is walk across the map, and thatâs not hard. So make a party, save, and leave. Radat is on the other side of the island. I mean, the OTHER side, all the way east. So start walking. Youâll come to it eventually. If youâre still injured from the fight with Abomination, which you should be, stop in Kuskus on the way and stay at the Inn. Once youâre in Radat run strait through town till you reach a wall with a break in it. This is the front gate at Shuâs house. Oh, did I mention heâs rich? Yes, he got rich off trading. Heâs a cool guy, if you ask me. Anyway, you get to speak with him, but he just sends you away saying that he uses his smarts to ăpredict shifts in the worldâs economy.ä You wonât leave till you get him to join you, though, so lets think for a second· Well, go to the tavern and talk to everyone there. Then, when youâre leaving, Shu walks in. Apple literally begs him to join you, but again he lets you suffer in all your humiliation. Well, with that, leave the tavern and go down a bit to find a man in a trench coat named Richmond, the privet eye. Heâll tell you he can help you, and after paying a small fee, he tells you to go to the Inn to wait. So, go ahead and wait at the Inn. After a while, heâll tell you about Shu meeting someone at the port to the east. So, you sleep at the Inn, and the next day (thereâs that cool music again) you wake up and head to the port. Just follow the same path you went to get to Shuâs house, just go farther. After waiting for a bit, Shu shows up, and again tries to give you the cold shoulder. But Apple wears him down enough to where he makes a deal with you. If you can find a coin he throws in the water by morning, heâll join you. But hey, thatâs a strong current. Youâll have to get the dam doors shut before you can do any searching. Talk to the dude with the headband, and he'll give you the brush-off. Then, Amada will walk up to say hi, and then HEâLL make you a deal. If the hero can beat him in a one on one battle, heâll close the gate. Man, lots of gamblers around here, huh? ^^^Dual Battle vs. Amada^^^ Attack Phrases Ok, first a little test· YOWCH!!!!! Nice one! My handâs all numb! Ouch! I felt that one! Ouch!!! I definitely felt that one!!! Ouch! Pretty good! Ok, itâs my turn next! Thinking the same thing, eh. Câmon, letâs go. Wild Attack Phrases That wonât get us anywhere! Lets try this one on fer size!!!!! Argh!!! Iâll get ya next time!!!!! Iâm just about ready to take the gloves off. Ok, here we go! Ok, itâs my turn next! That was fun!!!!! Lets go again!!!! Ok, boy, here we go! Defend Phrases Ha ha, ok, first show me what youâve got, boy. Dammit!!!! I might lose this one!!!! Câmon, now itâs your turn. Damn! Dammit!!!! Gotta think!!!!! -After the Dual- A dealâs a deal. He opens the gate so you guys can crawl around in the 20-degree water all night! Later that night, you three are still looking. Nanami has nothing but bad things to say, and finding the thing isnât looking up at all. However, just before you give up, the hero sees the coin and grabs it. And Shu appears on the stairs and joins the army. Of course, heâs wondering how the coin got in the water, since all he threw in was a rock. Heâll never know, but you get to see Richmond standing on the bridge flipping a coin. Of course, he threw it in. Well, you might want to save after all that, then head back to the castle. _-_-_-_-_-_-_-IN NEED OF A LEADER-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ Once youâre home again, go to the main hall where Viktor, Flik, and a few others are waiting. Shu shows up right away and already has a plan. After laying down his employment rules, he explains the plan. Which is, basically, to sneak behind Solon Jheeâs unite and attack it from behind, then to get the South Window troops to join you, then youâll have a good chance of winning. Shu assigns you, the hero boy, to be the one who attacks Solon Jhee. The next morning, save and then pay another visit to the Main Hall again, where everyone is waiting for you. Well, get started with the battle. |||Major Battle: Defend the Castle||| The computer will do most everything until you arrive behind Jhee, then youâll have some say in the fight. You arrive right after the fight starts, so head up to the J-man as soon as you can. Once youâve attacked Jhee once, everyone will see what youâve done and switch sides and join you. Try and stay away from battle after that, or at least keep the heroâs unit away. The other units you command donât matter a great deal. Soon enough, Solon will call a full retreat· wimp. -After the Major Battle- Youâll arrive back at your HQ to find all your new recruits cheering for you. Then youâll head back to the Main Hall, and Flik will inform you that youâre officially Îthe hero.â Youâre all of the sudden famous. Well, of course, this new army needs a leader. Of course, Shu has his eye on you for the new leader. He explains all that youâve accomplished, and really, by the time heâs done, youâll probably end up thinking youâre the one for the job, too. Obviously, you canât proceed in the game until you accept, so I wonât put the your responses in here. Nanami wants you to think about it more, so you take here advice and Viktor tells you to meet up with him in the bar of the castle so he can tell you about ăsomething Annebelle didnât have time to tell you.ä That night in your room, You and Nanami talk about this leader concept a little more, then you head to the bar. Save at the save crystal outside your room. Then head to the bar. If for some reason you donât know where it is, from your room go up through the big door at the top of the room, then go down the stairs. Youâll now be in the main room of the castle, the nucleus. Head through the door at the bottom of this room and then youâre almost there. Just go through the door to the right and youâre at the bar. Viktor will be there, so have a chat with him. He'll ask if you still want to sit through the story. ăI still want to here it.ä (persist in hearing it) ăForget about it.ä (have Nanami persist for you) If you refuse, youâll get out of hearing it, but thereâs nothing else to do, so of course youâll end up hearing the story. Itâs pretty interesting anyway, so if you refused, talk to him again to get the story. It goes a little something like this· *spoiler* ăOkay· Now this happened a long time ago. It has nothing to do with you. Hero, youâre an individual named Hero, youâre not just ÎGenkakuâs son.â Okay? Donât you ever forget that.ä ăJust before this war started, fighting between Highland and the State was pretty much limited to just minor border skirmishes. It was just about 30 years ago? Highland and the State fought a great war against each other. There are lots of different stories about what happened, but it seems that the State started the war. Annebelleâs father, Mayor Derall of Muse, let the State, and the famous general, Han Cunningham let the Highland army. Derall was an amateur when it came to war and before long he had lost have of Muse and the Matilda Domain. Thatâs when a hero appeared·. Your adopted father Genkaku. Genkaku got command of a unit and raided Highlandâs supply tent. This slowed Highland long enough for the State to recover.ä ăThe war went back and forth. Genkaku and Han were from the same village and it looks like they were good friends. Sometimes they would drink together leisurely right in the middle of both camps. By doing so, they both realized what a stupid and pointless war it was. And so, Genkaku and Han worked together to make a peace treaty. Citizens of both countries were overjoyed. All except for one man·. The mayor of Muse city.ä ăThere was one border city, your hometown of Kyaro, that Derall refused to give over to Highland. So negotiations broke down and the war began anew. Thatâs when the kind of Highland, Agares Blight, made a suggestion. The war should be decided by a Îdual between both champions.â Darell agreed to the idea, as did Han and Genkaku who wished only for the war to finally come to an end.ä ăThe time came for the dual to begin. King Agares gave his sword to Han and Mayor Darell gave his sword to Genkaku. This singled that each champion was fighting as a representative of their own country. But something happened. Genkaku never once even raised his sword. Darell ordered him over and over to fight over and over, but he refused. Time passed, and people got angry that the contest was spoiled, they blamed Genkaku. With no other choice, Han knocked away Genkakuâs blade and put his sword on Genkakuâs neck to declare victory. Thatâs how your town of Kyaro came to be Highland territory.ä ăGenkaku was called Îtraitorâ and ordered into exile by Lord Derall. He left without ever revealing his true reason for not fighting. Many years passed, Darell had left his job as mayor, and finally it was learned why Genkaku didnât fight. Darell had secretly coated the sword he gave Genkaku with poison. Genkaku was ruined if he won or lost. If he lost, fine. If he was, Darell was planning to expel him for his Îevil crime.â Genkaku detected the poison and couldnât bring himself to swing his sword. And so· Genkakuâs name was finally cleared, but he would never again return to the City-State. As for what happened after that·. well, you know better then I do.ä *end of spoiler* And thereâs the story! Itâs a long one, huh? Well, Nanami will be asleep when Viktorâs done with the story, and the next morning sheâll wake you again. Save, then head to the Main Hall. Chat with Shu to be asked the question again, that is, do you want to lead the Army. Obviously, you have to join the army. If you refuse over and over again, the people standing around you will eventually all try and talk you into it, then it will just repeat. So, go ahead and agree, you have no choice, anyway. After you accept, Huan, the doctor you met in Muse will arrive and join the army. Nice, huh? I canât blame him, of course. If my hometown had just been destroyed Iâd go ahead and join to get some revenge, too. Well, enough about me, after he joins, youâll be asked to name the castle whatever you want. So, name it something good, because youâll be stuck with it for the rest of the game! I named mine Evermore Castle, after the Secret of Evermore. Hey, itâs all I could think of, shut up! Then Leknaat will appear! Good olâ Leknaat! Players of Suikoden 1 will understand the story behind her a bit better. Anyway, you may also remember Luc from Suikoden 1, well, Leknaat leaves him with you at your castle, so now you have one of the best magic Rune users in the game! Sure, he dies easily, but itâs a small price to pay for his power. After all this is done, youâll wake up the next morning with Nanami screaming in your ear. You seemingly cant do anything, but leave the castle, and right before you go onto the world map, Fitcher, you may remember him from Muse, will run up and ask you if heâs in North Window. ăNope, Youâre way off.ä (tell him heâs wrong and heâll leave) ăThatâs right.ä (heâll ask you a few more questions) Donât say heâs way off, just say that heâs in North Window and everything will be fine. Heâll then ask about the great hero who defeated the Highland Army. ăHeâs unbelievably cool.ä (put in good word for ăthe hero.ä) ăEh, heâs nothing special.ä (just let him decide for himself, I supose) ăThe hero is me.ä (heâll say youâre joking and go off to talk to the ărealä leader) It doesnât matter what you say, of course. Once he runs off, head to the Main Hall to see him talking to Shu. He then, of course, finds out who you really are and grovels for forgiveness. See? Being leader isnât so bad, is it? Heâll ask you to come to Two Rivers City to forge an alliance. Of course you want to, right? I mean, it Two Rivers City! Youâve never been there! And besides what else can you do? Nothing! So, say youâll go and letâs get on with it, shall we? However, you need a captain to get your boat to Two Rivers. Before we go get one, however, weâre going to do a bit of recruiting! Yay! Now then, go to the bar and make a party of some sort and head over to South Window. When you enter, youâll see a shadowy figure to the left. This is Clive, you may remember him from Muse. He wonât join you just yet, but soon. Go to the Inn/Bar and recruit Zamza, if you didnât earlier in the game, you can now. Then go upstairs in the Inn and talk to Alex and Hilda. You went treasure hunting with Alex, if you remember. And Hilda, of course, is his wife that owned the White Deer Inn. Wellâp, three recruits so far! Not bad! Now leave the Inn and go right until the armor shop comes into view, then go all the way up to a house. A stupid inventor, that is sadly one of the 108 Stars, lives here. First, he asks for a Sacrificial Jizo. Bolgan has one equipped, unless youâve already used it. If not, give it to him, if you used it, run to Kuskus and check out the item storeâs Rare Finds section. Go back to South Window and give it to him, and heâll ask for a Wooden Shield. Thankfully, they sell them at the armor store just a little ways away. Go pick one up and bring it back to Adlei, the inventor. From here, go to the Rune Masterâs shop and buy a Wind Rune (5000p! Ouch!). Now take them to Adlei and give them to him. Be sure to pick ăThrow Wind Crystalä when the option appears, or youâll have to get him another Sacrificial Jizo. After you hit him in the head with it, he turns into a rather nice guy! In fact, he builds you an elevator in your castle! Sweetness! Well, now that youâre at your castle, go to the bar and make a party of all female characters and go to Kuskus. Just left of the entrance, there is an old woman down some stairs. Sheâll tell you about some meanies who beat women up for fun. Leave town, then go back in and go to the west side of town, across the big yellow bridge. The fellows are over there and start making remarks, etc. Then you get hit in the back of the head and knocked out. But Oulan, the person you came here to recruit, saves you. Tell her what she wants and ask her to join. Weâre actually not done. The most frustrating recruit in a large portion of the game is next. Go to the docks on the east side of Kuskus and talk to Tai Ho. He and his brother will be your boat captain if you win his freaking game again! But this time, if you lose, you OWE him money, so if you get into the minus numbers (i.e. -1000p), just start the game over. You could blow a lot of money on this, but it MUST be done! It MUST I say! So just keep trying and youâll eventually get lucky and win. A good method is to go and fight till you have about 5000p, then save at the Kuskus Inn. Then whenever Tai Ho cleans you out, just push Start, Select, R1, R2, L1 and L2 to reset the game and start at the Inn with all your cash, ready to play again. After youâve won, go back to your castle and go to the bar. Put Freed in your party, then leave the castle again and go to Radat, the town you got Shu in. Stallion, another Suikoden 1 character is in this town and if youâve successfully ran from 50 battles, heâll join. However, unless youâre insanely under-level and have ran from most of the battles youâve fought to this point, he probably wonât join yet. Anyway, go down to see Richmond outside the Appraiserâs store. Talk to him and ask him to join, heâll play a coin flip game. After youâve lost once, go to the bar and talk to the man directly left of the door inside. Heâll give you a new coin to use when playing the coin game. Go down to Richmond again and heâll see that heâs been beaten, and will join. Now go directly right from where you are behind the large wall to find a woman hanging up laundry. This is actually Freedâs wife, and after a long bit of talking, sheâll ask if she can join so she doesnât have to be away from Freed. Of course itâs alright with you, so after she joins, go back to the bridge where you had to search for the coin. Its time to visit your pal Amada! Amada wants to join, of course, but he still wants to decide it with another one-on-one battle. ^^^Dual Battle vs. Amada^^^ Attack Phrases Ok, first a little test· YOWCH!!!!! Nice one! My handâs all numb! Ouch! I felt that one! Ouch!!! I definitely felt that one!!! Ouch! Pretty good! Ok, itâs my turn next! Thinking the same thing, eh. Câmon, letâs go. Wild Attack Phrases That wonât get us anywhere! Lets try this one on fer size!!!!! Argh!!! Iâll get ya next time!!!!! Iâm just about ready to take the gloves off. Ok, here we go! Ok, itâs my turn next! That was fun!!!!! Lets go again!!!! Ok, boy, here we go! Defend Phrases Ha ha, ok, first show me what youâve got, boy. Dammit!!!! I might lose this one!!!! Câmon, now itâs your turn. Damn! Dammit!!!! Gotta think!!!!! -After the Dual- Victory should come rather easily, and heâll join the army. Youâre actually still not done! One more person to recruit! Go across the rest of the bridge and youâll be back on the continent the game started on. The one with the old fort that Luca burnt down. From the bridge, go northeast, or up and left, until you reach the fort. Go on inside to meet Templeton, the mapmaker. Heâs another Suikoden 1 character, back and ready to give you a map. Heâll run off after you talk to him at the fort, and heâll go to Toto Village, Pilikaâs hometown, now in ruins. Head up to Toto to talk to him again and heâll join you for the sake of the difficulties all this town destroying is causing him and his mapmaking. Heâll then join the army AND give you a Suiko Map, a very usful item! Now go all the way back to the castle. Your recruiting is done for the time being, but youâll be getting Clive soon. Once youâre back at the castle, go see Shu in the main hall again. Since Amada will be in your party, he becomes your captain. Then Shu asks you to choose your remaining party members. Put Luc in, and kick Anita out. Fill her space with whomever youâd like, and you donât have to bring Oulan, but I did, sheâs useful. Now that you have your party, go down to your docks (from your room go through the big door, down the stairs and into the next room, then through the door just right of the big stairs you just came off of) and on the left side of it, youâll see Amada preparing your boat. After he says his words, leave the castle and go to South Window to recruit Clive, replace who ever youâd like, heâs a good companion to have along.. While youâre here, go to the Rune Masterâs shop and attach your Blue Gate Rune to Lucâs head, and the Darkness Rune to whomever will accept it. Now stroll to Kuskus and go to the Blacksmiths. Sharpen your weapon, Nanamiâs weapon, and whoever else is in your party, to level 6. But not Lucâs weapon, he wonât be attacking with his normal weapon too often. _-_-_-_-_-_-_-NEW PLACES, NEW FACES-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ Now go back to the castle, get on your boat, and go to Lakewest. Its up and left from your castle, youâll se it on the map. Once youâre at Lakewest, Go to the house at the top left corner of town and inside youâll find Taki. Talk to her four times, then sheâll join you. Good start! Now leave Lakewest and follow the road directly west to Two Rivers City. As soon as you walk in, youâll be pick pocketed and all your potch will be taken, you wont get it back any time soon, either, so youâll have to deal with it! Go to the top of town and show your letter to the guards at the door to find out that the stupid thief you stole your cash also got the letter. -Catching Choco- Well, I myself hate this guy! Too bad he ends up joining your army· But anyway, this is a deceiving title, because you donât actually catch him and get your money back. All you do is get chase him around for a bit, then get caught up in government business, then you chase him some more, etc. Iâll shut up now, lets just get on with it! Thereâs a passage leading up to Chocoâs village on the left side of town. You donât walk on the world map at all, its just right above you. In fact, youâll see him run up to his village by it, so follow him! Once youâre there, the chase will began, so keep following him till he flyâs away with your letter, and your money. Well, head back to Two River to find Fitcher about to get a· rather severe punishment for running off you find your castle and lying about you coming to their village. You can either stop the punishment, or stand back and watch him get lashed. Either way, you get to see Makai and chat a bit, then he send you to an Inn to get some rest. At the Inn, in your room, you find Choco waiting. After asking a couple more questions that go nowhere, he flyâs off again. Go back downstairs to see Fitcher run up and tell you that Makai and Ridley are fighting about a reason unknown. Go to City Hall and head to Makaiâs room to see whatâs up. -Trouble in the Message Center- Well, city hall actually! When you arrive in Makaiâs room youâll see him and an enragedRidley! Despite all efforts to calm Ridley, he storms out breaking the age-old alliance between Two Rivers and Kobold Village. To get to Kobold Village, go to the Wingerâs Village and then through an exit at the top left corner of town and youâll be there. You wonât be able to get through, though. So youâll have to think of another way· Well, start heading back and Fitcher, being the ăfeebä he is, gets pick pocketed by Choco! Of course, itâs time to play the chasing game again! Youâll corner him again, but again, heâll escape, yet again, through a secret passage!! Follow him, but NOT far! The enemies in here are very tough and before you go too far into the sewers, I recommend you build your levels to 30, no less. Why? First, thereâs a very hard boss in here that youâll need to be on level 30 for, and second, you need money. Youâll be killing two birds with one stone by building up here. Also, aside from leveling up and getting cash, the enemies here drop nice things (Land Sharks drop Guard Rings and Recipe #21âs, Sirens drop Banshee Runes and Mangoshs, etc.), I know it will take a long time, but do it because itâs really for the best. Once youâre FINALLY at level 30, go rest, save, stock up on Medicine, and make any Rune adjustments youâd like, but leave the Blue Gate Rune on Luc and buy a Water Rune and put it on the Hero... Now, head to the sewers! -Two River Sewers- Once you enter the main part of the sewers, youâll see a treasure on the other side of the water. If you didnât get it while you were leveling up, go down and across the bridge and get it. Then go down and follow the path to another bridge, then go up for a Resurrection Rune, then turn around and take the bridge across to the other side. Donât go crazy on using your Runes in during battles in here, attack regularly as much as you can. Anyway, go across the bridge, then left and down off the screen. Keep following the path off the screen again, and· Well· Just keep following it! Itâs just one long path! Youâll find a Healing Wind Scroll on the way, then youâll reach a fork in the road. Take the path leading up and get the Fire Emblem and the Stone of Defense, and go back to the fork and take the other path. Just keep moving along and youâll come to a save point! Heal, save, and go through the door ahead of you. Youâll then be in a dark hall. Keep walking up and youâll be attacked by the Pest Rat. ===Beating the Pest Rat=== This boss is quite hard indeed, but he should be very bearable as long as you have a high level. It has 5200 HP, attacks twice a turn and all his attacks hurt! But, you have the Hero armed with his normal Rune AND a Water Rune, so youâll be able to take on anything coming your way. Further more, you have tons of Medicine (donât you?), so the odds are totally in your favor. First, have the Hero use his Water Rune and use the Protect Mist spell. Also, unite attack with Nanami, or heal, whichever is needed. Then have him attack or heal while Nanami is unbalanced. Have Oulan open the fight by using her Rune, the attack or heal with Medicine. Have Luc drain his Blue Gate Rune. Use everything except Empty World ö you shouldnât need to take such drastic measures. Have Clive use Scrolls and attack or heal. With that strategy, you should be fine! -After the Pest Rat- Go back and save, of course, then continue to the exit of the sewers. Youâll be right in Kobold Village! Ridley runs up to say hi, then after getting very mad, heâll tell you what happened. You see, it seems someone was hanging around the village the night before, and one of Ridleyâs men saw him. The strange guy got away, but he dropped a secret peace treaty between Two River and Highland. Normally, this would be alright, but Ridley doesnât like the fact that the treaty also signs the Kobolds over to Highland. Thatâs why all this is going on. He then says he can no longer trust humans. ăI understand.