
Secret of Mana - Screen Shots
6.20.2001 More Screenshots
Title screen The introduction Apparently he can't bend over far enough to catch you
Hmm, what's that? I'll just pull it out... Guess that was a bad idea
Be all that you can be Here's one way to get the girl And here's another
Boss go boom! You'll be seeing a lot of him Sealing the Seeds
Every spell's a summon, and the game doesn't take a year! A daring mode of transportation Here we goooooooo!
Obligatory comic relief villains Unusual decorating A sinister being
No eating the villagers! Big Bird isn't supposed to kill! Your friendly cat salesman
The almighty ring menu Interesting spell Your trusty steed
Atop the mighty beast Is cloning morally wrong? One of the toughest bosses... and coolest looking
Shades of Magus' castle Just take the subway! The unfriendly skies
A vicious dragon Some spells get special effects at a high enough level Yet another dragon
The mighty Mana Tree    
Mana sword Throne room Village

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