ä (be a good hearted young man and let it be) ăThatâs what the enemy wants!!!!!ä (I like this one as to you get to sound like a real leader who knows what heâs doing!) Ridley throws you out again, and youâre at another brick wall as of what to do. Head back to the town of Two River to see Makai and the towns people chatting with Kiba and Klaus, Kiba being a famous Highland General and Klaus being his military strategy genius son. After the people are done talking, Kiba and everyone leaves, and Fitcher asks Makai whatâs going on. Then Choco appears again and yells out some more human hating stuff, and runs off. Go to the Inn and go upstairs to see a guy in one of the rooms. Talk to him and tell him to go to your castle and that it wonât cost him anything and heâll join the army as the castle Armor shop. Now rest at the Inn and save, then go to Makaiâs place to talk about this Îtreaty.â When youâre there, Makai basically says that heâs going to join up with Highland, destroy your army, the Kobolds and the Wingers. In any case, heâs not planning on joining forces with you. He tells you to stay at the New Leaf Inn before you head out, because Highland is at large. Once outside, Choco will dash up and tell you his grandmother wants to mean you, and then Fitcher will spring upon you the fact that he sent a letter to Shu sending for reinforcements! Surprise!! Well, itâs time to meat granny, so go to the Wingerâs village again. Choco will show you the way to his house, and granny will talk for a while, telling you her thoughts on everything thatâs been going on, and will give you a history of the wingers.When youâre ready to go, youâll see Choco yet again, and heâll just tell you that he still doesnât like you and he wonât give you your wallet! Nice guy, for real. Go back to the Inn to rest and save, and in the morning Kiba arrives. The only difference is that he has his army with him· As soon as theyâve talked, the battle begins and people start dying left and right! From here, run over to Kobold Village and try to get Ridley to join again. At first, he still wonât, but then he comes to his senses and helps in the fight. Not only that, but the Wingers drop in (hee hee, I made a pun) and start helping out. Furthermore, your army arrives and this leaves Highland surrounded. Then they retreat and you have won the battle! YES!!! On the Highlandâs side, you see Solon Jhee saying his last words in his defense before Luca Blight cuts his head off, and Jowy steps up for a try. He makes a very strange offer to Luca, and a seemingly impossible one, but as we shall see, heâs all but able to get any sort of job done· Anyway, the next morning, youâll be informed that Shu is there to see you. Go to the assembly hall to talk to him, and when youâre done there, go to Kobold village. At the Item shop, buy a Fried Taco or two, then just start heading back to your castle. On the way out Choco will ask to join, so recruit him even if you donât want to, which you probably wonât! In Lakewest, have the Hero eat all the Fried Tacos. If you see steam coming off him, heâs Îtoasty.â In a house at the upper part of the village, thereâs a guy who builds baths. Talk to him while youâre toasty and heâll join you! When youâre finally home again, go save at the crystal right outside the main hall, then go into the main hall to speak with Shu. Heâll bring up a new problem, but says he wont tell you till tomorrow. Well, you wake up the next day in your new room! Finally! You actually may want to explore your castle before talking to Shu again, itâs been improved by a long shot. Also, go outside and over to the rightmost side of the castle. Go up and through the big door (the one you used when you entered the castle to fight Neclord). Now, go around the water supply and through the door. In the next room, youâll see your new bath! Take one if youâd like! After youâre done, go through the door on the right side of the room. Go through the door just to the right. Youâll be in a big empty room. Go down and through one of the doors at the bottom of the room to see a guy named Hai Ho talking to one of your men. Heâll insist on joining your army! Join him and heâll turn the balcony and the big empty room into a totally nifty restaurant!!! YEAH!!! Now, go back and save again and go talk to Shu, heâll tell you about Greenhill City, and how forming an alliance with them would be a huge help. He then tells you his plan to send you, and four other young people into the school as students so you could form one. He tells Flik to go along, and then you have three people to choose from, cause Nanamiâs coming along. Iâm taking Luc, Choco (you should take him too. He allows you to recruit someone on the way) and Gengen! Now that youâre leaving, head to the boat docks! _-_-_-_-_-_-_-NEW PLACES, NEW FACES (PART 2)-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ Go to Lakewest, you have to go through here to get to Greenhill. Before you leave Lakewest though, go to the Inn and speak with Hix and Tengaar in the corner. Both of these people were in Suikoden 1, by the way, and happen to notice Flik! After a bit of chatting, they run off. Bid farewell to them for now and continue on to Greenhill, which is past Kobold village to the west, then north and west. Youâll see it, believe me. Head on in to see Fitcher at the entrance. He tells you a few things, then tells you to come up with some fake names. You can temporarily name yourself anything! So, after coming up with a new name, you get to name Nanami, too. It, of course, doesnât matter what you name anyone. So, do what you feel and head up to the front gate. Thanks to Flikâs really great and smooth speaking skills, you get through unhurt. You might as well save at the Inn, and rest if you need to. Go, run up the center path and youâll soon see a solder and a young girl in a fight. Well, Flik saves her, and she gets an instant crush on him, but of course, we all know that Flik still loves his old friend Odessa, who died four years earlier. Because of this, he wonât let himself get with anyone else. A sad tale indeed· Anyway, After this whole thing is over, go up and into the big building and talk to Emilia behind the desk. After enrolling you, sheâll run off. Run after her and talk to her again, and sheâll pretty much give you a big run down of the locations of everything. Then Shin will walk by, heâs rather important. Now go talk to Emilia again and tell her sheâs pretty, but only once. Now go outside to se Nina talking to her friends about Flik! Whew, sheâs totally lost it· Now she drags him off. To where? No one knows. Now go rest in your dorm, itâs the one on the left side of the school. Sheâll tell you where your rooms are, but for some reason she tells you in a very confusing way. Here are easier directions: Ho up the stairs on the left side of the room, then at the top of the stairs make a U turn and youâll be at your rooms. Now, if she makes THAT sound confusing, Iâd hate to here her explain anything else. You can keep looking around and exploring if youâd like, but there isnât much reason to. After dinner, youâll go back to your rooms and Nina will walk up, judge Nanami (is it just me or are those fake names not working too well?), and youâll go to bed. In the morning, youâll here that kick ass morning time music again, then go outside the dorm to se Flik. He tells you about Shin, and how heâs been following him. He says that he thinks Shin has something to do with Teresa. But before anything else can be said, Nina spots him and heâs forced to run off. Youâll see Emilia near the exit of the campus and sheâll tell you a few things you knew already. All the while, hinting for you to go into town. So, do what she says! Go into town and go to the Inn to see some crazy stuff going on involving Teresa, the Inn, the owners of the Inn, and Highland Solders. So, do you give up? Well, it seems the solders have a crazy idea Teresa is hiding at the Inn!! Silly guys. Youâll also see Rowd again· Great· Anyway, Shin walks up and says a few things, and after everyone is gone, he says a few more things to the owners of the Inn, apologizing and the like. Now as he walks off, try to tail him, but by the time you reach the school youâll see that youâve lost him. Go talk to Emilia and ask her about Shin. By doing this you can have a fun little conversation with her. End up telling her that youâre the leader of (insert name here) Army, and sheâll wish you luck and tell you sheâll help you if she can. Actually, what youâve just done is recruited her. She wonât actually go to your castle and join, however, until this whole ordeal is over with. Go back to the dorms, rest, have dinner, and youâll be back where you started! That is, at your room. Nina will ask about Flikâs favorite food, then mention ghosts in the dorms. Now, youâd think that after living through something like stealing a castle from a vampire, Nanami would be ok with this. But, she gets totally freaked out! You can entertain this idea, or make her feel better, whichever youâd like. -Getting Closer- Well, the next day you go outside the dorms to see nothing interesting or out of the ordinary, which, judging from your stay here so far, is strange. Go into the school and head left to see Nina hiding out in the corner. She tells Nanami about shadows in the dorms at night and completely restarts the whole ghost thing. Then goes on to tell Nanami that Flik told her that he has someone he loves who is always with him. Of course, heâs talking about Odessa, but Nina doesnât know that! Incidentally, Nanami doesnât either. She then walks off again. Walk back outside to find Flik, he assures Nanami that heâs not into kids. Now head to town to find Fitcher about to be beat up by the locals! Flik saves him using a rather entertaining plan of his, then he tells you about the person who took Greenhill, even though he doesnât know who it is. Now is a good time to save since you havenât in a while, and tonight something different and interesting will happen. On the way back to the dorms, Nina stops you and Flik just puts it in your hands and then runs off. Nina, of course, takes off after him. Go back to the dorms now and eat dinner, and Nina will, yet again, stop you on the way back to your rooms. You manage to get away, however, and go to bed. That night, youâll be woken up by Nanami, who heard something. Sheâll tell you to go see what it is, then as you walk away sheâll join your party. This is just a big game of hide and seek, really. Just keep chasing the shadowy figure until you chase it into the room on the bottom of the dorm building. When you see the thing is gone, light the unlit light on the wall to open a secret door, and continue on. Once youâre through the little passage, youâll be in the school. Follow the shadowy guy all the way left and youâll find out that the person you were following the whole time was Flik, who was following Shin. Heâll then join your party ö be sure to put him in the front row! Now keep going to find another dead-end. The door is open by examining the statue, of course. Head through the door to enter the forest. Thereâs only one treasure to get at this time, and that is the Protection Mist Scroll. The way you get it is when you come to a fork, go right to find it. Thatâs all you need to know. Other then that, itâs a strait path. Once you reach the end, youâll see a cabin off in the distance. Shin then walks up and is very close to trying to kill you all, then Teresa steps up. She invites you inside, and explains how Highland managed to take Greenhill. Itâs pretty cool, really. You see, the solders of Muse were released and they came to Greenhill. Then Highland gave all the weapons and armor they took from the solders back. After this happened, the Highland army appeared and all the solders got prepared to fight them. Even though Highland was right at Greenhillâs front door, they never made a move, and the food supply of Greenhill dropped because of all the new solders. Over time, the solders and the citizens were fighting over the remaining bits of food, and then everyone realized the real reason Highland returned the solders and weapons ö to take Greenhill without even fighting. And so, Teresa finishes her story and tells you to leave. Shin seconds that and you have no choice but to head back and pack your bags because. The next day, while listening to that cool morning music, you begin to leave, but donât quite make it because there is a ceremony being help for the guy who took Greenhill. Of course, you must know that this person is Jowy, but if you didnât know, the person is Jowy. After becoming very close to being captured, Fitcher gets you out of it and you run. Head up to the secret passage you took last night and run to the cabin. By the way, you can sometimes get a Scale Mail from the solders, and that should help you out since itâs very strong armor. One you reach the cabin, youâll see Nina, Shin and Teresa there. Teresa, being the insecure girl she is has decided to give up and turn herself in. She leaves and Nina runs after her. Now you have to run all the way back to the entrance of the school to see her telling Rowd about her giving up. Shin has other plans, then you run up to give him a hand. After a couple fights, Nina runs up and, with the help with a few other people, convince Teresa to try and live. Now you have to run back to that cabin again, where Rowd will appear and Shin will stay behind to stall him while you make a run for it. Now youâre in a new section of the forest. At the first fork, go down to find some Tow Shoes, then backtrack and keep going to another fork. Go up to find a Silver Hat, and continue along and youâll come to a fork going the other way. Make a U turn to find a Chimera Rune, and then keep following the path to find Jowy yet again. Heâll tell you about his secret plan against Highland and tells you to give up on your army and run away. You end up dragging Nanami off screaming. Just run down a bit more to the exit of the forest, then youâll see a cut scene with Jowy and Rowd. Rowd is threatening Jowy about letting people sneak by, but then Culgan and Seed back Jowy up and Rowd lets him off the hook. You now find yourself back on the world map. Before going to Two River, go to the Muse border and recruit Meg and her robot Gadget. Now head to Two River and go into the last house in the Kobold Village here. Gengenâs old friend Gobocha is here and he follows you out after you leave. Sneaky kid. Now go to the human section of Two River and recruit Jeane from the Rune shop. Now go rest and save at the Inn, and now head to the other Kobold village. You should see Hix and Tengaar here, if you donât, I donât know whatâs up. But you should see them right when you walk in. Afterword, be sure to save at the Inn, then head to the elderâs house. -Old Associates- Youâll see them outside, then theyâll go inside and by the time you walk in, theyâll be done telling their story. The elder notices you, then Tengaar mentions the Warriorâs Village, which youâll remember from Suikoden 1. Once the elder hears that, the scene cuts to you and Hix having a man to man kinda talk. No matter what you say to him, if I remember right, heâll say the same thing. So donât worry about it. The next morning, you find Hix screaming his head off over Tengaar, whoâs pretending to be cursed by a Unicorn. The elder plays along and this motivates Hix to go on the Unicorn Quest. Heâll join you and you have to make someone leave your party to make room for him. If you have Luc, go ahead and send him along, and then head to South Window! Along the way, stop in Lakewest and save at the Inn, then talk to the guy with yellow hair. Heâll challenge you to a game. You might remember how annoying this was with Tai Ho, but you have to do it again. Once you win, heâll join! Now head to South Window, but donât stop in the main hall of your castle along the way or else youâll progress in the game, and we just donât want that quite yet, but you can empty that pesky suggestion box if youâd like. Also notice that your castle looks a heck of a lot nicer on the world map now, because itâs getting bigger all the time. Go right to South Window and at the item shop theyâll sell you the Blue Stone for only 30p. Once you have it, go back to and show it to the elder, and heâll tell you about the Red Flower, which is in the Cave of the Wind, so go to the Cave of the Wind and youâll see the flower right inside. After this, go back and talk to the elder. Now, once he tells you where the Green Bell is, go to the Two River sewers. But on the way, right after you go down the first ladder in the sewers next to the small waterfall, go directly left to find a hidden room where Chacoâs brother lives. Be sure you have Chaco in your party and heâll join you. Now continue through the sewers to find the bell. Itâs not hard to find. Once you have it, leave the sewers and go back to Kobold Village to talk to the elder again. Heâll tell you that Tengaar has left for the Unicorn Forest. Go save, then enter the forest on the top of down. -The Unicorn Forest- Run strait up for a little bit, and when you reach a fork, go right to find a Necklace. Now go back and take the other path, and go left when you can. Now go down to find another Necklace, now run strait up and follow this path till you reach a path leading up. Take it to find another Necklace! Now go back to the main path you were just on and go right a little bit into the next screen. Follow this path to the next screen, and now youâll come to a fork again. Take the upper path to find yet another freaking Necklace, and then go back and take the other path. Follow this path for a while and youâll come to Tengaar. Sheâll fill you in that this was just a test, thereâs no such thing as the Unicorn Quest. It is then a Unicorn steps out of the bushes! Now, did you expect that? I donât think so!!! Anyway, he Hix ends up standing up to the Unicorn and you all go back to the village. As thanks for your help, Hix and Tengaar join your army. By the way, if I havenât mentioned this yet, the Kobold on the right side of the elderâs house gives you a new recipe. When you leave the house, keep an eye out for a small girl named Yuzu you will now appear in the town. Recruit her and youâll have someone to look over your farm animals when you get some. Of course, she has lost three, and you have to find them for her in the forest. The first one is right up ahead, the second one is right up next to where the first one was. The third one? Well, itâs also where the other two were, now you can officially recruit her. Be sure to rest and save now, and head, at last, back home. -Home Again- Well, once youâre back at your castle, save, and also you can compete in a cooking contest for the first time at the restaurant. Head to the main hall and talk to Shu (man, Teresa must be glad to stay put for a while. Sheâs been traveling with you through all those side quests and everything!). Once sheâs about to walk off and think, Shin walks in with Fitcher, cool guy. The Nina will run up! Yay! Shu will then send you to bed, and for some reason, you wake up in your room. Go to bed to go to a cut scene with Jowy being talked to by Blight. Jowy now sort of has Blightâs approval, which is impressive, and then Jowy asks to marry Lucaâs sister, Jillia. Silly boy, silly boy indeed. Luca, not being really happy about this, is about to kill Jowy when Jowy mentions an idea. After which, the cut scene ends and you wake up the next morning. Go back to the main hall now to see Shu, and heâll tell you about Matilda, and how he thinks you should form an alliance with them. Make your party and be sure theyâre strong, since youâll be fighting some pretty· *ahem*· tough baddies on this little mission. As far as recruiting goes now, its pretty slim. If youâve been running from a lot of battles (50 to be exact), you can recruit Stallion from Radat. Go pick him up if you think you can. If you DO go to Radat, be sure to buy the pig that the little kid is selling on the side of the road and give it to Yuzu when you get back to the castle! Thatâs about it, but youâll be getting several more recruits during this Matilda mission! So, after youâve gotten Stallion, if you did, go to your docks and head to Lakewest (by the way, thereâs a baby chick on the beach of Lakewest, so be sure to take it). From there head to Two River, and from Two River go north, then way, way, way northwest at the fork to the Forest Village. Talk to Wakaba in front of one of the houses here and heâll ask if you know of any strong people. ăWhat about me?ä (Youâll get to show off a little and then heâll join you) ăI dunno·ä (Heâll say thanks anyway and continue his search) How Îbout that guy·ä (Heâll run off happily, but if you exit and enter the town again heâll still be in the same spot, and still searching) Once youâve recruited him, heâll mention that his master might have headed to Matilda. Isnât that nice? Youâre just on your way there! From where youâre standing, keep going up for a while to find a guy selling a sheep for 4000p, buy it and then go to the elderâs house. Youâll find Tony in the back room of this house, so invite him to your castle. Heâll say he canât go, but then the elder will convince him to join you. On your way out, talk to the elder again for some seeds, which youâll need so Tony can grow some food and stuff. Now then, be sure to check out the Rare Finds section of the Armor Shop! Really nice stuff! Now walk across the map to the other side of the Greenhill region. The Checkpoint you want to go is the north-most one. Once youâre there, go into the forest. This is pretty strait forward, you wonât have any trouble. On the way youâll see a big Indian guy who wonât join you now, but will soon enough. When you reach a place to turn right, follow that path to find a Guard Ring and continue till you come to another fork. First, take the left path for a Mega Medicine, then the top right path for some Dragon Armor, and then go back to the lower right path. While walking along here, Viki will transport right in front of you! RECRUIT HER!!!! Sheâll teleport you to any town youâve already visited! Outstandingly useful! Recruit her!! Ok, Iâm done with my outburst. After youâve recruited her, keep going on to the Matilda Kingdom. Once youâre there, youâll be forced to see the king of Matilda, Gorudo. You might remember him from· awe· who cares about where you last saw him! After he insults you, he tosses you into your room for the day. Go to sleep, and during the night Leknaat will appear in your room and will talk to you about your destiny and such, then the next morning, go upstairs to see everyone running around. Youâll see that Highland is at the border! Wow! Surprise, surprise!! You can either go to battle, or watch. You donât have your whole army with you, and not much becomes of the battle, so it may be a good idea to just watch. Gorudo orders his knights to let the refugees be killed by Highland, and that does make Miklotov happy. After everyone has died, Miklotov and Camus walk off angrily, you should follow them outside. Miklotov says heâs going to Muse to see whatâs going on, and after he goes off, Camus asks you to follow him and help him out. You now can explore the town freely for the first time. However, there isnât here right now, except some good armor and Runes. Rest and save at the Inn, then leave town. _-_-_-_-_-_-_-RETURN TO MUSE-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ From Rockaxe, go southeast and youâll go through a small village called the Highway Village. Youâll be doing more stuff here in a bit, but for now, go through the village and southeast some more to the border. Youâll find Miklotov here, and heâll join you. If you want, you can put him in your convoy so you wonât have to send any of your other party members away. After he joins, head south from the border down to Muse, and youâll get to see all of Museâs people get eaten by a giant demon dog, namely the Beast Rune. After this, go into Muse and head to the top left corner of town, and youâll be attacked and ran off by solders! Now go back to the Highway Village for a new opportunity to recruit two more people. First, go to the Inn to see Futch run by in a hurry, then walk up a bit more to see Humphery standing facing the wall. After a bit of him talking to an Inn employee, walk up and talk to him and youâll see a cut scene with Futch and Kent. By the way, you might remember from Suikoden 1 how after Futchâs dragon died, Humphery was supposed to take care of him. And here they are now, isnât that nice? Anyway, Futch will tell Kent that he once was a Dragon Knight, and how if he ever got another dragon heâd take Kent for a ride. Once you can talk to Humphery again, you can say whatever youâd like I think. I donât think what you say matters, but anyway, heâll say talking to you was nice and walk away. Then the Innkeeper will give you a room. So, the next morning, you can thank him if you want, but either way go outside to see Kent talking to some other guy. The other guy will tell him about rumors of a dragon on a mountain to the north, and Kent, wanting a ride on a dragon, decides to go see if he can catch the thing. Oh, by the way, thereâs a cow next to the Inn for sale that you can buy! Ok, back to the story, go inform Humphery of Kentâs running off and Futch will run off to a room. Talk to the Innkeeper again to stay for the night, and the next morning youâll learn that Kent still isnât back. Humphery and Futch will decide to go save him, and now you should go with them. So, after theyâve joined you (Leave Wakaba in your party), save at the Inn and buy some supplies if youâre short on them. Now leave town and head north for a while till you finally reach the mountain. -Ratukei Mountain- When you arrive, youâll see a bunch of fog and mist, but Futchâs dragon scale gets rid of it and now you can continue. Go up for a couple screens to come to a fork, then go left to find a Fur Cape, then go back to the fork and go right. Thereâs another small side path here off to the right, which has a Run Lightning Card on it. In the next screen youâll be at another fork, go right for a ways to find a Thunder Amulet, then go back to the fork and go left. After going onto the next screen youâll be at another fork. Go left for a Stone of Power, then go back and head right, into the next screen. Now youâll be in a maze-like area. Go up and all the way right for 2000p, then down and all the way right for the Unicorn Plans 2 (youâll want these). Now go back and up at the first path you come to and go right into the next screen for a Skill Ring, then head back into the last screen and go up and all the way left for the Dragon Plans 2 (youâll also want these). Now go all the way right for a Medicine Rune, and then take that path right below you to the next screen. Now simply follow this path for a bit to a save point, so be sure to save. Then head on up a little more to your boss, Harpy! ===Beating Harpy=== There are a couple rules of this battle. 1. It was 7400HP. 2. Attacks twice every round. 3. Has about four attacks. 4. Will always be hard, no matter how you fight, with what party, or what strategy. Now then, I donât have that much to say about this battle except it IS one of the hardest in the game and youâll have to use everything you might have handy to win. Its attacks may take as much as 200HP out of you at a time! Good luck! -After Harpy- Kent will wake up and youâll chat with him for a little bit about how stupid he was for coming here alone. Heâll say he heard a dragon, and after tons of talking into, Futch agrees to go see if thereâs a dragon up ahead. You might want to save now, since you just beat Harpy, then continue up to the next screen. A little ways up on the next screen, youâll see a dragon egg! Yay!! Anyway, Kent is very excited about it and begs Futch to take it a raise it. Humphery is also a bit pleased. But Futch, finally after all this time, breaks down and tells everyone that he doesnât want another dragon. He only wanted Black, and Black is gone, heâs done with dragons. Humphery will then take his sword and when heâs about to break the egg, it hatches, and that makes Futch want to take care of it, and he names it Bright. After this, Humphery wants to repay you. Ask him to fight with you so that heâll join you. Now, rest and save and go back to Rockaxe. Thereâs still nothing to do here, so go to the castle to see Camus again. Then Miklotov runs off to see Gorudo. When Gorudo doesnât let Miklotov take the army to Muse, he throws his Knighthood away by breaking his oath. Camus walks in, and when Gorudo tells him to arrest Miklotov, Camus breaks the oath also and steps down as a knight captain. They both join you, of course, and the other knights in the room all do the same. So now is your queue to run again. Once youâre back at the border, everyone will meet you there, including Shu. And youâll appear right in your castle. Talk to Shu in the Main Hall and heâll pretty much say that you should rest tonight because thereâs going to be a battle tomorrow, and then itâll be nighttime. There isnât much you can do since guards block off most of the doors in the castle, so go see Pilika, whoâs waiting in your room, and after this youâll go to bed. Youâll see a cut scene with Jowy and Blight, and theyâll talk a little bit more about his Îidea.â Youâll also find out that Jowy is getting married at this point. Yay!! In the morning, go meet up with Nanami is front of the Main Hall, then go inside. Shu will tell you that Highland has just taken Radat. Surprise! Viktor will talk Shu into letting you guys go down there and checking it out. So, make yourself a party at the bar and go to Radat. By the way, you can teleport there now by talking to Viki, who is in the same room as Luc, who is guarding the stone plate with all the names of the people youâve recruited so far. You should know where that is by now. Once youâre in Radat, check out the town. It doesnât take long to see that Kiba and Klaus are the people who took Radat (wow, what a huge accomplishment that was). Now you should get the heck out of there and head back to the castle. Save, then talk to Shu again. Now another Major Battle will take place. |||MAJOR BATTLE: KIBA AND KLAUS||| This will be another incomplete fight, but you shouldnât just screw around either. Right after the fight starts, Ridley will ask a question about the troop deployment, but Shu wonât give a good answer. After a few more rounds, Ridley will take his men and leave. Figures, of course, I canât say I wouldnât have done the same thing. After this, youâll soon relies you canât win, and you retreat. -After the Battle- Well, after a bit of talking, Shu tell you to get some rest. First things first, though. Save! Now go to your room and Eilie will be there to say a few uplifting things, then sheâll let you go to bed. Youâll then see another cut scene of Jowy, the king, Jillia, and Luca. Jillia will accept to marry Jowy and Jowy will cut himself as proof of his loyalty. He then pours his blood into a glass for the king to drink. The king does so, then dies because Jowy had been drinking an Antitoxin everyday and poisoning his blood just for this event. He then passes out, but services nonetheless. The next morning, go to the Main Hall. Apple will tell you that Kibaâs heading for your castle for a frontal attack. Youâll be going to war again in a moment, so if youâve done anything special lately you should save beforehand. Once youâre ready, deploy your troops and get on with it! |||MAJOR BATTLE: LAST FIGHT WITH KIBA AND KLAUS||| The first bit of this battle is pretty much strait forward. Just wait for them to get close to you, and then the other units will ambush them. This is when it starts getting a bit exciting. You'll watch as the enemy ignores the ambush and continues going for your main unit. Of course, this shakes your army up a bit, but they can still fight, so defend yourself as good as you can. Youâll then have a pleasant surprise when Ridley and his troops attack Kiba and Klaus from the back. Now, go ahead and attack them like you really mean it! Youâll have to hang in there for a while longer though, until the forth company will get an order from Luca to get outta there. The 4th retreats and leaves Kiba and Klaus there to die, and they get captured. -After the Major Battle- Youâll be back at the castle and Kiba and Klaus will be taken to you. RECRUIT them, donât kill them even though you may want to. After you tell them to join you a couple times, they will and youâll have an even better army then you did before. Now, isnât peace good? The next day, save again and then go outside to the entrance of the town. Youâll see Sheena there and heâll run off to hang out with the Suikoden 1 crew. Now go to the Main Hall. Apple will pretty much tell you that Highland has 75â000 solders coming to visit your castle, and you command 25â000. Matilda wonât change its mind, Tinto is doing weird things that no one knows about, Greenhill was taken by Highland, etc. You have no where else to turn to, and this might just be the end of the line. *gasp* Perhaps not! At this point Sheena walks through the door and invites you to come to Gregminster, the capital of the Toran republic. This town will sound very familiar and refreshing to the ear if you played Suikoden 1. It turns out that the hero from the first Suikoden wasnât president for very long. He left after a while and now Lepant is the prez. Lepant is, as a matter of fact, Sheenaâs dad. So, with that, Freed and Sheena join you. On the way out, Freed asks if you can stop in South Window on the way there, why not? Go to the bar and fill the rest of your party, then head for South Window. _-_-_-_-_-_-_-THE TORAN REPUBLIC-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ In South Window, go to city hall to here Freed say some touching words, then go to Radat. Head to the dam again, and on the far side of it youâll see a path leading down. Go down the path and take the stairs to find a man whoâll give you a lift to Banner. Yay! When youâre in Banner, rest and save before you leave, then head out through that top path. -Banner Pass- Go up and youâll reach a fork, take the top path to find a Mega Medicine and then beack track to the main path and keep going. Youâll reach another fork in the next screen, take the top path for a Full Helmet and continue to the next screen. Youâll now be at the bottom of a cliff. Go up the left ladder for a Stone of Luck, then go back down and head up the right ladder. Now take the left ladder up here, and go down the ladder on the other side of this cliff to find a Magic Ring. Now go back to the platform you got to this one from and take the upper ladder, which leads to a Wing Ornament. Now go back to the first platform with two ladders on it and take the right ladder to find a Poison Rune and head up the next ladder from here, then head into the next screen. Now follow this path for a while till you come to a save point and three paths. The top path goes to a Silver Shield while the bottom takes you to a Silverlet. Save if you want, then take the center path and fight the big worm boss. ===Beating the Worm Thing=== This shouldnât be much of a fight, really. This thing has 4200HP, but only attacks once a turn and only has about two attacks. Just use a few strong Runes, unite attacks and normal attacks and itâll be done with. Pretty pathetic· But Konami was probably just getting your confidence up before your next boss fight, which isnât far off. Anyway· -After the Worm Thingy- Continue up and follow this path to the checkpoint. After a bit of trouble, youâre taken to Gregminster! Yeah! You appear in the castle, at the exact place the first Suikoden started. After a little waiting, youâll get to see Lepant. Heâll tell you about the hero you founded Toran and say you remind him of the hero. Then heâll agree to send you some help. Heâll let you choose between two people to lead the help heâs sending along. I like Kasumi a lot more then Valeria, but it was the other way around in Suikoden 1. Go figure. But I myself picked Kasumi, if it helps with your choice any. Sheâs a better fighter if you ask me, and also lets you get into the secret village of Rokkaku a bit earlier then you normally would. After this, Lepant gives you the Blinking Mirror, which is the coolest item in the game. Teamed up with Vikiâs teleport moves, you can get anywhere and back super fast. Youâll appear back at the checkpoint, but talk to Varkas and go back to Gregminster real quick. You can see a bit more of the castle. Go to Krazeâs old office to see that they made it into a tribute room to the hero from Suikoden 1. Search the bookshelf in this room for Old Book Vol. 7. You can go see the old heroâs house, and go to the Inn. At the Inn on the second floor, talk to Sarah. Sheâll give you the Cyclone Rune. For right now, thatâs about all you can do here. So talk to Varkas again and go back across Banner Pass. Two screens past the save point in Banner Pass, walk along the lower tree line to find a secret passage leading to Rokkaku. It wonât do you much good going there now, though. Once youâre through the Pass, youâll see Apple and Ridley at the exit and theyâll zap you back to the castle. Go to the Main Hall to hear that youâre still outnumbered, but no oneâs worrying. Then youâll be zapped to nighttime. Chat with Nanami, then go on to sleep. Youâll then be blessed with another cut scene with Jowy. Youâll hear a little bit of their strategy now, but nothing more. The next morning, go to the Main Hall. Youâll be interrupted with news that Ridley has been ambushed near Radat and needs help. If you want to save, you can have him wait a minute. If not, go ahead and get started. |||MAJOR BATTLE: AMBUSH||| You only need to survive one round until back up arrives. Unless you take some REALLY hard hits, that shouldnât be too hard. Once the rest of your army is there, send them down to get Ridley out of trouble by taking out the surrounding units. While youâre doing that, though, Luca himself and his company arrives, making the battle a lot tougher. His unit is pretty much impossible to beat, so try to stay away from it· if you can. Well, you might win. But youâll probably end up losing Ridleyâs unit. Itâs alright tough, heâs not a puppy. He can take care of himself. Heâs taken in front of Luca and Luca tries to talk him into a little deal. But Ridley refuses· what a nice guy, huh? -After the Major Battle- Shu tells everyone to rest again. You should now save, make a party of your best characters, the ones you plan on using for Luca, that is, and head over to Kuskus and sharpen their weapons. You may also want to go see Hans and buy THE BEST armor for EVERYONE in your fighting party. If you have the patience and the time, you can build your levels to 42 or so, of course, you probably wonât pull this off. So powerful weapons and armor are your best bet, Iâm afraid. You have a few last minute things to do before the big fight. -Recruit #1- Go up to your room (your castle should be at level three now, so your room is actually on the 5th floor) and Tsai should come and see you. Heâll ask if he can speak to you. ăYes.ä (let him say what he wants, you should do this) ăIâm busy.ä (heâll simply walk away. You shouldnât do this) Heâll tell you that he left some tools at his house, so before going to bed, go to the bar and put him in your party and teleport to Ryube. Youâll see that some survivors of the massacre that took place earlier have come back, but the village is still burned to the ground. Head up the path on the top right of the village and follow this path up and take a left at the fork. Now just follow this path all the way up to Tsaiâs house. Heâll see his child, Tomo there. Sheâll force you to let her join the army, even though Tsai doesnât want her to. For some reason, Tsai doesnât take his tools· Oh well. Now you can go back to your castle, but DONâT go to bed just yet. You have a few people to recruit (since your castle is level 3, and it SHOULD be by now. You can tell that itâs level 3 by the huge additions added on to it. The 5th floor, the Dojo, the watchtower, etc. If itâs not, level 3, it will be soon, so just skip this section and save it for later), so go put Tsai out of your party, and put Shiro the dog in his place. -Recruit #2- Head to the Forest Path, you know the place that connects the Greenhill region to Matilda. Talk to the big Indian guy there, who not only will join you, but also gives you two Listening Crystals. -Recruit #3- Now go back to your castle and put Kasumi is your party and go to the Kobold Village (the one called Kobold Village on the teleport menu, not the Kobold section of Two River) and go into the forest where you saw the Unicorn and Hix became a warrior. Walk up to the tree and Sigfried, the same Unicorn, will appear, thanks to the Listening Crystal. Tell Kasumi to say ăYesä when Sigfried asked her is she wants him to join, and heâll join. -Recruit #4 & 5- Now go back to the castle and teleport to Banner Path, the place that connects the State to Toran. In the screen after the cliffs, walk along the lower wall to find a secret passage leading to Rokkaku, the town of ninjas. Upon entering, youâll be arrested, but now that your castle is level 3 and Kasumi is with you, she steps out and speaks in your behalf (if you try to come here when the castle is level 2, youâll be arrested and thrown out even if Kasumi is with you). Hanzo will send Mondo and Sasuke to go with you, but Sasuke will run off before he joins. Mondo joins right then and there, however. Go outside the small building youâre in and walk through the town to see Sasuke in front of a house. Talk to him again and Kasumi will talk him into joining you. If you get rid of Kasumi, youâll have to go back to the castle, put her in your party, go back to Rokkaku, and then talk to him. So donât get rid of Kasumi till you get home. I know that because it happened to me. Very annoying indeed. While youâre here, buy a Gold Bar from the trade center. -Done- All righty then! Head back to the castle! Once youâre back, you can take Kasumi out of your party, but take her Bolt of Wrath Scrolls first. They should be a bit useful. Now put whoever youâre planning to use on Luca in your party, and equip someone with the Bolt of Wrath Scrolls. Now save, save, save!!! Finally, you can go to bed. Youâll see a cut scene with Ridley in the Highland camp, where youâll see him bravely stand up to Luca, cause Ridleyâs cool. The next morning, someone will wake you up. Go down to the Main Hall to here Shuâs new plan. It pretty much goes like this: Kiba brings Luca into an ambush, the army jumps out and attacks Lucaâs unit and destroy it, and kill Luca. Yep, thatâs your plan. |||MAJOR BATTLE: LUCA HIMSELF||| Kiba will bring Luca back a little ways, then youâll jump out. This is where you start attacking Luca, I mean, a lot. When you get a sword to appear over Lucaâs unit, telling you heâs hurting, heâll teleport away, and at the same time hit you with a huge bit of magic. After this, you have to run since all your units are injured. -After the Major Battle- Well, save one more time. You donât want to do that again, right? Youâll seem to be at a dead end, but when youâre walking through the hall of the castle, that is, the place where Viki is and the Stone Tablet of Promise is, etc. Ridley will walk up to greet you! Some people in your army helped him bust out! Now go to the main hall and Ridley will give Shu a letter from Leon Silverburg. It will tell you that Luca is planning a night raid, and that you should ambush him on his way there. Of course, some people think itâs a trap, but itâs actually not. Itâs all part of Jowyâs big plan. So, agree to do it and lets get this show on the road! Now, Shu will tell you to select your party members. Select the people whom you got ready (you know, the ones you got the armor for, sharpened their weapons, etc), and then heâll ask you to make two more parties for two other units. Both of these parties will die, youâre unit is the only one that will have a chance against Luca. I found it quicker to not put any people in units 2 or 3, it wonât take them as long to die that way and youâll get on to Luca faster. That night, you see Luca sneaking up, he stops for a moment to comment on the castleâs torches being lit, and then he and his solders get shot by a huge amount of arrows. Flik (and his party, if you made one for him) will step up, and quickly die because of Lucaâs five solders and his super large amount of strength. He then tries to get away and runs into Viktor (if you gave him a party, theyâll also be there). Viktor probably wont last too long, either, even though Lucaâs amount of solders have dropped to three. Luca will try and get away once again, and then you will step up to him! You, the great leader of the New Alliance Army! You, the one you defeated Solon Jhee! You, the over all wonderful person!! You must fight this battle for Pohl!!! And all the people who were killed in those village massacres!!! This is the last straw!!!! Luca Blightâs life ends here!!!!!!! ===Beating Luca Blight=== Luca has 6500HP, not too much, Harpy had more then that. However, he has NO weaknesses and he attacks THREE times every turn with attacks that HURT and really rather BAD. Sorry for all the caps, but I had to get my point across. You should use some sort of magic protection Rune or item as soon as you can. After that, well, you have to use every single thing to your advantage if you want to win. Donât hold back on anything and keep very healed and protected. Luca only has about three attacks, but all of them are quite deadly. Use those scrolls you got from Kasumi, too, they should help a bit. Donât bother being surprised if you lose a few times, by the way· This is the hardest boss in the game. The second hardest, of course, is the final boss, but just so you know, this WILL NOT be an easy fight. Do it for Pohl. -After Luca Blight- Well, youâd really think that would be enough for him, wouldnât you? Well, after watching your characterâs levels shoot up, youâll see that Luca is still pretty much alive and well, and he then run off again. However, he wonât get away. Flik and Viktor join you, it doesnât matter who you kick out since youâll only be fighting some solders on the way to where Luca is. Before you chase after him, though, HEAL everyone! Ok, now go on ahead. The solders shouldnât serve any problem. Before you exit the screen, be sure to heal the Hero. Now, when you exit the screen, youâll see Luca again, and heâll spot a small wooden amulet hanging from a tree. While heâs distracted by this, heâs again shot by tons of arrows from people hiding in the bushes. Youâll run up to him, and heâll attack you one-on-one. This is truly the final battle with Luca Blight. ^^^Dual Battle: Luca Blight^^^ This actually isnât as hard as youâd think. Konami isnât THAT mean, I suppose. Just donât screw up unless you want to do all that other stuff again· Attack Phrases: Ha·.. A draw·.. Defend Phrases: Pathetic!!!! Thatâs what you call power!!!! You fool!!!!!! Fool!!!! That canât stop me!!!!!! Wild Attack: You Pig!!!!! You dare wound me!!!!! Sorry I didnât get more phrases for this guy, but I wanted to fight him again just about as much as you do, so I played it safe. That should be enough, anyway, since heâs already very wounded you could kill him in one turn if the situation was right. -After the Fight- Heâll fall over, completely out of strength, then stand and ask you why you want to fight. ăTo end this war.ä (heâll pretty much make fun of you, saying that war and death is apart of life, etc) ă··········..ä (well, the turn outâs the same, but he doesnât seem to make fun of you as much) These last few words before his death really make you see how psycho this guy was. After screaming ăI am he true face of evilä he finally dies for good, and you finally have gotten full revenge for Pohl, your old friend. You then get to see Jowy waiting behind a tree, and you learn that his plan has gone perfectly. _-_-_-_-_-_-_-MORE NEW PLACES, AND MORE NEW PROBLEMS-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ The next morning you arrive back at your castle. After absorbing the fanfare for a minute, you totally pass out. You then see a cut scene of Jowy and Jillia getting married, and Jowy now becomes the king of Highland. An ambitious young man, I must say. Back at your castle, you get out of bed and Nanami comes into your room. Youâve been resting for a week, silly boy. You may want to save, you know, now that youâre done, and then go to the Main Hall and talk to everyone. When you leave, Nanami will say she wants to go to South Window and Kuskus Town now that you have some free time and all the cities around there have been freed. Before you just go around exploring, though, itâs time for some more recruiting. -Recruit #1- Go to the bar and make a party, then go get one of your Celadon Urns from Barbara, which you SHOULD have a couple. If not, you can sometimes get one from the Bon Bons around Kyaro or the Flyers around South Window. But theyâre both a bit rare, so hang in there. When you get a Celadon Urn, go to Radat and visit the tavern. Youâll see a guy in here you is actually pretending to be you. Heâs actually getting a lot of money and food out of it, too. When he gets found out, he tries to make a run for it, but gets blocked off at the entrance. Then he runs to you and asked for help. The people take you as an imposter, too, and are well on their way to making some sort of an attempt to kill you. They couldnât, of course, but even so, itâs rather insulting. After they throw you out, they walk off, and Hoi joins you, not even knowing youâre the real Hero. When you go back to your castle, it all dawns on him, though. -Recruit #2- Now go to the Appraiserâs shop in Radat and heâll join you upon seeing the Celadon Urn. -Recruit #3- Go get an Ancient Text or two and another Celadon Urn. Ancient Texts can be gotten cheap at the trade center in Kobold Village, and of course, the Celadon Urns can be found around South Window by fighting Flyers. Now, go through Banner Pass and stop in Rokkaku and buy all the Soy Sauce they have, and now continue on to Gregminster. When you arrive, speak with Lorelai on the left side of town and sheâll join you, too. -Recruit #4- Now go to the trade center and talk to Gorden. Tell him you want him to join you, and heâll say he will if you make 50000p off him in trading. Sell the Soy Sauce, the Celadon Urn and the Ancient Text(s). This should be enough to pay it off, but if itâs not, youâll at least be almost there, so you can finish paying it by selling him a few smaller things. -Recruit #5- Once youâve recruited him, go back to the castle and teleport to South Window. When you enter, Max will run up and pledge to join. Accept his pledge, and of course, heâll join. If you donât accept, heâll run off in tears. -Recruit #6- Still in South Window, go to the Inn to see a young woman getting yelled at by the Innkeeper. Then he throws her out, and she goes to the right side of city hall. Go over to City Hall and talk to her there and sheâll recognize you from the Inn. Ask her to sing for you, then when sheâs done tell her you want to hear her sing some more and sheâll join up with you. -Recruit #7- Youâll see a guy in red in South Window, too. Talk to him and tell him about Alex, then teleport back to the castle. Go to Alexâs shop to see Alex and Killy (the guy in red) talking, then Killy punches Alex and says heâll kill him if he doesnât tell him what he found in the Sindar Ruins. Hilda runs up to see whatâs going on, and you, Viktor, Flik and Leona run up to help, too. After Alex tells him what he found, which is basically his wife and son, Killy walks off happy with the answer. Go back to South Window and talk to him and ask him to join you over and over till he does. -Recruit #8 & 9- Go to the castle and get a Sound Set from Barbara, and now go to the forest village. Youâll see a girl and a huge bird. The bird is hurt, and the girl is trying to protect it from the villagers. Then, three other birds will fly up and chase off the attackers, but then theyâll attack you and try to get to the hurt bird to kill it, or something. Fight them off, not hard, and then use a Listening Crystal to recruit the bird. The girl, Ayda, will then join the army, too. -Recruit #10- While in the Forest Village, go into the house right above the Inn on the left side of town and go into the back room. Talk to Connel there, and heâll mention your sound set. Then talk to him again and ask him to join you. -Recruit #11- Go to Two River and head to the Kobold section of town. By now, youâll have enough people to recruit him. -Recruit #12- This person isnât on of the 108 stars, but is easily one of the best characters in the game. It is none other the Lord McDohl of Suikoden 1. However, if you didnât get all 108 stars in the first game and uploaded the saved data, he wonât appear in the game, in which case you might as well skip this part. But if you did get the stars and upload the data, head to Banner village. When you get there, youâll see Ko, the little boy who loves both you and Mcdohl. He even has a costume of your outfit! Cute! Talk to him and heâll tell you about some guy whoâs been fishing in the lake for the past few days. The passage to the pond is on the bottom right corner of the village. Go try to talk to McDohl to see that Gremio wonât be letting you do that. Go back and talk to Ko, and you two will come up with a plan. Go talk to Grem again and heâll take the bait perfectly. Ko will yell for help from over the hill, then Gremio will run off to help him, leaving you wide open to speak with McDohl. However, before you say too much, Gremio will run up to tell you both that he wasnât faking. Some mountain thieves kidnapped him. Of course, you decide to go help him out with the help of McDohl. If you say ăI·I·ä Gremio and McDohl will leave without you and youâll catch up to them later. If you say ăLets goä theyâll join you right there. Save before you leave, by the way. Now, make your way through Banner Pass and at the save point, youâll see the bandits. At first, they donât really want to give Ko back to you, then they realize that theyâre talking to 1) the leader of the Liberation Amry which took down the Scarlet Moon Empire. And 2) the leader of the New Republic Army, the person who killed Luca Blight with his bare hands. After this, the bandits tell you that they left the kid in the middle of the forest when a huge monster appeared. McDohl now joins you, if he didnât before. Heal and save at the save point, and go up the center path to fight the monster. ===Beating the Worm Thingy/Poison Moth=== For the worm thingy, just use unite attacks, but donât use any Rune power. After a couple rounds, the Poison Moth will bust out of the worm. This is a much harder battle and you should now start using Runes like mad. With 6800HP, it attacks twice per round with SUPER strong attacks. Donât bother holding back on anything, this includes using McDohlâs outstandingly cool Rune. Playing this just goes to show how lucky you were to have him in your party the whole time in the first Suikoden! Be sure to keep healed, that is, HP levels OVER 200! He can quickly wipe the party out if youâre not very careful! This is a pretty hard fight, but nothing that you shouldnât be able to handle· -After the Fight- Ko has been poisoned, so McDohl and Gremio decide Dr. Luikan would be perfect for the job of curing him. So, continue on to Gregminster and youâll here that Ko will be fine. Lepant begs McDohl to claim the throne of Toran, but he refuses once again. Leave the castle to find Pahn and Cleo and a few others waiting. Then you attend dinner with them. After dinner, go down stairs and talk to Cleo. Sheâll ask you how you feel about war, and so on. The next morning, McDohl and Gremio will join you so you can go to the castle. Varkas will escort you back to Banner, then Grem and McDohl will leave the party. Now you have to go through Banner Pass again to Gregminster and talk to McDohl at his house. He can join you again there. Now, after you have him, try not to put him out of your party since then youâll have to walk all the way through Banner Pass again and then back, etc. -Recruit #13- Now that youâve done the McDohl quest, the item shop in town should sell the Rose Brooch in the Rare Finds sections. Buy it, as well as the other rare finds, good stuff. Now go to Radat and go to the left side of the riverbank to find Simone. Give him the Rose Broach and heâll join you. -The Meeting with Jowy- One youâve recruited all those people (whew·), save, and go to Kuskus and here about a Highland boat pulling up to shore. Go to the docks to see Culgan. Heâll tell you about a peace treaty, and request to be taken to your castle. Take him back to the Main Hall in your castle and heâll tell Shu that Jowy has arranged for a meeting with you for a peace treaty. Culgan then leaves you with the option of whether or not to go to Muse to sign the treaty. Of course, some people think itâs a trap, some think itâs not. Youâll soon find out that you simply donât have a choice in the matter. But, donât worry, it IS a trap, so you donât have you wonder anymore. Make a party, which will include Chaco and Nanami. The fastest way to Muse is through Coronet, since you canât teleport there. Sail to Coronet and then hike to Muse. Jowyâs waiting at the meeting place at the top of the mountain. Youâll see that Muse is now a ghost town, and it has been ever since the beast Rune ate everyone alive. But anyway, go to the meeting place and inside youâll see Jowy again for the first time in· well, a while. After some small talk, Jowy calls some solders with cross bows behind you and orders you to surrender. If you keep refusing, Jowy will be about to kill you when Viktor rushes in with Pilika, and Jowy doesnât fire because of Pilika being in the room. If you surrender, the same thing will happen, only sooner. You then make your get away, and with no more thoughts of a peace treaty now have to take Highland down by force. Back at the castle, you meet Shu in the hallway. After some arguing about Pilika, go save and go to the entrance of your town to meet Koyu, a kid who wants you to help him and his siblings out with a small problem around Tinto. The problem is, namely, Neclord. _-_-_-_-_-_-_-ÎTIS NECLORD AGAIN-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ Koyu will join you, then Nanami will join you on the way out. No, you canât refuse! Although a neat little interactive conversation takes place if you try. Once youâve made your party (which you may want to include Wakaba for recruiting reasons), go to Barbara and grab a Window Set if you have one in your vault. If you donât, you can win one from the Tigers in Banner Pass. I recommend you get one way or another before you leave (for recruiting reasons). Once you have one, or if youâre just going to leave without one, go to Drakemouth village. You may have stumbled upon this area before. In this event, you can teleport there. Otherwise, youâve gotta walk it. If youâre walking, Drakemouth Village is down south from Kobold Village. So teleport to Kobold Village and head down to find it. Once youâre there, go to the top left of the village to find a blocked off gate. Koyu takes care of that, and you get to pass along into the Tinto region. The monsters along the path are sort of tough, by the way. Once youâve come to a fork, take the stairs. When you go up them, youâll be at another fork. Go right first to find a Master Robe, then take the left path. Gimiju is there to tell you that the zombies attacked the banditsâ place, so they burned it and everything leading to it. He then tells you to head over to Tinto to see if you can get the governor to do soemthing, since the chances of him listening to some bandits are kinda slim. Now go back down all the stairs and take the strait path this time, and just follow it for a short time till you reach Tigermouth village. Before you do anything, go down and talk to a guy in a redish tan jacket to get some tomato seedlings for Tony, then go down a little more to find a chick for Yuzu. Now follow the lower wall to a house, and go in it. In the first bookshelf in here you can find Old Book Volume 8. Now leave the village to be back on the world map. Tinto happens to be the dot on the map farthest away from where you are. One you get there, run up the ramp, then go right up another ramp and a bit farther right then down the path here and talk to the old guy in here to get the Unicorn Plans #3. Then go to the house just to the right of this house and talk to the guy in there to get the Dragon Plans #3. Now go back up the path and left to find a wooden crate of black stuff. Search it to find a Power Ring. Be sure to stop at the Blacksmith and sharpen your weapons to as high as you can offord. Youâll want to have your weapons to level 13 (McDohlâs is 14) before you go through the mine to fight Neclord, so the sooner you get them sharpened the better. At the top of town is a building with a guard in front of it. To the side, Raura will be walking back and forth. Talk to her and tell her Jeane is at your castle and sheâll join your army. Now, go talk to the guard and heâll let you in the house. Gustav is through the first door in the top left of the first room. After he stops yapping, heâll admit he needs help and requests reinforcements. This is another on of those non-refusable options. Heâll call a kid in who looks strangely like Bill Gates, and heâll show you to your room. The next day, you might want to save just to be safe, then head back to the meeting room where Gustav is. Lilly, his little girl, will run in and announce that zombies have come to town. Everyone will join you, now run down to the entrance of town. Neclord will be there telling everyone that heâs going to take over the town, and turn everyone into zombies. Those he doesnât turn into zombies heâs going to toss out of the Tinto region, then he leaves. Back in the meeting room, Jess (yeah, THE Jess) walks in and informs Gustav of his success in finding even more solders. Then he asks why youâre here. After getting an answer, he gets in your face and calls you a spy, saying you killed Annabelle etc. Of course, Viktor defends you, but its not until Ridley walks up and gives Jess the what for, then he leaves. You might want to go save again before you start planning the attack. But anyway, after youâve planned for a bit, youâll be sent to bed. After talking to Jess by your room, Nanami goes off to her room. You can go to bed now, if you do, Leknaat will visit during the night, after which, youâll have to go to Nanamiâs room. You can also go to her room right after talking to Jess, which will simply skip the Leknaat part. Either way, youâll end up in Nanamiâs room. Sheâll ask if you think you should run away, or stay and fight. This time, though, you have a choice. -If you Run- Two random people that were in your party will be at the door and will tell you that theyâll go with you. Now head to Crom (the dot farthest west on the map) to find out that a battle has just now broken out in Tinto and youâre about to get arrested for being a spy, even though youâre not actually a spy. Youâre taken to the village chief, where Koyu then runs in and tells them youâre the leader of an army and stuff. They then let you go and send you to a room. That night, you try to get away again, but the door is blocked. Koyu finds out that his sister was captured by Neclord, and so was Lilly. The next morning, zombies are all over the town. You can get away if you just keep running, and youâll get to see a guy get eaten alive, too. But you can also help the people fight. Once youâre out of town, if you want to keep on the run, head to Tigermouth village and go through town heading toward the mountain pass. In Tigermouth, head toward the east exit and the guard will run off to help stop the zombies breaking into the town. You can either leave now or go help. If you help, Nanami will eventually drag you off. When youâre leaving the town, about 13 zombies will pop up around you. The Bright Shield Rune will then give off a power that kills them all in one big hit. The heroâs power is now drained. Heâs unbalanced and his HP is 1. You canât restore his HP, either, so donât waste any items. Nanami will toss him on her back and will run through the pass fighting zombies along the way. When youâre about to get killed by the third zombie you encounter, a guy named Georg jumps out of nowhere and kills the zombie and takes you too safety. About this time youâll see a cut scene of Jowy (along with Pilika, who can talk again) you is evidently feeling the drain of power being caused by the Bright Shield Rune. The hero will wake up later. Talk to Georg again and heâll basically tell you that you should do what you think is right and not care much about feelings of obligation. Head through the pass to Drakemouth. Along the way, youâll find that the hero in no longer unbalanced all the time, but his HP is still at 1 and it still wonât go any higher for a long period of time. Once you reach Drakemouth, the hero will completely pass out. This might be the time you see the scene with Jowy, itâs either or when you were with Georg. Sorry, Iâm not sure. Anyway, youâll wake up in a storehouse in Drakemouth. Nanami will run outside and almost get killed by Flik, then you go outside to find Apple and Shu there, also. Shu will ask you about three time to come back to the army, it sort of doesnât matter what you say, but if you keep refusing heâll slap you and give you a bit of a scolding, which you fully deserve by the way. Heâll also tell you that Ridley was killed in battle because he was preoccupied with looking for you. When he walks away with Flik and Apple, your two other party members leave you now, also. By the way, if you wanât to go back, donât worry about losing one of the 108 stars. Ridleyâs son, Boris will show up and take Ridleyâs place. Heâs the same star Ridley was. You can, however, see a special ending to the game if you leave the village to the south exit, leading to the world map. A picture of a house will appear, I suppose telling you that Nanami and the hero lived a relaxed, fightless life from then on. -If you Stay- The next morning, go to the meeting room to find that Jess has ordered his troops to take on Neclord at his place of occupancy, which is totally stupid. He has 5000 solders, if he loses them, youâve just lost 5000 people and Neclord just gained 5000 zombies. Not good. Now youâre forced to go to battle just because of his moronic move. Go to the top right corner of town to hear that a mine tunnel caved in. Go in the mine and follow the path and down the elevator. Youâll come to a curve that goes right, if you go down there you can find a Cape of Darkness. Keep heading along the time path to find Neclord. A fight will start, and after a couple rounds, it will then stop. Neclord will try to put a curse on you, but the Bright Shield Rune will block it. Now you can escape from the mine. Once youâre outside, youâll see that the town is covered in zombies, then the Rune will kick in and the heroâs power is drained. At this point youâll see the cut scene with Jowy and Pilika in Muse. After this, youâll wake up in Crom. Leona is downstairs, so you can make a party again. If you had McDohl with you, though, heâs now back in Gregminster. Make a new party and go to the Inn. Wakabaâs master will rush out and then run off after the innkeeper runs after him. You can find L.C. Chan behind a building just right of where you are. When youâve found him again, after a funny scene involving L.C. Chanâs bad memory, heâll join the army. Now go save at the Inn and head to the entrance of town, where youâll find Kahn, the vampire hunter from earlier in the game. Heâll tell you that he has learned how to take Neclords soul, but he canât do it alone. There is a person in Tigermouth with that ability. Once youâve done everything you need to here (buying items, equipping characters, etc), head to Tigermouth to meet Sierra, the good vampire who hunts vampires. Once youâre in Tigermouth, youâll see that Sierra has attracted a bit of attention to herself, as to a crowd of people is around her and frankly, they want her to die. So, after she scares off the angry mob with an abrupt lightning attack, she starts talking to Kahn. Now, thanks to the Star Dragon Sword being with you, she joins. She wouldnât normally. After you give the OK for her to join, out of the blue she starts fighting you. Itâs strange, but it must be done. Sheâs not hard, so Iâll just tell you this about the fight: Attack and heal and youâll do fine. No special patterns are required to beat her. After the little fight, she says youâre pretty good for a human, and joins up. Unless youâre overly happy with your present party, put her in your party. Otherwise, the convoy is always there. You may want to heal up at the Inn, and maybe save if you want, then head back to Crom. Go to the village leaderâs house at the top of town to see a little scene with Sierra introducing herself to Klaus. Silly boy. Anyway, after this, youâll go to your room to sleep. However, if youâd like, you can go get some background on Kahn and Sierra by talking to them and asking them why theyâre after Neclord. Theyâre both upstairs, so if you want to do that, you can. Afterwards, though, youâll just have to go to bed since thereâs nothing else to do. In the morning, after Nanami wakes you up, head downstairs to find everyone lined up and ready to go. Try to fit Nanami, Sierra and Kahn all in your party, along with the other characters in it. Youâll be taking a very long hike through the Tinto Mine to get to Neclord, so stock up on lots and lots and lots of Medicine. Now leave town and go to the right a little bit to get to the mine. -Tinto Mine- Ok, first of all, use regular attacks on the enemies in here. NO runes, NO scrolls. You have to save them for later. For now, just attack and focus on making it through the mine. Thatâs why you got all the Medicine, you know. Anyway, head up, and into the next screen, then exit this next room through the door in the top right corner. Now go up to a fork and take a right to find a Dancing Flames Scroll, now head back and take the left path. Follow this path for a while, there are no other paths to take, so itâs hard to get lost. Soon enough, youâll come to another small fork. Go right to find a couple treasures, that is a Full Helmet and a Stone of Magic Defense. Now go back and continue following the path to another fork. Go up to find a Master Garb, then keep going into the next screen. At the first left you come to, take it and go into the next screen. Now go up and around and follow the path all the way up to find a Window Set #5 and a Old Book Vol. 9. Now go back and take the path to the right of you and go right at the fork to the next screen. Go strait across this hall into a new really big room. In here, take the small passage below you to find a Silver Necklace, then go back up and go right a little bit and youâll see a couple slides. Slide down the big one for a Mega Medicine, if you donât want the MM, take the small slide and youâll come to more slides. This time, the small one leads to the Mega Medicine (the same one from before) and the bigger one takes you farther. Once youâve gone down the big one, go down and left and down the little slide and then down the ramp to get a Double-Strike Rune, then go back up the ramp and around the slide. Youâll see a guy standing here on the way. Heâs one of your recruits, but he wonât join till your castle is level 4, and itâs not as of yet. So continue on to the right and go up the ramps. Youâll se a save point here, and Iâll use this save point as a land mark. If you want a Star Earring, go up and down the slide to find one. Youâll just have to slide down a couple more slides then walk around the wall to get back to the Save Point. If you donât want the Star Earring, just go right. Before taking the little slide, ask yourself, ădo I want a Wind Hat?ä If you answered Îyes,â then go all the way right and take the big slide down. Youâll have to walk around the wall to get back to the Save Point. If not, save and take the small slide and go through the door. Follow this path for a bit, and youâll enter a room with a box. Thereâs also a broken walk way at the top of the room. Push the box to the walk way to make a little bridge, then go left and follow this path back into the room with the box, but youâll be on the walk way. Thanks to that box, you have no troubles. Follow this path up some more and youâll finally come to a boss. A really big boss. ===Beating the Stone Golem=== This guy is easy even though heâs huge and has 7500HP. He only attacks once per round, and one of his attacks is OK, even though its not that good. It hits one or two of your party members for about 200HP. His other attack hits the whole party for a good 130HP. Other then that heâs harmless. His defense is awful. Heâs very weak to dark magic, like the stuff Sierra uses, and heâs also weak to Lightning magic. However, try to use magic (including healing magic) sparingly by using unite attacks and runes that donât run low on power. Of course, you CAN use magic, just donât use it all up during the fight. Iâve never found this one to be a problem, so you shouldnât either· ok? -After the Fight- Just keep going up. Youâre not out of the mine yet, Iâm afraid. Follow the path for a good while till you come to a really large room. Go across the bridge, down the elevator, and then head left across another bridge, then up to a ramp. Go down the ramp and then follow the path down to the exit at the south end of the room. Once youâre in the next screen, just keep following the path (ignore the fork, just keep going down) and go up the elevator and youâll be at the exit in no time. When youâre out, go left and fight the zombie, then continue left to fight another zombie. Now go up the big flight of stairs to find the church. This is where Necky boy is. Heal if you must and go inside, heâs in the first room on the left. In here youâll see Lily and· I forgot her name· Anyway, theyâre about to meet unsettling fates with Neclord, but you arrive just in the nick of time. Speaking of which, this is my favorite part in the game, where Viktor goes off on Neclord by saying the following: ăIâll make sure you never grin again. Iâll shop you up! Grind you up! Dry you in the sun! Break you into pieces! Bury you in the ground! Piss on you! Then Iâll dig you up! Pull you! Stretch you! Drag you around! And then· and then· in any case, Iâll never forgive you!ä Hehe, I love that· Anyway, at this time a barrier hits Neclord making him very weak, and then youâre party will attack him! Yay! ===Beating Neclord=== This is another fight that I never have a problem with. Simply attack with whatever attacks you have left over from the Stone Golem fight and youâll win. He has a mere 4000HP now, but he can attack twice a turn, which is no big deal. So can nearly every other boss in the game. -After the Fight- Neclord willingly returns the Moon Rune when he finds out heâs about to die. However, this does him little good. With the Star Dragon Swordâs final words to Necky boy, ăDie, vampireä, Viktor kills Neclord. For good? Probably. Neclord wasnât immortal this time, so I think heâs gone forever. But only time will tell for sure. Leave the church and go down to the bottom of town where youâll see a large crowd of people, including Jess and Houser. If you want all 108 stars, Iâm sorry, but you MUST recruit Jess now. Actually, itâs not that bad. He says heâs sorry for everything and stuff, so itâs not all bad. Everyone then goes off and leaves you there. Go to the Inn to rest and save, then go to Crom. Go to the house at the top right corner of the village to find· dang· what was his name? The Window Set guy! Heâll see the Window Set you have and you can either ask 1â000â000p for it, 10â000p, or ask him to join you in exchange. Sorry, you canât get a million bucks for it, or even 10â000. Youâll have to settle for him joining you. After he joins, go to the mountain pass that leads to Drakemouth. At the first fork, go down and youâll see Georg there (if you ran when you had a choice, youâll know where I mean). Recruit him, and then continue back to the world map. Either way is fine, but just backtracking is faster. Use your Blinking Mirror to go back to the castle, then teleport to South Window. Go talk to Gensetsu, whoâs standing in front of that statue in front of town hall (heâs the guy with that huge lump on his head who youâve probably ran into a few times already). Talk to him and ask him to join, and heâll challenge you to a little strength test thingy. Youâll win, of course, and heâll join. Now go back to the castle. NOTE ON RECRUITMENT This concerns a lot of people when theyâre playing Suikoden 2. They donât think they can get all the characters because they run out of listening Runes and canât recruit the monster character, who IS a star, living in Tinto mine. And theyâre right. In fact, the only way you can recruit him is if you donât recruit Sigfreid the Unicorn. But what most players donât know is that Sigfreid and the monster you get in the Tinto mine are the SAME star. Hence, if you get one, you canât get the other, but thatâs not a bad thing because you donât need the other because theyâre the same star. Argo, if you want the guy in the Tinto mine, donât recruit Sigfreid. Itâs as simple as that! I hope this little fact calms a lot of worried people out there. -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-TWO MAJOR BATTLES AND A VERY GOOD TIME-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- In the castle, go to the top of the main room (the one with the big rock with the starâs namesâ on it) and Sheena will join the convoy/party. Head to the main hall to here about Shuâs brand new plan! Thereâs no rest for you, huh? Anyway, youâll learn that your army is going to make a counter strike and liberate Greenhill. And its about time, isnât it?Yeah, I think so too. Shu then tells you to run along and get some rest. In your room, Sheena leaves and nighttime arrives really quickly. Go down to the very first floor of the castle and walk around. Youâll see a bunch of cut scenes involving a few people in the army. None are important, but you at least have to watch the one with Gengen in the hallway because we all love Gengen. I mean, who doesnât? Heâs so dang cool! Anyway, once youâve gotten enough of the cut scenes, go back to your room to find an intruder. Sheâs an assassin and, incidentally, she wants to kill you. ===Beating Lucia=== This canât be THAT hard since you only have one person in your party (you), and Konami isnât an unfair game company like some. Depending on your Runes, this battle can range from really easy to kind of easy. Her HP is 1500, but she wonât endure for that long. Sheâll only take about 800 ö 1000 HPs of damage before she gives in. -After the Fight- Flick and Viktor will run in and catch her. Then she blabbers on about some stupid things for a minute. You can either take her to prison or let her go. Well, actually you can only take her to prison. Even if you say ăLet her goä theyâll take her to prison (at least I think so). Besides, she just tried to kill you! Why would you let her go? The next day youâll find a couple guards stationed outside your door. No more people will be breaking into to your room now! Now what you must do is save and go to the Main Hall. Once youâve saved and are in the Main Hall, Shu will ask you who you want to go with. The one thatâs recruiting Greenhill, and one thatâs slowing the other army down, or if youâll just be giving orders from the castle. Of course, Iâll be covering all the options here so you can decide which one you want to do. Or you can do one and reset, and do another, then repeat. But Iâll tell you this now, the one where you stay at the castle is the coolest! -ăIâll Wait Here.ä- At first, youâll just be waiting around at the castle for battle reports to come in. But soo enough youâll be giving so many orders youâll think youâre a waiter (umm· sorry, bad pun). Anyway, in all the orderâs, you can either ask for Appleâs advice, give a very harsh order that Apple will decide against, or give a calm, leader-like order. Order #1 Houser has ran into solders from Muse. ăDonât pursue too far, we have to save time.ä (leader-like) ăAdvance! Crush them!!ä (harsh) ăWhat should we do, Apple?ä (ask Apple) Order #2 Kiba has ran into some Highland defense forces. ăBe mindful.ä (leader-like) ăWipe them out· all of them.ä (harsh) ăWhat should we do, Apple?ä (you know this one) After a few more reports (not orders), Apple will say how you should have gone with Houser because you could have learned a lot. ăI suppose youâre right.ä (leader-like) ăThat Experience, I donât need!ä (harsh, but sheâll agree with you) ă100 lashes for Houser.ä (Apple wonât let you do this one· But isnât it funny??) After that one, youâll be called to Greenhill by Shu. -ăIâll go with Viktorâs group·.ä- This one involves a major battle, but whatâs wrong with that? Everyone loves major battles. Once the battle starts, youâll see Jowy is with them. If you beat his unit, theyâll retreat. And itâs not actually very hard to do this because every unit that Jowy has isnât really super strong, and you outnumber them.Try to use the Fire Spears or the Bombard Ability on Jowyâs unit. These are the safest ways to beat him without risking the loss one of your own units. This one is easy, folks. -ăIâll go with General Kiba·.ä- This is another major battle, but this one is harder and more interesting then the one with Viktorâs group. It includes two people youâll remember. One of those people is Yuber from the first Suikoden, and the other person is Lucia, the gal who tried to kill you last night. In this battle, youâre outnumbered by about two units, but they donât have many really strong units. But they have lots of them. However, there are a few things working to your advantage. One of them is Luc. Luc and his magic attack are very important. Itâs strong, it always seems to wipe out half of a unit for every time you use it, and it can be used from a few squares away. Another thing is that many of the solders wonât move until you get right up next to Greenhill. But once you get there, theyâll start using their own magic attacks on YOU, which isnât always fun. In the end, it all comes down to beating Yuberâs unit, but youâll probably end up killing every unit they have before you can. Yuberâs unit is very, very strong, so use Lucâs magic on it. Or if youâre feeling lucky, attack it and hope you get a critical. This is a long fight, you must be patient. -In Greenhill- Teresa joins your convoy and you decide to take that old forest path that leads to the back of the school to reach Greenhill. Shin also wants to join your party, but he doesnât have to. You can say ăNopeä and we wonât join. Then you get to pick the rest of your party. Youâll want to pick your very best and most used characters because thereâs a rather tough boss waiting for you inside Greenhill. Georg is a good one to use since heâs on level 58, which is about 10 levels higher then you should be right now. And I urge you to take Kahn, or someone else whoâs at a high level and can use dark magic. Charm Arrow is a very important spell for this! You may want to run back to the castle real quick and save. Once youâre ready to go into the forest, go for it. You should know the way by now since youâve gone down this path about a billion times already! But there is ONE THING thatâs different now. And the different thing is that along the way, youâll be attacked my Lucia again. Is it just me, or is she getting overly annoying? ===Beating Lucia=== This time around, she gets pretty tough. She has three little followers who can pack a punch, and should be killed ASAP. By the time theyâre gone, youâll probably discover that she attacks twice per turn and uses a devastating Fire Rune. Sheâll attack with her whip, then use the rune, or visa versa. Iâve never seen her attack twice in a row with the rune, but she might. She has two rune attacks. Youâve probably seen both of them because youâve probably used them on enemies before. The one where the fire turns into blades and slices youâre party into itty bitty pieces is the one that hurts the most, normally hitting for over 200HP. The other one is where a big beam of fire falls on the party and blows up, hitting four about 190HP. Just hit her with what ever you have. This may be a harder battle, but itâs still not hard. -After the Fight- Well, Lucia is very stubborn and unmanageable, so she doesnât listen to any of Teresaâs kind and loving words after the fight. She just runs off moping. Heal up and continue along the path to Greenhill. Once youâre back at the school, go out the front door and you'lâ see two people standing across from each other. The guy on the left will let you save, and the girl on the right will heal the party. Very convenient, yeah? After youâve saved and rested, go into town and go down to the enterance. Here youâll see Yuber again, and heâll then let the Bone Dragon out you play with you. ===Beating the Bone Dragon=== This thing attacks only once a turn, but it uses attacks that take 240+ HP out of the whole party, so staying highly healed is up there on the important side. Use Kahnâs Charn Arrow. Thisâll hit the dragon for about 1200HP each time you use it. Have everyone else attack with whatever they have. If it works, use it. The Bone Dragon have about 7500HP, so donât hold back. -After the Fight- Youâll be taken back to the castle very qickly and youâll learn that Matilda has given in to Highland. You then decide to attack Muse. But when Apple asks you what you want to do, say youâll think about it and teleport to Greenhill. Your last nine recruits await you! -Recruit #1- Go to the school in Greenhill and go into the Blacksmith classroom. At the top right corner of the room youâll meet Jude. Talk to him a couple times to learn that heâs out of clay, then hike to the forest village. Go up and take a right at the armor shop and go down this path. Youâll see a house. Go up past it on the right side of the house a go along this path to find a short guy with white hair. Heâll give you some clay. Now then, return to Greenhill, talk to Jude, give him the clay, and recruit him. -Recruit #2- Go to the Greenhill Inn and and listen in on Pico fighting with his ex-girlfriend about Annallee. Mention Annallee and tell her where she is and heâll join you. -Recruit #3- Teleport back to the castle and pop Viktor in your party and head to Kuskus. Go to the Blacksmithâs place and talk to Tessei in the back. After a rather funny scene, Tessei will join you. Now you FINALLY have a blacksmith in your castle! -Recruit #4- Go back to the castle, then teleport to Tinto. Head to the Armor Shop and talk to Albert, the guy standing next to the desk. Tell him about Annallee and Pico and heâll join you. -Recruit #5- Go to Kuskus and visit the Inn. Talk to Karen here and sheâll tell you that sheâll join you if you can keep up with her dancing. The dance combo is triangle, square, O, X, triangle, X, O, square. You have to do the steps one right after another with no brakes in between. This may sound tough, but itâs not. Donât worry about it. -Recruit #6- Go back to the castle and replace Viktor with whomever you would normally have in your party, then go to the 4th floor of the castle. Go out on the balcony. If you see a statue of the person whoâs been most useful in all the battles throughout the game so far (which is normally the hero), then youâre castle is at level 4 and youâre ready to recruit some more. For the next recruit, youâll need to spend some money, but thatâs OK. Go to Greenhill and go to the blacksmithâs classroom. Talk to the student on the right side of the table to get the Silver Hammer. Now go back to the castle and have Tessei sharpen the heroâs weapon to level 14. After you do this, go sail to Coronet. On the docks youâll see Genshu. Talk to him and heâll join you because youâre weapon is really sharp. -Recruit #7- Now go to the Cave of the Wind and go through the cave like you normally would. In the very last room, where you fought the Star Dragon Sword, youâll meet up with Pesmerga. Ask him to join, and heâll gladly do it. -Recruit #8- Go back to the castle and put Simone in your party, then go to Radat, to the place where you found Simone. Vincent De Boule, one of my favorite characters from Suikoden one, will be there and will join your army. -Recruit #9- Go to the Tinto mine and head to the room with all the slides (go in the enterance on the world map. If you go in the mine through Tinto, youâll reach a dead-end). You may remember talking to Mazus in here on your last visit. But now that youâre castle is level 4, heâll join you. CONGRADULATIONS!!!! YOU HAVE ALL 108 PEOPLE!!!!!! Youâre now ready to beat the game! Er· well, you will be after you do all the stuff you have to do before the end of the game! -Back to the Game- Now, doesnât it feel good to finally be done with all that dang recruiting? I know I felt rather good about it! I mean, now you have the freedom to just finish the game instead of having to watch out for people to recruit. I dunno· Maybe I just get excited too easily. Either way, go to the Main Hall and tell Apple youâre ready to go to Muse. After a quick cut scene, youâll appear in the Greenhill dorm building. After getting talked to by Apple, go outside to see· who? Yes! Lucia yet again! Follow her into the school, then through the secret passage in the back. About three screens up through the woods, youâll find Jowy and Lucia waiting for you. Yet again, Jowy tries to talk you out of being leader of your army. However, this time, he finally realizes that just as he canât quit being king of Highland, you canât quit being the leader of your army. And you both realize that things can never be back to the way things were, because ever since you got those runes on your hands, youâve been destined to fight each other. Sad, yeah? Anyway, after all this is over, go back to the dorm to find that preparations are complete. You may want to save, or maybe not. It doesnât matter a great deal. But whenever youâre ready, get ready for another major battle. |||MAJOR BATTLE: ENTERING MUSE||| The first thing youâll notice on this is that THEY are outnumbered. Youâll also see you have a few new units to play around with. The Highland troops probably wonât come into this. Theyâll probably stay near the back of the screen the whole time. And to make things even easier, the run off part way through the fight. Go for the units Lucia controls. Once you take out all of them, youâll win. Of course, SOMETHING is going on, but at least you won. If youâre having trouble with Luciaâs annoyingly tough unit, try some fire magic· Heck, it worked for me! -After the Battle- Youâll be at Muse! But the place is a ghost town. Nothing to see here· Head for Town Hall to find some of your solders. Something is inside Town Hall, and Viktor, being the cool exploring Indiana Jones type of guy he is, wants to check it out! Head on in to find a really large gold colored wolf· ===Beating the Golden Wolf=== Nothing too it! Just hit it with whatever you have! It attacks twice per turn and uses a little rune, but thatâs all. Itâs also low on power with a mere 3500HP. This guy is such a waste of time, your levels wonât even go up after you beat him. -After the Fight- After youâve beaten that one, youâll find that there are more of them scattered over the town. You can fight them if you want, but running is the better option here. If you DO fight them, another one will appear in its place. Sucky, huh? Yep. Anyway, when youâre out of Muse, youâll discover that you were tricked (are you surprised?). Solders are coming at you from the east and north! But if you try and get away by the west and south, more solders will pop up and kill you! What do you do? Escape to the east! Well, youâll be back at the castle after all this with Shu. After theyâre all done talking, go save. Head to the forth floor of the castle to see a scene between Kiba and Shu. Shu will tell Kiba they need a decoy to win this next battle, and Kiba will have to be the decoy. Now that Kiba just volunteered his life for your war, I donât want to hear any mean talk about him, got it? After the little scene, you may want to run of to the 5th floor and check out your new room in all its freakinâ awesome level four castle wonderment!!! After this, go talk to Shu and tell him youâll go through with the fight. This will bring everyone into the Main Hall for a huge battle briefing. Itâs really quite uplifting! And at the end of it all you get to yell a hardy uplifting line yourself! Yay! Now Leknaat appears to give your rune more power (Hehehehehehe!! The BIG attack baby baby!!!) if you have the 108 stars. The next morning, you see Kiba and his people off. Now go to the Main Hall to start on the journey to Matilda. A very, very important part of the game. This is where recruiting all those people pays off! Before you give the single to leave, be sure to save. When you leave, youâll appear in a major battle right outside of the Matilda region. |||MAJOR BATTLE: ENTERING MATILDA||| After the enemy appears, youâll see that youâre very outnumbered. Jowy is there, and Yuber, as well as Gorudo, the stupid sexist fat man. Further more, they have you surrounded from to sides. What you want to do is take out as many enemy units as you can before the third turn. First of all, take three or four units to take care of the Matilda troops. Have the rest do a number on the Highlanders. After about two turns, Culganâs army will appear behind you. Now youâre totally surrounded. However, all you have to do is survive two or three more turns and youâre all good. Your reinforcements will arrive (two tiny units. Ha!), and this will cause all the baddies to retreat. Personally, I donât see how two little units could scare them that much, but what the heck. It worked. -After the Major Battle- Youâll find out who those mysterious reinforcements were, then youâll go back to Greenhill to rest up. When itâs time to select your party members, make it a point to select people over level 50. Georg, Mazus, etc. should be over level 50, but you donât necessarily have to take them. Anyway, once you have your party of level 50+ characters, tell Shu to wait a minute and go get your ass to the inn so you can save. Once youâve saved, go back and tell Shu youâre ready to move out. The time has come· *dramatic music* -Invasion of Rockaxe- After the enemy takes the bate of your armies, youâll pop out of the bushes. After you head in, youâll get a message from Kiba saying that he and Leon Silverburg were both mortally wounded. Sad, yes. Anyway, once youâre in the castle, youâll find yourself in a small room. This isnât the main entrance! You have quite a bit of a walk ahead of you. Itâs a good thing your castle isnât this big, huh? Go up through the door, and follow the hall though the next door. Grab the Stone of Speed from the next chest and head up the ladder. If you want an Escape Talisman, go through the right door, if not, go through the left door and continue on till you reach a room with a door at the top of it, and a ladder leading down. A Stone of Defense and a Crimson Cape is through the door if you want them. Either way, go down the ladder next and through the door here. Just follow this single path till you reach a bridge outside, and cross the bridge. Youâll now be back inside. Go through the door here and follow the path to another small room with a ladder and a door. The door leads to an Earth Shield, which just might be worth getting. Once youâve grabbed it, or if you havenât, go down the ladder in the little room. Youâll be in yet another little room with a door below you and one to the right of you. The one below leads to some Power Gloves, the one to the right continues on with the level. Follow the path to the right and youâll appear outside again! Go through the big door to the right and youâll now be in the bunker of the castle. The Flame Helmet, a Gold Necklace and some Mega Medicine can be found in here if you look in each of the room. You have to go into them from the top, though. The exit of this room is down the little hall leading off to the left that you saw when you came in. Follow this hall to the next room. Continue following the hall and youâll reach a stairway, but if you go a bit farther down youâll find the Dragon Plans 4 AND the Unicorn Plans 4 in the little room here! You should get these things! Once you have them, go up the stairs and save at the save point. Also heal if youâre a little low on power. Now go down through the door here, and follow this path to another door, and go inside. Walk towards the stairs and everyone in your party will decide to stay and fight off the baddies that are coming up behind you, while you and Nanami go and finish the job. Go through the door at the top of the stairs, and the next thing youâll see is you and Nanami walking through a HUGE hall. The next part of the game is vital for those who want the best ending. Youâll run into Jowy here, and heâll tell you that his army and country is more important then you, therefor, heâll have to kill you himself. However, just when youâre about to have to kill your best friend, Gorudo walks into the hall his some archers. What could he be plotting? Iâll tell you what heâs plotting. Kill the two most powerful people in the country and get all the land for himself. However, Nanami, being your big sister, wants to protect you from the arrows, so she uses a special move Genkaku taught her years ago. When the text box for you to say ăNanami!!ä or ăLook out!!ä pops up, or have about half a second to say one of them before the text box closes. Is you donât say it fast enough, the hero wonât pull out his weapons and jump to Nanamiâs aid. If you say it fast enough, heâll pull out his weapons and jump up to help Nanami. If you want the best ending, keep trying till you say it fast enough. If you donât, you might as well not have gotten the 108 stars! After you say ăNanami!!ä and get ready to help her, sadly, sheâll get hit with an arrow. But donât worry, you did it! Now you can get the best ending! You and Jowy, now standing there, shaking it anger, decide to join up for one last time and show fatty whoâs boss. I like this boss fight· ===Beating Gorudo=== Hehehehehe!!!! Ho ho ho ho ha ha ha ha ha!!!!! YEAH!!! Now he dies!! This guy is all talk, and besides, with Jowy in your party you have a few huge tricks up your sleeve with his Rune! Fight this one for Nanami. -After the Fight- Well, heâll die finally, and Jowy will take his leave. Hey, itâs either that or staying around and being killed by your army! Nanami then passes out, and Shu runs up. He orders for the flag to be burned and then Huan shows up to help out Nanami. Everyone then goes back to the castle. Everyone will be giving you kind words as you all wait outside the doctorâs room. Huan then comes out and delivers the news··· Nanami··.. is··. dead. Flik loses it at this point, but Viktor calms him down. If you got the 108 stars and were fast enough when Nanami was shot, Huan will ask to talk to Shu alone in the room. If you didnât do one or both of these things, nothing else will happen. You have reason for rejoicing if he asks Shu to speak with him alone. :-) Youâll wake up in your room the next morning. Now is a lovely time to save, since you just did the most important part of the game and all. When youâve saved, head to the Main Hall and Shu will tell you that your army should attack Highland and finish them off. Give the order to invade Highland, and walk out of the Main Hall. Then youâll pass out. Go figure! A cut scene will then take place, showing Jowy sacrificing a doll of Julia to the Beast Rune. But his solders donât know itâs a doll, so they think that he actually just gave his wife to the Beast Rune. This gives the solders renewed vigor· or something like that. When walking away, Jowy will then pass out, too. The cut scene ends there and you wake up in your room with a bunch of people around you. After they give you some reassuring words that the war is very close to being over, you go back to sleep, then wake up again in the middle of the night. Go down to Shuâs room and youâll see Apple walking in. Sheâs a bit depressed to say the least, but before she leaves, Shu tells her to pick one of the cards sitting on the table in his room. She picks fire. Whatever could that mean? Shu doesnât have anything to say, so you can go back to your room and sleep now. Then next day, save first thing! then head to the Main Hall. Everyone, and I DO mean everyone; will be gathered in there. If you still havenât saved, tell them to hold on a minute and go do it real quick. When youâre ready, give them the OK to head off. At this point, a few people say some uplifting things, and then you get your chance to yell something uplifting. Donât you feel good? After the cheering subsides, you and your troops will head off to meet your destiny. The next cut scene will be of you and a few troops walking through some woods. At this point you split up, leaving Viktor and Shu behind to pull off some sort of plan that only they know about. Of course, once you hear Shu say something about his ălast missionä, you know it canât be good. Then youâll see a major battle screen, but you wonât be involved in it. Itâs just a couple good units against seven Highland units. Once the Highlanders get close to your units, though, Shu will give the signal and Viktor will light the woods on fire, with all those Highlanders in it. Hmmmm· It makes sense now, doesnât it? The card with fire on it? Of course it does! Later, Shu will be strolling through the burning forest, waiting for something to fall on him, perhaps, and he runs into Leon. You can sort of tell that they rather hate each other by their conversation here. Right at the end of the conversation, a tree falls· and· well, Shu doges it and is just fine. However, you and a few others waiting at the entrance to the burning forest donât know that, and assume heâs dead. Just when Apple is about to run into the forest in a crazy, whacked out, super fit, Shu and Viktor come marching out without a scratch. Strangely enough, heâs rather upset about being alive, but hey, how would Konami look if they had the cool strategist guy die at the end of BOTH Suikodens? Well, worry not, theyâre smarter then that! Youâll appear outside a border. The Highland Border, to be exact. Talk to Hilda on the top left to rest and save, you donât really need to leave this place. You can do that once you reach LâRenouille. Just be sure to save. Apple can rearrange your units for the upcoming major battle, if you want. Whenever youâre done doing whatever youâre doing, talk to Apple and tell her itâs time to move out. |||MAJOR BATTLE: LâRENOUILLE||| Here we are. We have reached the final major battle of the game! This, of course, wonât be the easiest major battle ever. In fact, itâs up there with one of the hardest. But youâre a perfectly good match for Highland! To avoid taking lots of damage, you should make heavy use of Luc and Mazus, the two magic users, to hit the baddies hard from a good ways away. You should also use the Fire Spears to your advantage to hit two or three units at once. As youâll see, the units guarding the city wonât be moving much. So youâll have all the time you need to position your units right where you need them. But what makes the fight so hard is the strength of the enemy units! Thankfully, Yuber runs off early in the fight, but that still leaves a challenge for you. Be careful during this battle, and take your time! Once you get the heroâs unit a couple squares into the city, battle will end. One way of doing this without having to take out all those really strong units is to hurt one of the units bad enough to where itâll run into the city to heal. This will give you a clear passage into the center of the city. -After the Major Battle- After that long battle, youâll appear outside LâRenouille. Now you have to make a party. I recommend making a party of only five people. If you want to use the best party you can, you might want to do the same. Iâm taking Georg, Pesmerga, Wakaba, and Clive. Remember, leave that last space blank. Why? Weâre gonna go pick up McDohl! If you donât have access to McDohl, or donât want to use him, choose your last character yourself. But donât go into LâRenouille just yet. Push against the wall behind you and youâll leave the city. Now that youâre back on the world map, head northwest to the very little village of Sajah. Since this village is in Highland territory, unlike most other towns of the game, you donât get the same love as you do in other villages. Instead, people here really donât like the great hero of the state who led them to victory over Highland. But thatâs just a small set back· go to the item shop and check out the Rare Finds section and buy the Golden Hammer. When you bring it to your castle blacksmith, youâll be able to get your weapons up to level 16! You may also want to buy and equip some Crimson Capes since theyâre sold here. Teleport back to the castle to rest and save, then teleport to Banner and go to Gregminster to get McDohl (unless you donât have him in the game or donât want to, etc). Once you get back, youâve gotta do some major weapon sharpening. If, and you probably will, run out of money, teleport back to LâRenouille and fight the monsters on the world map, or even the monsters in that are in LâRenouille itself. Really, it shouldnât take all that long. After you get your weapons up to 16, get some more cash and go to your Rune shop. Buy a Water rune and put it on McDohl. Also, from fighting the monsters on the world map, you MIGHT have gotten a Mother Earth rune. If so, attach it to someone, and if not, donât worry about it. Now rest if you need to, but be sure to save, and teleport to LâRenouille for the last time. -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-THE FINAL MISSION-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- Once you get there, go right up into the front door. When you walk up a tiny bit, you get attacked by Lucia again· *sigh* ===Beating Lucia=== This is her hardest form, and she actually might be a problem for you. She has about 6000 HP and some powerful attacks. Further more, she attacks three times per round. Ouch!! Sheâs actually sort of like another Luca Blight, just easier because youâre about 20 levels higher then you were when you fought Luca. Just hit her. You probably wonât have to waste too much Rune power on this one. Hmmm· on second though, she isnât that tough. :-) -After the Fight- Youâll see a cut scene involving Lucia and Teresa, which is of no importance, then you get to continue a long. This place is big! From where you are, go left, and keep going left till you reach the end up the hall. Then go up and youâll fight some solders. After theyâre done with, keep going up till you reach some stairs, then go down the stairs and go through the door. Go down this hall and through another door, and then you get to fight more solders. When you go through the door above the solders, youâll be in a big hall. Go all the way up the hall and youâll run right into the great Han. Really, Han isnât nice. You then fall into a one of one dual with him. +++Dual Battle: Han+++ This is just another dual... It shouldnât be that tough, though, since I have all these commands written down. -Defend Phrases- ăYou think you can beat me, boy?ä ăLet me see your power, Genkakuâs son!!!ä ăTry that again, boy.ä ăWell struck·. It seems I should be more careful·.ä ăUnf· You like to take risks, eh?ä -Attack Phrases- ăFoolish boy!!!ä ăHo ho ho· you taught him well, Genkaku me friend·ä ăAnd now itâs my turn.ä ăYou canât defend yourself forever.ä ăI canât let you pass here, son.ä -Wild Attack Phrases- ăNow feel my deadly sword.ä ăYou think my sword has lost its bite!!!ä ăYes, but can you defend against my sword!!!ä ăLetâs bury our past here, boy!!ä ăWatch and learn, boy. Hereâs how you wield a sword!!!ä ăCan you take this?ä -After the Dual- You should win rather easy. After words, Han has a quick death scene, and youâll continue on. In the next room, go up, then loop around when you get to the top of the stairs and go through the door here, then through another door. Go all the way down this hall and go right and through the door there. Follow this path till you reach a room with two doors in it. When you get there, take the left door. Now follow this path ALL the way up. I mean ALLLLLL the way up, till you reach a room where four solders jump out at you and fight you. After you kill them, go left and follow this hall till you reach a door an a path leading to the left. Take the path leading left and follow it till you reach the outside of the castle. Follow the little sidewalk to another door going back into the castle, and then go right down the hall. Youâll fight more solders, then continue. As far as paths go, it gets pretty simple here. All the door youâll come across are locked except for the ones your supposed to go though. Soon enough, youâll reach a fork. Look in the room to the right of you to find a save point! In the next room down, youâll find an Escape Talisman, just incase youâre in bad shape, I guess. Anyway, when youâve saved, exit this place by taking the path that leads up on the right side of the room. Follow this till you reach a room with a door on the top of the room and a door on the bottom. Take the one on top and then keep going. From here on out its strait all the way. Youâll soon see another save point, but this is a rather special one. It restores your Rune power, HP, heals your status problems, and hey, it even saves the game!! Make use of this lovely little gift and then keep going up to a final battle with Culgan and Seed. ===Beating Culgan and Seed=== These guys are worthy opponents! Seed has 4200HP, while Culgan has 3800HP. They each have very powerful runes, and you really shouldnât hold back on them at all. Use everything at your disposal. Heck, with that cool save point right behind you, you have nothing to lose! :-) -After the Fight- Why do the bad guys always have to make you feel guilty for killing them right before they die? Oh well, after another death scene, you see a cut scene of Jowy and Pilika. Itâs really quite touching· He tells her that heâs going to have to say goodbye forever, and she asks him to hold her one more time, and he does, and Jillia walks in to hear abouther new home in Harmonia that sheâs going to live in since Highland is about to fall for good. After they say a lot of goodbyes, you get control of the hero back. Before you walk forward any, go back to heal/save at that save point. Once thatâs done, go back to the hall you appeared in and walk forward. Youâll see Leon again, and heâll tell you about Lucaâs long time plan to unleash the Beast Rune into the world. After he says this, indecently, he unleashes it on your party. Here we go, folks· the last battle· ===Beating the Beast Rune=== After a nifty CG scene, youâll be in battle with this thing. Itâs made up of five parts. A right head, 4800HP, a left head, 4800HP, a right paw, 5700HP, a left paw, 4500HP, and a rune, 3300HP. Of course, the thing has its super strong attacks and defense, and frankly, youâre pretty mismatched. Itâll either hit you three times with three attacks, or one time with one BIG attack. Either way, youâre in bad shape. McDohlâs Black Shadow attack works Ok, since it hits everything at once. And of course, if you get in a jam, you have the heroâs Forgiver Sign attack, which will get you out of trouble if needed. The first thing to attack is the Rune. Once itâs gone, use a couple good attacks on the right leg to kill it. It revives other sections, so it should be taken out fast. After which the left leg is the target. Now, pretty much all the big threats are gone. Just use whatever you have left over to win. Itâs not too bad from here on out· -After the Fight- Whew· glad thatâs over· Your party walks into the throne room, but thereâs no sign of Jowy. Only his cape is sitting on the throne. Then, the castle starts to cave in, and you start to run out. However, the people waiting for you outside are starting to get a bit worried. But then you run out with a big grin on your face and a spirit of victory and justice! Well· you run out, anyway. The next day, you wake up in your castle. SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE!!!!!!! If you donât save now, youâll have o beat that stupid Beast Rune again to see all the endings!! _-_-_-_-_-_-_-ENDINGS-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ People are got the 108 stars, rejoice! Itâs about to pay off! -Ending #1- This is one of the basic endings where you donât have to have all 108 stars to see it. Go to the Main Hall and speak with everyone there. Theyâll tell you that they want you to lead their new country. Say you will, and bam! Youâve got the ending! Youâll then see a few future cut scenes of what happened, teamed up with some great music. Then window will start popping up, describing what every single star did after the war. The credits will role, and after the credits, youâll see a neat little picture! The End. -Ending #2- Another basic ending, but I suppose a bit harder to find. Go to the Main Hall, and theyâll tell you about the new country and everything, but this time, say you wonât lead the new country. Youâll then be able to leave and go to whatever you want. Teleport to LâRenouille and then leave. Walk southeast down the Tanzen Pass, and follow this path till you come to a fork in the road. When you reach the fork, go left, not strait. Follow this path for a while (you may remember this bit of it, since this was where the game started. That is, this is the campsite where the massacre took place), and youâll reach the spot where you and Jowy carved the X in the rock at the start of the game. Heâll be there waiting for you. After he tells you a few things youâve probably been wondering for a while, such as why he betrayed you and tried to kill you on several different occasions, heâll challenge you to the REAL final battle. A one of one dual. Beat him in the dual, and heâll then die. After words, youâll go back to the castle and become king of your new country. The rest of this ending is just like the last one! -Ending #3- This is the ending everyone wants, and itâs a real reward for taking the time to get the 108 stars. In the Main Hall, when everyone is telling you about the new country, say you wonât lead it and then go to LâRenouille. From here, go to Tanzen Pass, and to the same spot you met Jowy at the last time. The same thing will happen, heâll challenge you to a dual battle, but instead of killing him this time, DONâT attack. EVER!!! After about two duals, heâll get really weak and fall down. Heâll then ask you for your right hand so he can give the rest of his power to your rune. When he asks this, DO NOT give him your hand! Keep refusing!! After you refuse a couple times, heâll start to get healed by your rune. At that point, you two finally make up with each other and head off. -------------------------------HUGE SPOILER!!!!!!------------------------------------- Read this next part at your own risk of ruining the best ending for yourself. After you two start walking away, Shu comes up to you and tells you something very interesting. When Nanami was shot with that arrow, she really didnât die. She faked it. Why, you ask? She wanted to get away from the hero while the war was going on because ăshe didnât like to see him hurtä. Frankly, I donât see how his sister dying was going to make him feel any better then he did, but whatever. It turns out sheâs been waiting at Genkakuâs house this whole time! After saying a few more words, Shu leaves you so you can go see Nanami again, and Jowy, of course, comes along with you. You then get to see a bunch of really cool cut scenes of the three of them going off and doing stuff! And you even get to see where Jillia and Pilika live. And believe me, itâs nice!! -----------------------------END OF HUGE SPOILER-------------------------------------- After you see that, you may expect yourself to go back to the castle and lead your country, but you donât. And then the boxes with what the people did after the war comes up again, and then the credits, and a special picture at the end. And so, youâve beaten the whole game· ah· its one heck of a thing. _-_-_-_-_-_-_-CHARACTER LIST-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ A huge thanks to Odin135 for this list!! Thanks again! Oh, and sorry if this is a bit hard to read. After I copied and pasted it, it was all scrambled and stuff. I think I got it to where itâs pretty much readable. 108 Stars of Destiny When I found out that there was no character list for Suikoden 2 I decided to make one. If any one finds anything wrong or has information about characters that I don't have please E-mail me at Odin135@hotmail.com It may take some time for me to repley be patient. If you have questions about the game include where you are in the game and what you are suppost to do next. If you want to use this on your website E-mail me and ask first. Castle Level 1= 30 members and below Castle Level 2= 31-60 members Castle Level 3= 61-100 members Castle Level 4= 101 members and above Name Location How to get them 1. Hero Start with Start with 2. Ridley Two River City Joins after Two River City beats Kiba 3. Shu Radat City Joins after you find his coin 4. Luc HQ Lekneet brings him to you 5. Humphrey Rakutei Mt. Complete Dragon Quest 6. Hauser Tinto City Joins after you defeat Neclord 7. Kiba HQ Don't kill him after you beat him in battle and he joins 8. Pesmerga Cave of Wind Shows up where you fought the Star Dragon Sword when you have 100 members talk with him and he will join you 9. Sierra Tigermouth Joins when you walk into Tigermouth with Kahn 10. Teresa Greenhill City Rescue from Greenhill City 11. Nina Greenhill City Joins when you return to HQ with Teresa 12. Feather Forest Village Need one of Badeaux's crystals, walk into center of town and fight griffins and he joins 13. Viktor South Window Joins when you enter South Window for the first time 14. Valeria Gregminister Choose her at Gregminister OR 14. Kasumi Gregminister Same as Valeria 15. Fitcher Two River City After you defeat Kiba at Two River City 16. Clive South Window Talk to him when you have a boat 17. Flik HQ Joins after you defend HQ for the first time 18. Tsai Ryube Forest Go to his house in the forest when you need Fire Spears 19. Jess Tinto City Joins after you defeat Neclord 20. Stallion Radat Town After fall of Greenhill, Must beat him in race (run from battle 50 times to win race) 21. Georg Tigermouth Path After beating Neclord talk to him 22. Hanna Toto Village Talk to her after Toto burns down 23. Killey South Window Talk to him in South Window then at Alex's shop then back at South Window After Alex has joined you and after Luca is dead 24. Anita Muse City / Keep talking to her and saying she is Banner Village beatuiful and refilling her glass (you have to leave the town every after time you talk to her 25. Sigfried Kobold Village Need to bring one of Badeaux's crystals and a pure female (Such as Nanami) the place where Hix defeated the Unicorn, must have completed the Unicorn quest first 26. Nanami Kyaro Town Walk into your back yard 27. Rina Coronet Town Talk to her after Tai Ho agrees to take you to Kuskus Town 28. Tai Ho Kuskus Town Win 5000 bits from him and he will join 29. Eilie Coronet Town Joins with Rina 30. Yam Koo Kuskus Town Joins with Tai Ho 31. Bolgan Coronet Town Joins with Rina 32. Hix Kobold Village After defending Two River Talk to him and Tengaar in Lakewest inn and then go to Kobold Village and complete Unicorn Quest 33. Tengaar Kobold Village Joins with Hix 34. Freed Y HQ Joins after South Window falls to highland 35. Yoshino Radat Town Bring Freed Y to her house and then leave the town then come back to her house and she will join (will only be there if shu has already joined) 36. Chaco 2 River(Kobold) After you defeat Kiba at Two River City joins when you try to leave town 37. Klaus HQ Joins with Kiba 38. Gilbert Battle Map 3 Wound him in battle and he joins 39. Tetsu Lakewest Town Buy fried tacos from Two River City(Kobold) and use them on the Hero until he starts smoking then go and talk to him 40. Jeane 2 River(Human) Talk to her in the Rune shop after the fall of Greenhill City 41. Wakaba Forest Village Castle Level 2, Hero must be level 30+ 42. Maximillian South Window After you Luca has been killed he will stop you when you enter the town 43. Genshu Coronet Town Castle Level 4 Hero's weapon level 15+ 44. Camus Rockaxe Castle Joins with Miklotov 45. Miklotov Rockaxe Castle 46. Jude Greenhill City After you have recapture Greenhill bring him clay, a guy in Forest Village has clay 47. Lebrante Radat Town Buy a Ceadon Vase from the Trader in Gregminister and give it to him 48. Lorelai Gregminister Castle level 3 49. Tony Forest Village Castle level 2 in the chief's house 50. Gijimu 51. Rikimaru Ryube Village Pay for his meal (3000 Bits) and he will join 52. Gantetsu South Window After defeating Neclord challenge him the parties' total strength has to be over 400 53. Simione Radat Town Buy a Rose Brouch at Banner Village and give it to him and he will join 54. Connell Forest Village Castle must be level 3, bring him a sound set 55. Hans 2 River(Human) Talk to him on the 2nd floor of the Inn 56. Huan HQ Same as Flik 57. Tuta Muse City Talk to her in front of Huan's house 58. Futch Rakutei Mt Joins with Humphrey 59. Tomo Ryube Forest Bring Tsai to his house when he asks to get get some tools, Tsai must be in party 60. Badeaux Forest Path Castle Level 3 must have hero and shiro in party 61. Mazus Tinto Mines Castle Level 4 he is standing where there are a bunch of slides 62. Mondo Rokkaku Hamlet Castle Level 4 if you got Valeria or just have Kasumi and enter the town (see end of faq for directions to town) 63. Sasuke Rokkaku Hamlet Same as Mondo 64. Leona HQ Same as Flik 65. Adlai South Window After you get HQ give him a sacrifice jizo and a wooden shield and then get a wind crystal and throw it at him 66. Raura Tinto City Joins if you have Jeane 67. Sheena Gregminister Find in HQ(not sure when) and he leads you to Gregminister where he joins 68. Kinnison Ryube Forest Put nest back in tree and walk off and back onto the screen and he will join 69. Shiro Ryube Forest Joins with Kinnison 70. Amada Radat Town Go and talk to him when you need to get to Two River city 71. Emilia Greenhill City Tell her who you and Flik are (the first Choice) 72. Zamza Toto Village Talk to him with Nanmai in party (before Toto burns down) 73. Karen Kuskus Town Castle Level 3, dance with her after Luca has been killed 74. Lo Wen Joins with Gijimu 75. Tenkou Crom Village Bring him a window set and he joins 76. Gadget Greenhill/Muse Joins with Meg Border 77. Annallee South Window After Luca has been killed go to the Inn then talk to her again to the right of the town hall after she sings she joins 78. Viki Greenhill/ Appears out of no where and joins Matilda 79. Koyu 80. Vincent Radat Town Castle Level 4 bring Simione to where he was standing and he will join 81. Meg Greenhill/Muse Castle Level 2, talk to her Border 82. Mukumuku Kyaro Town Talk to the big tree behind the Hero's OR house 3 times Greenhill/Muse Walk back and forth between Greenhill and Border Greenhill/Muse Border with only the Hero and he will show up in a battle and he joins 83. Marlowe 84. Richmond Radat Town Play the coin game with him once then go to the bar and talk to a game there and get another coin and play him again 85. Apple Toto Village When you return to Toto after buying the wooden amulet and she will be there 86. L. C. Chan CromVillage Go to the Inn with Wakaba in your party then talk to him behind the house to the right of the Inn 87. Millie Ryube Village Agree to find Bonepart and when you do she joins 88. Tessai Kuskus Town After you have recaptured Greenhill bring Viktor to the weapon shop and he will join 89. Taki Lakewest Talk to her a bunch of times and she joins 90. Gengen HQ When you have to go get Flour 91. Gabocha 2 River(Kobold) Bring Gengen to see him and he joins 92. Yuzu Kobold Village Agree to help find her sheep, must complete Unicorn Quest first 93. Hai Yo HQ Castle Level 2, On the second floor south balcony (right side) he will be talking to someone and he will join 94. Kahn CromVillage Talk to him in town after Tinto is taken over by Neclord 95. Barbara HQ Same as Flik 96. Sid 2 River(sewers) After the city is saved bring Chaco into the sewers and under the water fall and Sid will join 97. Shin Greenhill City Joins with Nina 98. Oulan Kuskus Town Talk to an old lady who says some thing about a band of people mugging female groups then leave the town and go back in with a mostly female team and cross the bridge in the center of the town 99. Shilo Lakewest Town Castle Level 2, win 5000 bits from him and he joins 100. Alex White Deer Inn Talk to Hilda when you have a castle and they Join 101. Hilda White Deer Inn Joins with Alex 102. Bob 2 River(Kobold) Castle Level 3 and talk to him 103. Ayda Forest Village Joins with Feather 104. Pico Greenhill City Talk to him when you have Annallee 105. Alberto Tinto City Talk to him when you have Pico and Annallee 106. Templton Toto Village Go to the Mercenary Fortress after it has burned down and meet Templton and then go to Toto and he joins 107. Hoi Radat Town After Luca has been killed walk into the bar and stand up for Hoi 108. Gordon Gregminister Make 50,000 Bits from trading and he joins There are some charaters that do not get a star because they join your party until you until you get rid of them and then you have to get them again. 109. Makumaku 2 River City/ Walk back and forth on the road between Greenhill City 2 River city and Greenhill City with only the Main Character and he should appear in a battle with you(you can have other squirles in the party when doing this) 110. Mikimiki Greenhill City/ Same as Makumaku Execpt walk between Forest Village Greenhill City and Forest Village 111. Mekumeku Greenhill City/ Same as Makumaku Execpt walk between Matilda Greenhill City and Matilda 112. Mokumoku Clearing below Same as Makumaku Execpt walk between in the Forest Village the clearing below Forest Village How to get to Rokkaku Hamlet On the way to Gregminister just after the cliff where you climb a bunch of latters go north until you are stopped by trees and then go right until you are in a path with trees above you and below you and then keep trying to go down and through the trees. There is a hidden path somewhere in this section that leads to the town. Abizboah and Rulodia I have hear that there are 4 monsters in total Sigfried, Feather, Rulodia, and Abizboah. I have yet to get them. If anyone knows how you can get them when you have used 2 crystals on the Sigfried and Feather and If they count as stars E-mail me ASAP. And is Rulodia a star. I would like to say thanks to all the people who helped out especially JL and Spencer Pantera. _-_-_-_-_-_-_-EQUIPMENT LIST-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ MAJOR thanks to Feral for letting me use this! Again, thanks man!! Suikoden 2 armor types and equipments listing compiled by Feral (feralnoa@aol.com) version 0.9 Added some rare accessories from the Mountain Climbing mini-game prizes. Version 0.8 January 23, 2000. Rearranged some of the accessories listed after further testing. Version 0.7 January 20, 2000. Started this list. Don't you just hate it when you find something like Windspun Armor, and it looks really great, but no one (well, no one that you brought along, at any rate) can wear it? Me too. Well, this is my solution to that. This list is intended to show which of the many characters in the Playstation game Suikoden 2 can equip which armors and helmets/headgear, as well as whether they can have a shield. Also hopefully it will eventually have a comprehensive listing of the accessories and which characters those can be equipped by. I had noticed that the instructions booklet which came with Suikoden 2 had a list placing each of the armors into one (or more) of four categories. This then gave me the idea that it could be possible to put together a list of which characters can wear each of the armors, without having to write it all out over and over about 70 or so times. If each character could only wear one type of armor, then it would be comparatively simple to use the categories to predict which armors could be worn by each character, as opposed to manually trying out each combination. Same thing for the helmets/headgear, and it would also be simple to determine whether a character can carry a shield as well. The accessories, on the other hand, pose a bit more of a problem, as the instructions booklet did not provide types for them. Note: This is still preliminary, and some of these are still from guesswork. If you find any mistakes, such as characters/equipment being left out or incorrectly listed, please e-mail me with the correction(s), and how you determined it so I can fix the problem. Also, the instructions booklet that came with the game also had some mistakes in it which I have attempted to catch and fix, but some may still have slipped by. http://members.aol.com/feralnoa/Suikoden2/Equip.html webpage(html) version of this list with clickable links in tables and some info on runes as well. List of characters and their armor type, helmet or headgear, shield if they can carry one. Specific unremoveable equipment is in (parentheses). the hero - Light Armor, Headgear Amada - MA Karate Suit, Headgear Anita - Light Armor, Headgear, Shield Ayda - MA Karate Suit, Headgear Badeaux - Heavy Armor, Helmet Bob - MA Karate Suit, Headgear Bolgan - Light Armor, Helmet Camus - Light Armor, Helmet, Shield, (Crimson Cape) Chaco - MA Karate Suit, Headgear Clive - Light Armor, Headgear Eilie - MA Karate Suit, Headgear Flik - Light Armor, Headgear, Shield Freed - Light Armor, Helmet, Shield, (Water Amulet) Futch - Light Armor, Helmet, Shield Gabocha - Light Armor, Headgear Gantetsu - MA Karate Suit, Headgear Gengen - Light Armor, Helmet, Shield Genshu - MA Karate Suit, Headgear Georg - (Silver Armor), Helmet Gijimu - Heavy Armor, Helmet Hai Yo - Light Armor, Headgear Hanna - Light Armor, Helmet, Shield Hauser - Light Armor, Helmet Hix - Light Armor, Headgear, Shield Hoi - Light Armor, Headgear Humphrey - (Knight Armor), Helmet Jowy - Light Armor, Headgear Kahn - Light Armor, Helmet Karen - MA Karate Suit, Headgear Kasumi - MA Karate Suit, Headgear Killey - Light Armor, Headgear Kinnison - Light Armor, Headgear Koyu - Light Armor, Headgear L.C. Chan - MA Karate Suit, Headgear Lo Wen - Light Armor, Headgear Lorelai - Light Armor, Helmet, (Thunder Amulet) Luc - Robe, Headgear, (Speed Ring) Mazus - (Robe of Mist), Headgear McDohl - Light Armor, Headgear Meg - MA Karate Suit, Headgear, (Lucky Ring) Miklotov - Heavy Armor, Helmet, (Fire Emblem) Millie - MA Karate Suit, Headgear Mondo - MA Karate Suit, Headgear Nanami - MA Karate Suit, Headgear Nina - MA Karate Suit, Headgear Oulan - Light Armor, Helmet, (Power Gloves) Pesmerga - (Knight Armor, Horned Helmet, Chaos Shield, Guard Ring, Iron Boots) Rikimaru - Light Armor, Helmet Rina - MA Karate Suit, Headgear Sasuke - MA Karate Suit, Headgear Sheena - Light Armor, Headgear, Shield, (Star Earrings) Shilo - MA Karate Suit, Headgear Shin - Light Armor, Headgear Sid - MA Karate Suit, Headgear Sierra - MA Karate Suit, Headgear Simone - Light Armor, Headgear, (Cape of Darkness, Gold Emblem) Stallion - Light Armor, Headgear, (Winged Boots) Tai Ho - MA Karate Suit, Headgear Tengaar - Robe, Headgear, (Wind Amulet) Tomo - MA Karate Suit, Headgear Tsai - MA Karate Suit, Headgear Tuta - Robe, Headgear Valeria - Light Armor, Headgear, Shield Viki - Robe, Headgear Viktor - Light Armor, Headgear Vincent - Light Armor, Headgear, Shield, (Rose Brooch) Wakaba - MA Karate Suit, Headgear Yoshino - MA Karate Suit, Headgear, (Water Amulet) Zamza - Robe, Headgear Shiro, Gadget, the five squirrels, Feather, Sigfried, Abizboah and his wife and child can't have anything equipped. Types of equipment Helmets/Headgear Bandana (headgear) def + 1 Leather Hat (helm/hdgr) def + 2 Feathered Hat (headgear) def + 3, Spd + 3, resists wind Pointed Hat (headgear) def + 5, protects against balloons Circuret (helm/hdgr) def + 7 Half Helmet (helm/hdgr) def + 10 Head Gear (headgear) def + 14 Silver Hat (headgear) def + 19, restores HP, resists darkness Full Helmet (helmet) def + 20 Wind Hat (headgear) def + 24, Spd + 7, resists wind Flame Helmet (helmet) def + 30, Str +4, resists fire Horned Helmet (helmet) def + 35 Mole Helmet (helm/hdgr) def + 12, Prevents unfriendly Armor (R = Robes, MA = Martial Arts Karate Suit, Lt = Light Armor, Hvy = Heavy Armor) Robe (Lt/MA/R) def + 1 Tunic (Lt/MA) def + 2 Leather Coat (Hvy/Lt/MA) def + 4 Brass Armor (Hvy/Lt) def + 6 Guard Robe (Lt/MA/R) def + 7 Karate Uniform (Lt/MA) def + 10, Tech +5 Leather Armor (Hvy/Lt) def + 14 Chain Mail (Lt) def + 16 Ninja Suit (Lt/MA) def + 17, Spd +15 Half Plate (Hvy) def + 19 Magic Robe (Lt/MA/R) def + 22 Thunder God Garb (MA) def + 25, Hit +10, resists lightning Scale Mail (Lt) def + 28 Dragon Armor (Hvy/Lt) def + 30 Master Robe (MA/R) def + 33, Restores HP Full Plate (Hvy) def + 36 Taikyoku Wear (MA) def + 40, Spd +10 Master Garb (Lt/MA) def + 45, Str + 15, Tech + 15 Robe of Mist (MA/R) def + 47, Repels magic, resists water Earth Armor (Hvy/Lt) def + 49, Anti-bat, resists earth Dream Robe (MA) def + 52, can't be attacked Silver Armor (Lt) def + 55, Restores HP, resists darkness Knight Armor (Hvy) def + 58 Blood Armor (Hvy/Lt) def + 62, Drains HP Windspun Armor (Hvy) def + 65, Spd +15, resists wind Mole Suit (Hvy/Lt/MA/R) def + 29, Resists earth, no target Shields Wooden Shield def + 2 Steel Shield def + 7 Kite Shield def + 12 Mangosh def + 19, Return stab x 1.5 Silver Shield def + 27, Restores HP, resists darkness Chaos Shield def + 34 Earth Shield def + 36, Anti-bat, resists earth Accessories For hands (cannot be worn by Kobolds) Gloves def + 2 Gauntlet def + 4 Power Glove def + 16, Str + 15 Silverlet def + 11 Goldlet def + 18 Footwear (cannot be worn by Wingers or Kobolds) Wooden Shoes def + 1 Leggings def + 2 Boots def + 3 Toe Shoes def + 9 Winged Boots def + 14, Spd +10 Iron Boots def + 15 Necklaces (can only be worn by Kobolds and Wingers) Necklace def + 7 Heavy Necklace def + 11 Silver Necklace def + 17, Restores HP Gold Necklace def + 21, Mag def + 5 Capes (* can be worn by all) Cape def + 1 Leather Cape def + 5 Fur Cape def + 9 Cape of Darkness def + 12 Crimson Cape def + 14 Emblems (cannot be worn by Kobolds or females) Fire Emblem def + 7, Str +15, resists fire Gold Emblem def + 10, Mag def +10 Rings (* can be worn by all) Guard Ring def + 7, Mag def +10 Rings (not yet tested or found a pattern for) Speed Ring def + 10, Spd +15 Skill Ring def + 9, Tech +20 Lucky Ring def + 12, Luck +20 Magic Ring def + 7, Mag +15 Power Ring def + 8, Str +20 other accessories (* can be worn by all) Cheek Guards def + 3 Shoulder Pads def + 5 Belt of Strength def + 6, Str +5 other accessories (can only be worn by feminine characters) Blue Ribbon def + 6, can't be targeted Star Earrings def + 8, Restores HP other accessories (not yet tested or found a pattern for) Water Amulet def + 6, Repels magic, resists water Thunder Amulet def + 9, Hit +15, resists lightning Wind Amulet def + 12, Spd +10, resists wind Sun Badge def + 4, Restores HP Fish Badge def + 6, Repels magic (** I can't seem to figure this out) Wing Ornament def + 19, Spd +12 (can only be worn by Wingers) Rose Brooch def + 13 (can only be worn by Vincent and Simone) Special Accessories (these can be equipped by characters other than the ones listed, but won't have any effect) Rose Bouquet Narcissus ATK Up (Vincent, Simone) Millet Dumplings For Badeaux. Beastmaster ATK Up Dog Whistle For Kobold Attack.... (Gengen, Gabocha) Lubricating Oil If Meg equips, Gadget's ATT Up Secret Writings Ninja ATK Up (Kasumi, Mondo) Invincible Smile Fancy Lad ATK Up (*** see note) Cup of Promise Manly, Bandit ATK Up (Amada, Rikimaru, Gijimu, Koyu, Lo Wen) Leisure Set For Family Attack.... Notes * can be equipped by all characters, Except those who can't have any items at all, of course. ** I thought that it could only be worn by characters younger than 18 years old, but Viki can't wear it and according to Richmond, she's only 16... *** I think this is really supposed to be either the Pretty Boy ATK (Flik, Miklotov, and Camus) or the Cutie Boy ATK (Futch, Luc, and Sasuke) Credits and Thanks to: whoever at Konami made Suikoden2 and the booklet that came with the game, otherwise I wouldn't have anything to write about. Aya Brea for chatting with me via e-mail and asking "Don't you hate powerful stuff like Windspun Armor that no one can wear?" which is what gave me the idea to make this list. The people who post on the Suikoden board at rpgamer for giving me feedback and encouragement (I post on there as Viki) and Pesmerga for just being helpful in general. Anyone else who helped me in any way that I may have forgotten to mention. If you'd like to use this list for something, feel free, but Please give me credit for typing it all up and testing most of the stuff to make sure it's accurate. -_-_-_-_-_-_-Your Castle-_-_-_-_-_-_- In Suikoden, you had a castle in the middle of a lake. It was comfy and it got the job done. In Suikoden 2, you rule over an entire town!! This town is home to more then just shops, an Inn, and a couple mini-games, as in Suikoden. Rather, it houses about six different mini-games and many, many shops, rooms, and people to talk to. This will hopefully make your Suikoden 2 home a little bit less confusing. -Levels- Your town grows every time you recruit someone, but there are certain points in the game where it grows a lot in a quick spurt. ~Level 1~ This is, of course, what it starts on. It stays like this till you have 1. Recruited 30 people 2. Join forces with Two River City ~Level 2~ Once itâs level 2, it stays level 2 until you 1. Recruit 61 people 2. Recruit Klaus and Kiba ~Level 3~ The castle starts getting very big and confusing at this point, with the huge amount of rooms and tunnels that, in fact, all join together. If youâre not careful you could find yourself lost in your own castle! But, it gets even bigger as soon as you 1. Recruit 102 people 3. This level is the final level, and last until you beat Suikoden 2 -Shops- Of course, certain people you recruit run shops in the town and castle. With all 108 characters, youâll have everything from an Inn to a Trade Center. ~Item Shop~ Owner: Alex Alex runs the Item shop in town, and stocks whatever item shop youâve visited before stocked. For example, if you went to a town and went to an item shop that sold Mega Medicine, Mega Medicine will be added to Alexâs inventory. Outstandingly useful, if you ask me. ~Armor Shop~ Owner: Hans Hans, of course, sells Armor. Like Alex, he stocks whatever armor shops youâve visited so far. ~Rune Master~ Owner: Jeane Once Jeane is recruited, youâll have your own Rune Master to engrave, remove, or sell Runes. She sells, you guessed it, whatever the Rune Masterâs shopâs sold that youâve visited before! ~Magic Scrolls~ Owner: Raura This special shop is opened after you get Raura to join you. She specializes in Magic Scrolls (i.e. Flame Wall). This is the only shop of its sort in the game giving it special qualities. Not only does she sell Magic Scrolls, but also if you bring a Rune to her, sheâll actually change it into a Scroll! ~Trade Center~ Owner: Gordon Gordon opens a Trade center, which can make you quite rich. You have to know what to trade at what center, of course, to get the best results. The following chart should clear this up a little. As you can see by looking at it, some items are real good investments, while other arenât as good. Item to Trade Best Place to Buy Best Place to Sell Ancient Text 700p, Kobold Town 35000p, Forest Town Book 3500p, Forest Town 7300p, Rockaxe City Crystal Ball 300p, Crom Village 7000p, Kobold Town Candle 200p, Rokkaku Town 750p, Crom Village Deer Antler 1100p, Forest Town 5500p, Headquarters Flute 200p, Headquarters 700p, Rockaxe City Fur 350p, Headquarters 800p, South Window Gold Bar 17000p, Rokakku Town 40000p, Highway Town Holly Barrie 550p, Forest Town 1100p, Rockaxe City Mayonnaise 400p, South Window 2200p, Highway Town Musk 4500p, Highway Town 8500p, Crom Village Native Costume 800p, Gregminster 2500p, Highway Town Pearl 18000 Rokakku Town 35000p, Rockaxe City Red Pepper 1200p, Crom Village 3200p, Rockaxe City Salt 270p, South Window 700p, Rokakku Town Soy Sauce 300p, Rokakku Town 850p, Gregminster Sugar 150p, Forest Town 550p, Highway Town Wine 650p, Gregminster 1900p, Rockaxe City Wooden Amulet 350p, Kobold Town 850p, Crom Village -Helpful Areas- Aside from shops, your town includes other helpful areas of interest, such as an Inn. ~Blacksmith~ Owner: Tessai This is pretty basic, but sharpening your weapons is pretty darn important. This just go to show you that you shouldnât forget the basics! ~Inn~ Owner: Hilda Alexâs wife, Hilda reopens her old Inn in your headquarters! It is, of course, useful to be able to rest and save before a major battle or something of that nature without having to go to the nearest town and back. ~Appraiser~ Owner: Lebrante This is the only Îhelpful areaâ Iâm not exactly satisfied with. At 400p per appraisal, itâs actually better to go to a town and get it done there. ~Telescope~ An interesting addition, indeed. On top of the castleâs watchtower, youâll find a telescope thatâs used for sightseeing. Itâs useless, actually, but still pretty neat-o. ~Library~ Owner: Emilia Whenever you get Emilia to join you, youâll get a library. Once you do, go get all your ÎOld Booksâ from the storeroom and give them to her. Sheâll put them on the shelf and you can read them, intern, getting some sort of history lesson about the game or other information. Itâs actually quite interesting. ~Storeroom~ Owner: Barbara This is outstandingly useful, and best of all, you get it at near the start of the game. This is used for storing items that you might not need at the moment, or when you have to make some quick room in your inventory. With the Storeroom, you wonât have to drop items nearly as much as you WOULD have to. ~Cartographer~ Owner: Templeton Otherwise known as a mapmaker, Templeton has made a map of the whole State area. Not only does he give you one when you recruit him, but he also posts one on the wall of your castle. This huge map simply list towns, locations, buildings, and pictures of every town featured in the game (except Greminster, I think). ~The Bar~ Owner: Leona Now, this may sound a bit useless, but itâs actually not. Aside from running the bar, Leona also manages your party members. Of course, this is anything but useless! ~Fast Transportation~ Owner: Viki Viki is a pretty messed up girl, but she can get you around very fast nonetheless. Once you recruit her, youâll be able to teleport to any single city youâve already visited (except Greminster). Something you should know, also. The more you use Viki to get around, the better chance you have of getting accidentally teleported to a secret room in the game! Youâll know if Viki says ăHuh?ä instead of ăShazam!ä then youâre on your way to the secret room. If you DO get to the room, WALK, donât run, take every treasure you see (its really good stuff) and soon someone will run up the stairs, find you, and throw you out. -Other Interesting Things and Places- Interesting things and places are things like the Suggestion Box, or the Bronze Statue you get sometime in the game. ~Suggestion Box~ This appears outside the Main Hall. People write things and leave them in the box for you to read. Of course, there isnât always something in there, but the more people you get, the more letters you get as well. ~Troop Placement~ This is quite nifty, but not really necessary for beating the game. Still, you can tinker around with your units (the ones that are used in major battles). The possibilities are simply endless! I suggest you experiment with this a bit, you may find something you like. When you want to mess with your troops, talk to Apple in the Main Hall. ~Boat~ The boat, which rests at the docks, can be used to sail anywhere in the lake, but youâll probably just start using Viki for your main sort of transportation once you have her. ~Window Settings~ Once you have Tenkou, give him the Window Sets that youâve found for new window setting options! Useless, but neat-o!! ~Bronze Statue~ When your castle is finally level 4 a statue will appear on the fourth floor telling you who has been the most useful in the battles of the game to that point. ~Sound Settings~ When youâve recruited Connell, give all your Sound Sets to him and youâll be able to change the gameâs menu sound effects. ~Guardian Deity Statue~ Jude, who you recruit during the game, builds this statue. But you also need to collect all the 16 plans scattered over the world. You can build a Dragon, a Bunny, a Unicorn or a Turtle. Or you can mix them up, which can get· sort of interesting. The first time you build a statue, youâll receive some sort of gift. Below is a list of what you can get. Iâve used abbreviations so it wonât take as long to type (Iâm lazy!!!). The abbreviations are as follows: D = Dragon R = Rabbit T = Turtle U = Unicorn 1 = Plan 1 2 = Plan 2 3 = Plan 3 4 = Plan 4 Body Tail Legs Head Item you receive D3 D2 D1 D4 Dragon Incense U3 U2 D1 D4 Rage Rune U3 U2 U1 D4 Skunk Rune U3 U2 T1 D4 Firefly Rune T3 T2 D1 D4 Gold Bar T3 U2 R1 D4 Wall Rune R3 R2 D1 D4 Dragon Incense or Fortune Rune D3 D2 D1 T4 Silver Armor D3 U2 U1 T4 Technique Rune D3 D2 T1 T4 Whirlwind Armor D3 U2 T1 T4 Silence Rune T4 U1 R2 U3 Boulder Set or Toy Boat T4 T1 U2 U3 Mother Earth Rune T4 R1 D2 U3 Dream Robe T4 D1 T2 T3 Prosperity Rune T4 T1 T3 D1 Mother Earth Rune T4 D1 D2 R3 Robe of Mist T4 T1 U2 R3 Dryad Rune T4 T1 R2 R3 Cyclone Rune R4 R1 U2 U3 Phero Rune R4 T1 T2 T3 Fine Bone China R4 R1 T2 T3 Prosperity Rune or Fortune Rune R4 R1 R3 D2 Chaos Shield U4 T1 D3 T2 Landscape Painting U4 T1 R2 D3 Rubber Duck U4 T1 U2 U3 Hunter Rune U4 U1 T2 T3 Thunder Rune U4 U1 T2 T3 Flowing Rune U4 T1 T2 T3 Goddess Statue U4 R1 R2 R3 Fortune Rune ~Ranch~ The ranch is where Yuzu hangs out. Whenever you find a farm animal, catch it and sheâll take care of it for you. Of course, this really increases the food supply of the restaurant in your castle quite a bit. ~Farm~ Right next to the ranch is this farm. Bring Tony seeds to plant and youâll have a garden in no time at all. ~The Band~ When youâve gotten Albert, Pico and Annallee to join, you can talk to them and theyâll play you any background music you want to hear from the game. Oh, by the way, be sure to listen to the neat-o morning music (nicely titled Beautiful Morning)!!! ~Richmond~ Richmond can give you nice hints on where to find new recruits, and how to get them. He also tells you secrets about the people in your army! -Mini Games- ~The Old Whack-A-Mole Game~ Location: The Farm Owner: Tony Tonyâs garden has a lot of moles that need to be beaten, and so you can beat them for him! Alright!! There are about four difficulty levels, beat the four of them and youâll get some Mole armor. ~Fishing~ Location: The Docks Owner: Yam Koo Fishing is probably the easiest mini game. Simply keep the power gauge in the big bar going up and down; and youâll have a fish, or a boot. The list goes on. The best fish is Salmon, which can be sold for over 4000p. ~Dancing~ Location: The room behind the stage Owner: Karen This can get kinda tough, for me especially cause my reflexes arenât that great. This game has five levels of hardness, and stages four and five are random when it comes to the dance! However, levels one two and three have set dance steps to follow. Level 1: Triangle Square Circle X Triangle X Circle Square Level 2: Triangle Square Circle X Triangle X Circle Square Triangle Square Circle X Triangle X Circle Square Level 3: Circle Square Triangle Triangle Square X Circle X Circle Square Triangle Triangle Square X Circle X Circle Square Triangle Triangle Square X Circle X Level 4: Random, but watch out for the use of the L1 and R1 buttons. Level 5: Same as Level four. As you can plainly see, it gets much hardy each dance. You can win some nice stuff from this, though, so good luck! ~The Climbing Game~ Location: Through the door above the restaurant Owner: The owner of this mini game has no name This is pretty interesting, I must say. There are three leagues; they all have their own prizes and prices to play. Itâs pretty much just a big board game, really. But even so, there are some really nice prizes to be won! To make it really annoying though, the prizes are chosen at random and depend on if you came in 1st, 2nd, or 3rd. The Expert 10000p League: 3rd 2nd 1st Mega Medicine Ninja Suit Turtle Plans 4 Graffiti Silverlet Goldlet Sunglasses Sexy Wink Celadon Urn Mantle Kite Shield Kaikioku Wear Millet Dumpling Gold Bar Dog Whistle The Intermediate 5000p League: 3rd 2nd 1st Medicine Stone of Power Invisible Smile Boots Magic Stone Ninja Suit Failure Urn Boulder Set Silver Shield Lubricating Oil Secret Writings Deer Antler Blur Dragon Urn Leisure Set The Beginner 1000p League: 3rd 2nd 1st Medicine Teriyaki Karate Uniform Wooden Shoes Gauntlet Cup of Promise Hex Doll Blow of Anger Card Sun Patch National Outfit Wide Urn Rose Bouquet And thatâs about it! Even though this game can be frustrating, itâs also fun, sometimes. ? ~Chinchirorin~ Location: Barracks Owner: Shilo Once you get Shilo, you can have the pleasure of playing this outstandingly annoying and frustrating game any time you want!!! YEAH!!!! ~Cooking~ Location: Restraint Owner: None This is probably the most popular mini game in Suikoden 2. But it would be a waste of my time to write an ingredients list or something, since there are several on the Internet! When you recruit Hai Yo, strange chefs will appear and challenge him all the time. Be sure to visit the restaurant often to see if a new chef is there. -Anything I Might Have Missed- This section is always open for people to send me anything they want me to put up about the castle that I missed. I only have one thing at the moment, and that is this list of things to do in your bath. And Iâve only heard of these things, Iâve never bothered to do any of them yet. So if you want to tell me any more things to do for bath time fun, or want to tell me what some of these combos do, feel free. First you have to get all the flying squirrels. Now you need all the character that show up on the stone tablet, then you have to have access to all towns, finish all the cooking contest then when you have done all of the above go to where your dock is in your castle. Characara will appear near Yam Koo, chase him until his friends appear (Ruladia, and the other one) then they are yours to control. There are several hammers hidden throughout the world. Bring these hammers to Tessai and you can automatically jump one of your weapons to a very nice level. Bring Viktor and Flik into the cypress bath. Bring Viktor and Flik into the jungle bath. With any party, put six Blue Dragon Vases around the bath and two Landscape Paintings. Enter the bath 20 times once your castle reaches level four. Put six Vases and two Flower Paintings Around the bath. If you put 6 hex dolls and 2 Graffitiâs in the bath, The Hex dolls' eyes begin to shine, and the Graffitiâs eyes begin to bleed. Put six Hex Dolls around the bath. Put six Chinese Dishes all around the bath. Put six Pertain Lamps around the bath. _-_-_-_-_-_-_-SUGGESTION BOX LETTERS-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ This isnât a necessary section of the game, or the guide, but I found a lot of these letters interesting and funny. These are, by the way, in alphabetical order, but since I donât have many up yet it just seems like I just typed them up. But I didnât! Alphabetical all the way! If you have any letters youâd like to submit, go for it! Send them to jook@ignmail.com! ARE YOU GOOD? From Captain Gengen Jonathan, are you good? Gengen is trying very hard to be good solder. Me work hard as a bee. Gengen A KNIGHTâS PLEDGE Lord Hero, as a knight in the service of justice and good, I vow to aid you in any way I can. Maximillian A FANTASTIC LETTER I'm strong and I can use magic. I know you must be happy to have me on your side, but I don't like it when you take me out of the party. Got it? Zamza AMAZING TRICK I taught Bonaparte a new trick. I call it "Swallow the Man". I'll show it to you later. Bye- bye. Millie BEST OF THE BEST!!! Iâve been traning. Iâm faster then ever. Faster then the wind! Stallion BUSTED AGAIN That thing on Gadget is busted again. Heâs making so much noise. Maybe I should tighten his thingamajig. Meg BONAPARTE Bonaparte is so cute. When he saw this box, he wanted to pee on it. But I stopped him. Tee hee hee. Millie COME BY SOMETIME Why don't you come by and see us once in a while. I think Bolgan misses you. Eilie CLEAN UP, BRO This room really needs a good going over. I moved the dresser and it was so dusty back there! Hoi COME ON BY Sir Hero, Hey there. Why don't ya come by. I'll tell ya all about the country I'm from. Amada EXTRA CRYSTALS If youâve got extra crystals, bring them to me. You canât find the scrolls I make anywhere else. Give them a try. Raura the Scribe ENCERAGE HIM Bolgan has been coming a lot recently and has been studying really hard. If you see him, please tell him how proud you are of him. Emilia FANTASTIC LETTER #3 With me on your side, you have no excuse for losing. Just remember that and weâll have no problems. Zamza GREAT CAPTION Captain Gengen showed me how to use a sword today. Captain Gengen is so strong! Gobocha GREAT CAPTAIN #2 Todat Captain Gengen taught me how to track enemies. You have to sort out the different smells. Gobocha GREAT CAPTIAN #3 Captain Gengen taught me how to swim today. He can stay underwater for 15 minutes! The fisherman was so surprised, he jumped in too! Gobocha HEY! This is the suggestion box, huh. Just wanted to see if youâd read this. Hee hee hee. See ya, bro. Nanami HA HA HA HA HA· I know your secret. Sid HE HE HE!! This is a cursed letter. If you donât pass it on to 5 more people, youâll be cursed. Have a nice day. Cid HOUSE IN RYUBE Lord Hero, Iâve left a bunch of tools at my home in Ryube. I canât do without them. Tsai HEALTH WARNING Lord Hero, youâve been looking tired lately. Please remember your health comes first. Huan HOW DOES THIS SOUND? I want to write a letter to Flik. How does this sound? ăLord Flik, youâre as lovely as a star in the sky·ä From Nina HEY BRO Hope your working hard. As for me, I'm giving it all I've got. Hoi I WANT ONE! Next I want a cute little pink piglet. Yuzu I DONâT THINK Lord Hero, I donât think Iâm cut out to be a warrior. What do you think? Hix IS IT REALLY OK Is it really okay for me to be in the New Army? I feel so out of place. Karen IâM HAPPY Dâya know what? Taro· Taro loves Yuzu! Yuzu I DONâT GET IT Why aren't people nicer to my little sweetie, Bonaparte? He's very nice... once you get to know him. Millie I REALLY MESSED UP I made a slight teleporting error earlier. I was aiming for the restaurant, but I wound up in the men's bath. Boy were they surprised! Your Viki IâM SO EMBERESSED· I'm so embarrassed to be asking you this, but what kind of women do men like? I need some advice. Teresa I MISS MY FUTON I just can't get used to these 'beds' of yours.... I'd appreciate it if you could do something about it. Mondo LETâS GET TOGETHER· Hero, why donât ya come visit me at the docks. The salt air smells great and we can do some fishing together. Yam Koo LIBRARY I was so surprised to hear how few of your solders read books. Fortunately more people seem to be getting interested lately. Emilia LIBRARY #2 I hope that even when he war is over, people will continue to come to the library to study and learn.... Emilia LIFE LESSON! To live is to fight!!! Long-Chan Chan MY SECOND GREAT LETTER The castle is too hot. Also there are too many people. Why donât you ask some of the less important people to leave? Zamza MY DREAM I want to work hard so I can be a great doctor like Cr. Huan someday. Tuta MY SOUL The hammer is the soul of the blacksmith. If I had better hammers, I could sharpen everyone's weapons to a higher level!!! Tessai MY PLANS I'm planning to marry Hix when we get back to our village. You'll be invited too of course. Tengaar MY DEAREST FAMILY Mary, Thomas, are you well? Iâm in the )*&^)&*^ Army now. I hope to return in the spring. Love, Gilbert MY THANKS Thanks to the Celadon Urn you gave me, I know have 100 vases and my collection is complete. I thank you. Liberante MU-MU!! MUMUMU? Mu-Mu, Mu!!! MUMUMU..... MU-MU-MU· "Mu-Mu? MUMUMU???" MU-MU-MU... "MU-MUN, MUN? MUMUMUMU...." NEEDS EXERSISE That Marlowe guy is always reading books. I think I'll drag him to the dojo for some exercise. Koyu OKAY, HOW ABOUT THIS? Iâm going to try a more mature approach. Howâs this sound: ăCiao, Flik. How ARE you? Iâm laying in bed in my pajamas·ä From Nina PLEASE DO SOMETHING With all these villages and forts disappearing, itâs hard to keep the map updated. Please end this war soon. Templton PLEASE COME Hello!!! Please come to the restaurant! I will make something special for you!!! Hai Yo PICNIC We had a picnic today. It was fun. I ate lots of food. Bolgan PLEASE Please Lord Hero. Please make Hix into a true warrior. Tengaar PLEASE I'm leaving Koyu up to you. He's not smart, but he's lovable just the same. Lo Wen RICHMOND INVESTIGATIONS Remember that all my investigations are handled absolutely discreetly. Loose lips sink ships. Richmond SLOW DOWN From Captain Gengen, Jonathan, donât work too hard. You might hurt yourself. Come talk to Gengen is you feel sad, okay. Gengen STRIKE WITH YOUR MIND To strike truly with your sword, you must strike truly with your mind. Genshu SORRY Oh, sorry about that last letter. I mixed you up with someone else. Donât worry, I won't do it again. Your Viki SO NICE Everyone here is nice. Itâs a pleasure to wash their cloths. Yoshino SUGGESTION Hey, Lets get some more cute girls to join our army. Sheena STRANGE MORTALS I still do not fully understand you mortals. But I enjoy that wine your friend Viktor sometimes brings me when he is lonely. Sierra THATâS WEIRD I had to take Gadget apart and put him back together. There were a few screws left when I was done though.... I hope it's okay. Meg THEN HOWâS THIS· How's this: "Dearest Flik. I love thee as a bee loves a flower...." Well, that's just a first draft, but you get the idea... From Nina THANK YOU Lord Hero, Iâll never forget how you helped me find the coin that day at the river. Thank you. Apple THANKLESS WORK Considering how much people use my elevator, you would think I could get a 'thank you' once in a while. Don't you agree? Adlai THANKS Thank you for saving Bright. Iâll take good care of him. I promise. Futch TELL ME Tell me if you find any new clues about the Sindar. Don't tell you-know-who! From Lorelai THE BEST The food here is great! The best!!!! Rikimaru THANKS Lord Hero, thank you. Iâm so happy that you listened to my singing in South Window. Iâll never forget you. Annallee TODAYâS LESSON Today, sensei taught me the secret art of kicking. It's all in the back... Wakaba TODAYâS LESSON #2 Sensei is still so much stronger than me. I've got a lot to learn still. More training, I guess. Wakaba RATS Lately, the warehouse has been full of rats. Please do something about it·. Barbara WHAT ABOUT IT? Did Apple say anything about me? Tell me if you hear anything, okay? Sheena WINDOW SET I saw a Window Set in Greenhill. I wonder what happened to it... Tenkou YOU STRONG From Captain Gengen, Jonathan, you are very strong now. Not as strong as me, but strong enough. Me proud of you. Gengen Here are three letters that I donât know the titles for: I'm not as accomplished a phonologies as my father yet, but I hope to be someday. Connell I've gotten used to your lovely castle, but the more I'm here the more I wish I realize I belong in Greenhill. Teresa Wisemail Lord Hero, forgive me. I mistakenly put a letter to my family into this box Gilbert _-_-_-_-_-_-_-THE OLD BOOKS-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ The old books found throughout the game are interesting at the most, they contain information about a number of things you wouldnât normally find out during the game. There are 8 books in all, but these are all Iâve found. If youâve gotten all the books, Iâm open to contributions. If you DO send me one of the books (that is, what the book says), Iâll be sure to put it up. Thank ya. Seeker of Sindar (Personal note about the book: The Sindar are a very strange addition to Suikoden 2. About three of your recruits are people looking for the Sindar treasure, and it makes me wonder if theyâll be mentioned anymore throughout the Suikodens.) Page 1: I spent my life chasing the secrets of the Sindar, but here in these ruins, Page 2: Iâve reached the end of my strength. And so I write some of what Iâve learned. Page 3: The Sindar are a phantom race. They have become known throughout history and yet their true nature is a mystery. Page 4: They came from the north and traveled south, leaving mysterious ruins behind them. Page 5: Legends say the clan leader had a cursed rune inscribed in him forehead. Page 6: It granted eternal life but doomed the clan to a life of wondering. Page 7: They say a secret treasure lies in the heart of the ruins, Page 8: but there are many traps, and most seekers only find death, like myself· Rare Find List (Personal note about the book: One of the more useful books of the game. It contains a list of Rare Finds for a lot of the town throughout the game. However, once you buy the Rare Finds, this book wonât do you much good.) Page 1: Ryube: Leather Coat, Brass Armor. Toto: Feather Hat. Page 2: Kyaro: Winged Boots. Muse: Sun Badge, Guard Robe, Circuret, Water Crystal, Fury Crystal. Page 3: Coronet: Tunic, Karate Uniform. Kuskus: Sacrificial Jizo. Page 4: South Window: Half Plate, Kite Shield, Water Crystal. Radat: Speed Ring, Sound Set #5, Magic Robe. Page 5: Lakewest: Headgear, Earth Crystal. Two River: Guard Ring, Silver Hat, Wizard Crystal. Page 6: Kobold Village: Gold Emblem, Heavy Necklace. Greenhill: Draining Crystal. Forest Village: Scale Mail. Page 7: Rockaxe: Silverlet, Brass Armor, Thunder God Garb. Highway Village: Rabbit Plans #2, Thunder Armlet. Page 8: Banner Village: Rose Brooch, Rabbit Plans #3, Full Plate. Gregminster: Winged Boots, Mangosh, Mother Earth Crystal, Flowing Crystal. Page 9: Tinto Town: Skill Ring, Wind Hat, Tunic, Kaikyoku Wear. Crom: Magic Ring. Character List (Personal note about the book: This doesnât actually list every recruit in the game, but actually just a few. And it doesnât tell you how to recruit them, it just tells you about them and where they can be located.) Page 1: Clive: From the Howling Voice Guild is chasing a ăwoman.ä Be careful of his gun. Page 2: Oulan: Trying to rid Kuskus of a thief who preys on all female parties. Page 3: Zamza: Seen in South Window. A master a magic and fists, he can also be seen in Toto. Page 4: Killy: Hunts for the secrets of the Sindar. Seems to be exploring in South Window. Page 5: Hoi: A thief who goes in and out of Radat. Page 6: Simone Vedricci: Staying in Radat while he studies away from home. Page 7: Pesmerga: Black Knight seens in Toran as well as the Cave of the Winds. Page 8: Jeane: Rune master from Toran. Opened a shop in Two River. Page 9: Meg, Gadget: Apprentice to a machination. Seen traveling from Greenhill to Muse. Page 10: Genshu: Seen at the inn in Coronet. Travels the world to improve his swordsmanship. The Gate Rune War (personal note about the book: If you, for some reason, didnât play the first Suikoden, this will possibly shed some light on the Toran Republic. If you DID play the first game, you will have lived the book, and then some. So, aside from getting to read about yourself, the book is rather useless.) Page 1: The war in which the Toran Republic defeated the Scarlet Moon Empire is known as the ăGate Rune Warä or the ăLiberation War.ä Page 2: The first leader of the victorious Liberation Army was a woman named Odessa Silverburg. Page 3: She was originally emperial nobility, but her lover was killed by the Empire and Page 4: so she joined the Resistance and formed the Liberation Army. Page 5: The original members were Flik, Humphery and Sanchez, but according to another member, Viktor, Page 6: the later victorys were due to the intervention of McDohl, the son of the 6th emperial general. Page 7: During the war, Odessa was killed and McDohl took over leadership over the Liberation Army. Page 8: McDohl followed the advice of General Mathiu and set up Hora Castle as the new Liberation Army base. Page 9: After many battles, they succeeded in over throwing emperor Barbossa. Page 10: However after helping form a new nation McDohl journeyed off somewhere without seeing the fruits of his long labors. The Grasslands (personal note on the book: Iâve heard rumors that the Grasslands are where the next game may take place. If that turns out to be true, then this will be enlightened a little bit. This book is very short, one of the shortest books you find, and it doesnât give much info on the actual Grasslands. It just tells you its location (north of Tinto), and who live there, etc. Anyway, this really makes me want Suikoden 3 to hurry up to see if this is where it takes place· Itâs ever so mysterious· Page 1: The Grasslands are a grassy plain stretching from the western part of Tinto to the north. Page 2: Many different peoples live there, and are trying to take control of it. Page 3: Tinto plans on more raids in the future, but theyâre hindered by the Grasslanders, Page 4: particularly the Karaya and Chisya clans, as well as the Free Knights of Camaro. Page 5: Recently, border attacks by a group of thieves called the ăKeeper of the Flameä have increased. Page 6: (blank) _-_-_-_-_-_-_-FAQ-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ Where the more common questions end up. Q: How do you use the Blinking Mirror? Lepant has already given it to me, but it doesn't show up in my inventory. A: It shows up in the ÎSpecial Itemsâ section of your inventory; the same place the Listening Runes are, and the Suiko Map. Q: Who can where the Windspun Armor? A: I hear Miklotov can wear it with no problems. _-_-_-_-_-_-_-THANK YOUâS-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ Iâd like to thank Feral (FeralNoa@aol.com) for his armor list and information (i.e, pointing out some of my mistakes). And Odin135 (Odin135@hotmail.com) for his huge character list which was very helpful. Jakob for all his tons of info. Tim Saxton for his very nifty recruiting trick for· dang· what were there names? The big octopus guys? ? Elizabeth Hollinger for directions, HP levels, secrets, and her Players Guide published by Prima, which all that stuff is contained in.